Are you the shy type and have a crush on a super popular girl or woman? And when you get close to her, maybe you don't even know what to talk about to start a conversation? Contrary to what you think, it's not that complicated to get close to the girl of your dreams. Women aren't that hard to understand. Thanks to this article you will be able to find out in a few simple steps how to learn to talk to the girl you like!

Step 1. Find out about her before you approach her
Say hello to her in the hallways or ask her to lend you a pen or something. But avoid stalking her and following her everywhere without talking to her. He may find your behavior disturbing.

Step 2. When you're ready to really talk to her, approach her and give her a compliment, no matter what kind
Just remember not to pick an embarrassing topic, like, “I like it when you're not wearing makeup. You look much more natural”. Compliment her on the shoes or jewelry she wears. With clothes, in general, you are on the safe side. A good example would be: “I like the color of your shirt. Make your eyes stand out”.

Step 3. Smile
Try to sound happy when you talk to her. Hide your nervousness. He may think you don't like his company.

Step 4. Attach button
Even banal phrases like "My cousin has the same haircut as you" or "Do you want a cigarette?" they can start a good conversation.

Step 5. Be yourself
Don't pretend you're a heartbreaker. Try to be spontaneous and natural! If she doesn't like you for who you are, she doesn't deserve you. Things obviously change if you've been rude to her.
- Dress well and take a shower. Women love hygiene. A little cologne is fine, but don't overdo it!
- Don't talk to other girls when you are with her, especially in a romantic way! (of course, members of your family are the exception).
- Try to bring out your inner qualities. If you are a good artist, for example, you could make a drawing of yourself, or a portrait of him.
- Don't brag too much.
- Don't insult her!
- If she isn't interested in you or ignores you, walk away. Try not to get offended or take it personally - the best thing to do is to keep going.