As much as you may love your sister, she will surely get on your nerves sometimes. If you are looking for ways to make them pay, then you have found the right article! We provide you with various possible pranks to play on your sister, and they are all hilarious, but also safe and fun.
Method 1 of 6: Formulate the Perfect Prank for Your Sister

Step 1. Think about your sister's character
Of course you know her - she is your sister after all, and you probably live and grew up together. Yet, before conceiving the perfect joke, it is important to think about his character and temperament: what kind of person is he? How do you think he will react to the joke?
- Do you like jokes? Are you having fun? If so, you probably have more choice.
- Do you have a sensitive and / or touchy sister? In this case, you should be careful about the types of pranks you play on her. You shouldn't hurt his feelings enough to endanger your relationship.

Step 2. Think about his particular interests
In trying to conceive a unique joke, don't forget to identify your sister's interests and hobbies. You'll get longer lasting effects by finding a fun way to make fun of something she likes.
- Is your sister sporty? If so, then you could focus on this, always being careful not to cross the line and destroy something important for her.
- For example, if your sister is a football fanatic, you can deflate her ball a little every night. It will have to continually re-inflate it (it will be fun to watch!) But you won't have destroyed anything.
- Another example: maybe your sister is a book lover who disdains the lowest literature. You can remove his favorite classics from the covers and replace them with the “The Hunger Games” saga.
- Think about her face when she takes Little Women off the shelf and ends up with Katniss's dilemmas instead! And who knows, maybe he will decide to read it anyway and will discover that the saga is famous not without reasons!

Step 3. Reflect on your relationship with your sister
It is as important to think about a joke in line with his personality, as it is to think carefully about the dynamics of your relationship.
- You may see yourself as very easy going, but if you and your sister don't always see her in the same way (maybe she's not that outgoing), then choosing the wrong joke - or playing too many - could damage your relationship.
- Try to think about the points of contact between the two of you: if you both love cooking, for example, choosing a joke around a common interest could lead you to laugh at it together.

Step 4. Find jokes that don't make her the victim of a heavy joke
The best jokes are the ones where everyone involved can laugh together (at least at the end). You don't want your sister to be the one laughed at.
- Finding the fine line between a joke that embarrasses her, surprises her or confuses her, and ones in which she is mortified or scared to death can be tricky. Still, it's important not to delve into this cruel territory.
- A guideline to keep in mind to avoid crossing that line is to think about how you would react to reversed parts.
- For example, if your sister entered your phone and changed her contact with that of your girlfriend, would you be slightly irritated and / or embarrassed, or would you feel deeply violated?
- Don't do to her what you wouldn't want done to you!

Step 5. Find jokes that don't endanger her
Just as you don't want to hurt his feelings, you don't want him physically hurt either.
- You can find a lot of ideas that can make a person fall, or with traps that fall on the unsuspecting victim.
- If all goes well, and no one gets hurt, they can be fun. Keep in mind, though, that the development of a joke, once it starts, is not usually up to you.
- For example, there will be nothing to laugh about if your sister falls the wrong way and gets hurt by banging her head on a corner because of the wax you put on the kitchen floor.

Step 6. Be creative
Below, we offer tried and tested ideas for playing pranks, many of which are now classics. Once you have calculated the unique characteristics of your relationship, feel free to choose your favorites.
- Keep in mind that the best jokes, however, are the ones that are creative, new, and sewn specifically around the person you have in mind.
- That said, use your imagination to come up with unique jokes that make her think "How did you come up with that !?" rather than "How could you !?".
Method 2 of 6: Mess with Her Food

Step 1. Put the salt in her cereal
It is a great classic. When your sister is distracted, put a few tablespoons of salt in her cereal and be prepared to watch her confusion as she gulps down the first spoonful, still half asleep!
If your sister is more cautious (maybe she knows you by now?) And keeps an eye on you while she's having breakfast, you can always put salt first, but you risk wasting an entire box or playing a joke on your parents too

Step 2. Freeze the grains
Here is a variation of the previous surprise: put the whole cup of his favorite cereal in the freezer while he sleeps. Make sure you put the spoon in the cup as well, then put everything in the freezer. Make sure you go to the kitchen before her in the morning and get her cereal out.
- Watch her try to figure out what's going on as she picks up the spoon and lifts the whole bowl!
- You can also freeze her fruit juice at the same time.

Step 3. Surprise her with a fizzy drink
Your sister will think you're so nice to bring her one. He doesn't know that you shaken it before giving it to him.
Yes, this is also a classic, but rightly so! Nothing beats the effect of the drink on your face

Step 4. Try a variant
Is your sister crazy for fizzy drinks or sparkling water? If so, this simple joke is for you: rotate the can tab 180 degrees and watch her try to figure out why the can won't open.
You can improve this joke by removing the tabs entirely and watching her discover that all of her cans are "faulty"

Step 5. Leave her a sweet surprise
Does your sister love sweets? Well, then she won't be able to resist the bowl of candy you bring her: buy packs of Skittles, M & Ms and chocolates and mix them up. These colorful candies are great on their own, but mixed up? Ugh!
This is great to keep aside for when your sister is having a party and won't want you around. You can hit both her and her friends in one fell swoop

Step 6. Offer her a surprise donut
It's another great joke for when inviting friends over to sleep. Buy a dozen cream donuts and suck the cream up with a large syringe (just keep it aside for yourself - you deserve it!). Then replace it with mayonnaise.
- When they come down for breakfast the next morning, they'll think it's a gift from your parents. Get your camera ready to document their first (and last) bites!
- You can buy jam donuts and replace it with barbecue sauce - disgusting!

