In the sport of boxing, there are several activities to be included in the current training routine to increase, improve and develop the speed of reflexes and punches. Keep reading this guide to learn about the different ways you can develop and increase speed when boxing.

Step 1. Practice boxing with a heavy bag
In addition to increasing the power and strength of your punches, there is a specific training that allows you to improve the speed of hitting with a heavy bag.
- Push the bag to generate a slow swing rhythm, then position yourself at arm's length from the bag as it swings.
- Move your body back and forth following the rhythm of the bag, then throw punches directed at the bag as it moves towards you.
- Move back slightly as the bag moves away, then return to punch it with straight fists as it swings towards you.
- Keep throwing straight punches at the bag until you are comfortable with the routine, then throw in a variety of moves for the workout; as a series of 1 and 2 direct hit combinations, add rotations and turns to the workout, or switch to the opposite side of the bag as it swings away from you to throw straighter punches.

Step 2. Perform the jump rope quickly
Fast skipping will help develop the muscles used for fast punches; then the fast twitch muscle fibers located in the upper back and shoulders.
- Bend your knees up and down quickly, while moving your wrists quickly to jump rope.
- Enter interval training in jumping rope; for example, you could perform fast jumps for 30 seconds, then slow down the pace slightly for 10 seconds. This method can help improve focus on speed during the sprint portion of the interval.

Step 3. Use pass gloves with a training partner
By using this type of glove, you can orient your training towards speed development.
Throw combinations of 5 and 6 punches, then rotate each combination for the duration of your workout

Step 4. Use overweight during your shadowboxing routine
Wrist overweights add resistance to speed, so increase punch speed once weights are off. This method will also help strengthen the upper back and shoulder muscles.
- Perform the Shadowbox as you normally would during your boxing routine, using 0, 5, or 1kg weights for each hand.
- Stop using the weights for a few rounds and continue shadowboxing without the weights. You will notice an increase in boxing speed after training with weights.

Step 5. Use a double strap bag
This method allows you to focus on hand-eye coordination as well as develop hand speed.
- Hit the bag several times with the Jab, then gradually enter the Cross and other punches and combinations.
- Keep doing jabs and crosses until you can start throwing combinations of 6 to 8 punches in the bag.

Step 6. Use the speed of the bag to improve punch times and punch speed
The speed of the sac will also train the fast-twitch muscle fibers located in the back and upper shoulder.
Create smaller sack swings to reduce the circumference of the circles that form when you hit the sack. For example, if your fists make the sack form a circumference of 20 centimeters, modify the fists so that the circumference is approximately 15 centimeters

Step 7. Practice reflex exercises
You can develop speed by performing techniques that allow you to instantly switch from a relaxed to a fighting stance.
- Walk at a moderate pace around your training zone and focus on deep breathing to help your body relax.
- Ask a friend to shout out technical commands every now and then, to which you will respond immediately by assuming a fighting stance and throwing 4 or 5 combinations of punches at the maximum speed possible.
- Do several rounds of this exercise during each boxing workout.