Do you want to make a good impression on the girl of your dreams? This article will tell you how.

Step 1. Look after your appearance
This does not mean that you have to wear a tuxedo, you can also safely put on a nice pair of jeans and a shirt. Put on a buttoned shirt (leaving the collar unbuttoned), put it inside your jeans and combine it, if you like, with a jacket. If you're going to an expensive restaurant, add a tie as well. Don't wear dress pants, but wear your favorite jeans, but they don't have to be ripped or dirty.

Step 2. Don't wear clothes with vulgar writing
Avoid shirts with tacky jokes and instead choose shirts with particular / vintage writings, or that are not found in all stores. They will make you more special and you will give the impression of not being obsessed with big brands, but who cares about their style.

Step 3. Be polite
This point is crucial for a successful date. No girl likes rude and grumpy guys; however, try not to be too formal.

Step 4. Be polite at the table
Chew with your mouth closed, don't drink loudly, don't talk with your mouth full, don't burp, don't fart and don't do anything disgusting or else your date will be OVER! Put the napkin on your legs and don't roll it up in your shirt!

Step 5. Don't fully focus the conversation on yourself
Just talking about yourself will make you seem arrogant. Ask her questions, for example, about her studies, family, etc. Since this is your first date, don't ask her too personal things, especially if she seems uncomfortable. Also, be funny and make her laugh.

Step 6. Greet each other well
Hug each other, kiss her cheek if you want, but don't give her too intimate kisses yet. Call her within 2-3 days after the appointment, and if she doesn't answer, leave a message on the answering machine without saying why you called her, ask her to call you back and possibly leave her your phone number again even if she already has it.

Step 7. Remember this is your first date and she is likely to be just as nervous as you are, so don't be too critical
Just try to create a fun and relaxing evening.
- The secret is not to pretend. You have to get to know each other to figure out if she's the right girl for you, so the best thing to do is be yourself.
- You don't have to spend a lot of money, and you shouldn't do it on first dates anyway because girls see it as a vain act, or they might think you're trying to buy their affection, which never works. Do you want to offer her an ice cream? No problem. Conversely, if you walk past a store and ask her if she wants me to buy her anything she likes, that's not good. You have all the time you want to buy her gifts if the relationship works.
- Keep the conversation alive; the worst that can happen is a date with long silences. Don't be shy and if you need to, practice in front of a mirror.
- Beware of girls who only think about themselves. If she spends all her time talking about herself, texting friends, etc. then she's not the girl for you.
- Compliment her, but not all the time. A couple of compliments are perfect.
- When you speak, be sure to make eye contact with her, but remember not to stare.
- If there is something you don't like about her, don't stop hanging out with her and don't avoid her, unless she has been rude or surly. Next time it might be different.
- If, on the other hand, you like challenges and difficult girls, don't follow the previous advice and have fun.