Step 7. Make a caramelized "dessert" for your sister
This joke is perfect for Halloween: your sister will not be able to resist the tray of caramelized "apples" in the kitchen. This joke requires some preparation but it is not difficult:
- Peel some raw onions (just one will likely be more suspicious) and stick them with a toothpick.
- Take a bag of toffee and unwrap them.
- Place the candies in a microwave-safe bowl with 2 teaspoons of milk and heat until dissolved (about 2 minutes, stirring occasionally).
- Put the onions in the caramel, making sure they are completely coated, then put everything in the fridge to set the coating.
Method 3 of 6: Messing Up His Tricks

Step 1. Make a sweet face
Your sister must be a heavy sleeper for this prank: sneak into her room while she sleeps and sprinkle her face with honey. Prepare to be awakened by her screams the next morning!
Be sure to hide the evidence - put the honey back in the kitchen and wash the spoon you used

Step 2. Prepare a tasty shower
It's a great joke to combine with the sweet face: remove the end of the shower in the bathroom used by your sister, and put a chicken broth cube in it. When your sister runs to the bathroom to wash the honey off her face (and hair and hands!) She'll be sprinkled with warm broth!
- It may be useful to chop the nut a little, so that it dissolves more quickly with the water, and in order to make the shower better fit again.
- This joke works best if your sister has her own bathroom; you don't want to accidentally annoy your parents! Otherwise, you will have to enter the bathroom just before your sister.

Step 3. Prepare a special hair treatment for your sister
Here's a variation on the shower prank: Swap your sister's favorite shampoo for honey. When she's about to rinse, she'll end up with all sticky and filthy hair!
Your honey "shampoo" must be thin enough to come out of the bottle, so it's best to try mixing it with water, or directly with the shampoo, to get the right consistency. Make sure it's still mostly honey, though

Step 4. Color her hair
Take several packs of dye and put them in her shampoo or conditioner. Green or red are the funniest colors.
Unless your sister is half asleep while washing herself, she will probably notice that the foam will be colored, but it will still be fun to hear her scream, and she will have to look for some real shampoo to remove the color

Step 5. Help your sister dry her hair perfectly
When she finally gets all the crap out of her hair, she'll have to comb her hair. The surprises are not over yet, however: while taking a shower (or the night before) gently put some talcum powder in the hairdryer.
When she turns it on, she will be showered with a blast of dust! And back in the shower

Step 6. Get your sister tan
It's a great joke, especially if you put cream on every day. It's also simple: empty your confidence cream and replace it with tanning oil. In a couple of days, he'll be wondering why it's changing color!
- To be even more cruel, you can do it with its emollient cream for the face, as well as that for the body.
- Try to find a self-tanner with a similar scent to your moisturizer, or you will notice it long before it takes effect.
Method 4 of 6: Mess up her room

Step 1. Wrap her a sparkling surprise
If you have some time on your hands, your sister is away for a while and you can afford various rolls of tinfoil, then you have everything you need for this joke. Wrap tinfoil around anything that is packable in his room.
Start with the small items on the shelves and shelves, and then move on to the larger items, including the bed

Step 2. Fill his room with your photos
Find a stupid photo of yourself and print several copies of it. When your sister is away, fill her room with photos of you, and enjoy her reaction when she comes back and opens the door.
- Or you can be more sneaky and hide your photos in random places. For example, on your computer monitor, on the bathroom mirror, in your closet, on your pillow …
- You don't have to hide them all at once. It can be a recurring joke, where you hide a photo of yourself every 2-3 days.

Step 3. Turn her room into a fan's dream
It is a great joke before your sister welcomes guests, whether they are friends or - better - boyfriends. Choose a famous person that your sister loved in the past and not anymore (like Britney Spears, for example).
- Buy a couple of magazines and print photos from the internet, then indulge in redecorating her room to make her look like the biggest fan ever.
- If you can afford it, invest in hardcover to place in the center of the room.
- Now you just have to get ready to watch her as she tries to explain to her friends that it's not that corny!

