Are there days when you are really desperate because you have to go to school? Well, it happens to everyone! Here are some tips for convincing your parents / guardians to let you stay at home so you can finally breathe that good sigh of relief!

Step 1. If staying home while skipping school is not a last minute decision, start faking illness a day or two before the day you intend to stay home

Step 2. Use makeup to look paler than usual, apply blush on the nose and forehead and blend some eyeliner under the eyes to simulate dark circles

Step 3. Play the part of the patient well
Being good actors is vital.

Step 4. Don't act like you want to stay home
If your parents suggest it, say you want to go, but point out how unwell you feel immediately afterwards.

Step 5. Be very apathetic around your parents or teachers

Step 6. Try to look tired from your face and let your expression show that you are uncomfortable
Act as if you were on another planet without paying attention to your surroundings.

Step 7. Don't talk
Speak only if you have to and do it in a softer voice, as if you are worried.

Step 8. Touch your forehead pretending to have a fever

Step 9. Make little moans
Don't overdo it, though.

Step 10. Go to the sink with a tired look and tired eyes, then grab a wet towel and put it on your head
Tell your parents you have a headache.
Method 1 of 2: Stomach pain

Step 1. Take deep breaths in the presence of your parents and wherever they can hear you

Step 2. If asked what you want to eat, say you are not hungry

Step 3. Don't smile
If your parents try to cheer you up, or say something funny, hint at a pained smile (smile with half your mouth, with slightly sad eyes).
Step 4. Breathe through your mouth only
In some cases, you can breathe through your teeth.

Step 5. Don't talk
Speak only if you have to and do it in a softer voice, as if you are worried.
Step 6. Make little moans
Don't overdo it, though.

Step 7. Try to sit or lie down as much as possible in front of yours
If you have to walk somewhere (bathroom, etc.), act as if it hurts to stand up, and lean forward slightly when walking (not too far forward).
Method 2 of 2: Sore throat

Step 1. Run your throat continuously
Step 2. Tell your parents that your throat hurts and don't talk too much

Step 3. Ask them to get you a cough syrup and keep it next to your bed
- Don't be greedy in trying to take two days off; your parents will get suspicious if you felt better the day you skipped school and then sick again the next morning. They may also take you to the doctor (see below).
- Don't go around the house or your parents might get suspicious, scold you, and send you to school.
- Try to avoid them taking you to the doctor. The day you are home "sick", DO NOT act as if you are getting worse! Say you feel a little better. Don't make it too obvious how much better you feel, but try to do it anyway. You don't have to magically get back in shape as soon as school finishes.
- If your parents take you to the doctor and he prescribes you a drug, even if Not you're sick, do not get it. Pretend to and throw it away when your parents don't see you.