Step 4. Turn the room over
This joke is a bit challenging and subtle, but it's still pretty treacherous. When your sister is out and about (or even better sleeping outside), completely reverse the arrangement of the furniture in her room:
- For example, if his bed is on the left, move it to the right, swap all the objects on the dresser and put them on the opposite side, turn the wardrobe …
- Make sure you keep everything in order, folded and organized (as long as it was so in the beginning), but in the opposite order.
- When your sister comes home and asks who touched her room, pretend you have no idea what she means: "It all looks the same to me - are you okay?"
Method 5 of 6: Mess up her phone

Step 1. Exchange contacts
For this joke, you'll need to be able to steal your sister's phone for a while. When she is distracted, she goes into her phone and swaps all contact names.
- For example, if she has a boyfriend or girlfriend, swap their name for yours in the address book. You will now receive all his private messages!
- If you change her password, WRITE IT DOWN so you don't risk forgetting it and forcing your sister to go to a store and pay to unlock her phone.
- Or you can delete all the names in the phonebook and replace them with mysterious names: Guess who # 1, # 2… It will take hours before you guess them all!

Step 2. Change your passwords
If you know his passwords, you can have fun very easily. Log into his accounts - Facebook, email, Twitter… - and change his passwords. She will be very annoyed, and if you can not get caught, you can watch her typing as hard as she can, trying to figure out what happened!
Consider changing all your passwords to something like "My sister is the best in the world". He will never guess

Step 3. Change your voicemail message
When you have his phone, take a few minutes to record a new welcome message on his answering machine.
- Choose something very embarrassing: for example, imitate her voice as best you can and record “Hi, I'm Giulia, president of Justin Bieber's fan club. I'm too busy following him on Twitter to answer you, so leave a message after the beep."
- When you're done, put your phone on silent so it doesn't hear calls. When they call her, they will hear the embarrassing message on the answering machine.

Step 4. Change the autocorrect on your phone
If he's texting a lot, that's a great joke. Again, you need to steal her phone and spend time analyzing her messages. Look for words or phrases he uses a lot, like "I'm coming". Then, program the phone to correct that sentence with something embarrassing or absurd.
- For example, when he tries to write “I'm coming”, it could become “My feet stink”!
- Alternatively, you can choose something absurd and incredibly long, like an entire paragraph of a book.
Method 6 of 6: Annoying Her in General

Step 1. Give her the plague
While she sleeps, sneak into her room and dot her face with a red lipstick or washable marker. Then when she wakes up, make sure you are the first to see her: turn pale when she sees her and ask her if she feels bad.
He will run to the mirror and think he has measles (if not worse)

Step 2. "Help" your sister wake up on time
After he goes to bed, move all the clocks forward by 5 hours (but keep yours at the right time and hide it). So, set your alarm for 3 and run to your sister to tell her it's 8 and she'll be late for school.
- Watch her run here and there to try to prepare herself in time before realizing it is still dark outside.
- If your sister doesn't care about the days of the week or is little, you may be able to convince her that she is late even on Sundays. You don't even have to set your alarm clock at night for this prank!

Step 3. Set multiple alarms
Group as many alarms as you can (5 or 6 would be ideal) and set them at various intervals during the night (for example: 2, 2:30, 3 …). Hide them in your sister's room in places where she usually does not look before going to sleep (for example in the closet, in the dresser, behind the curtains …).
- Make sure you set the alarm a few minutes before the first alarm so you can witness the madness.
- Your sister might be a little irritated the next morning, having lost all that sleep, so keep your distance!

Step 4. Scare her
If you've tried the fan-girl joke and have the hardcover aside, you don't want to waste it. To optimize your purchase, place the hardcover in your sister's room late at night and place it right next to her bed.
- So, make a loud enough noise to wake her up, and cover your ears as she screams at the "intruder".
- If you don't want to spend money on full-size cardboard, you can recycle boxes: find the largest boxes you have, and with sturdy scissors cut out a human figure.
- If you're not very good at drawing, put them down and get help from a friend.
- You may need to make several pieces and then attach them to each other (use strong adhesive tape), but perfection is not needed. You just need a rough human figure - your sister will be practically asleep when she finds out.

Step 5. Convince her that she grew up suddenly
Buy a pack of large safety pins and carefully join the sides of his favorite jacket, connecting them from the inside (you're trying to make the jacket tighter). You can also fold up the ends of his jeans and the sleeves of his shirts and use the pins there as well.
- Then, put some soft insoles in her shoes. You can buy very simple ones for a few dollars: cut them out to be the same size as her shoe.
- The insoles should make the shoes look tighter. In case of wide shoes, put two on each shoe.
- Now when your sister tries to get dressed in the morning, everything will be too small and tight!
- When you prank your sister, make sure you are not using products she is allergic to or capable of causing irreparable harm.
- Avoid potentially dangerous pranks. Many joking ideas involve the use of traps in which something could fall on your sister or in which she could slip and get hurt.
- You may just want to scare her, but she may also seriously hurt herself. There is no need to be guilty of some broken bone (or worse).
- Keep in mind your sister's temperament and the nature of your relationship when deciding what kind of joke to play (and how many to do). If you have a playful relationship, they should all be harmless and fun. Be careful not to overdo it though, risking to ruin the relationship. You are still relatives!
- What goes around comes around!