How to Get Ready in Advance for the New Year's Eve Party

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How to Get Ready in Advance for the New Year's Eve Party
How to Get Ready in Advance for the New Year's Eve Party

This is a guide on how to prepare for the New Year holidays 3 months in advance.


Get Ready for Prom in Advance Step 1
Get Ready for Prom in Advance Step 1

Step 1. Start looking for the dress three months in advance

You need to find a dress that you feel comfortable in. If you have any doubts or are not sure, don't buy it. You don't want to worry on the day of the party.

Get Ready for Prom in Advance Step 2
Get Ready for Prom in Advance Step 2

Step 2. Make your appointments so that not all seats fill up and there is room for you

Nails, hair, limousines and hotel rooms are the essentials and that's all you really need. You could, of course, book a facial cleansing, but you will need at least two days to get your face back before you can do your makeup, and if this is your first time, or if you have any allergies or if you have had reactions in the past or are experiencing a new product, then you should give yourself at least five days to get your skin back.

Get Ready for Prom in Advance Step 3
Get Ready for Prom in Advance Step 3

Step 3. Start a month in advance by searching magazines, making a make-up list you need, and getting make-up ideas

Mark the pages you like and keep the instructions if you find any useful makeup tips.

Get Ready for Prom in Advance Step 4
Get Ready for Prom in Advance Step 4

Step 4. Call to confirm your appointments

It's best to make appointments in advance so that the salon isn't full when you need it. Since tanned skin looks good with any outfit you want, you can start with tanning sessions 3 to 4 times a week. A salon with tanning lamps is the place to go, because you will tan even more than outdoors. If you need to make some changes to the dress or dye the shoes, do it now.

Get Ready for Prom in Advance Step 5
Get Ready for Prom in Advance Step 5

Step 5. Make your companion fit you (ie, your suit matches his tie or vest)

Order a bouquet for your dress (corsage) and a boutonniere for him to put in the buttonhole. If you used your parents' credit card to book the bus or limo and hotel for the party, collect the money now.

Get Ready for Prom in Advance Step 6
Get Ready for Prom in Advance Step 6

Step 6. Buy tickets as soon as possible

If tickets go on sale earlier for older students, take advantage of it if you are. They end much faster than you think. Try to get the same table as your friends. Buy any last-minute accessories or jewelry and toenail polish if you're not going to have a pedicure.

Get Ready for Prom in Advance Step 7
Get Ready for Prom in Advance Step 7

Step 7. Make sure you have everything you need one week before the event

Try on the dress and make sure it fits perfectly.

Get Ready for Prom in Advance Step 8
Get Ready for Prom in Advance Step 8

Step 8. Polish jewelry and confirm appointments

It seems excessive, but it is worth confirming them.

Get Ready for Prom in Advance Step 9
Get Ready for Prom in Advance Step 9

Step 9. Confirm your appointments the day before the party

Get Ready for Prom in Advance Step 10
Get Ready for Prom in Advance Step 10

Step 10. Make a list of things you will need for after the party, such as clothes and other necessities

Get Ready for Prom in Advance Step 11
Get Ready for Prom in Advance Step 11

Step 11. Load up your phone and camera, organize your bag and, if you're going to get ready at a friend's house, arrange everything you need

Try on the dress with shoes and jewels one last time and get ready for the night at the hotel. (There will be a list in the "Things You Will Need" section).

Get Ready for Prom in Advance Step 12
Get Ready for Prom in Advance Step 12

Step 12. Invite a friend to sleep with you

If you forget something, she might remember it. Your involvement will likely infect each other, increasing your emotion.

Get Ready for Prom in Advance Step 13
Get Ready for Prom in Advance Step 13

Step 13. Wake up around 9:30 on the day of the party

Get Ready for Prom in Advance Step 14
Get Ready for Prom in Advance Step 14

Step 14. Have breakfast and eat an apple to wake up properly

Get Ready for Prom in Advance Step 15
Get Ready for Prom in Advance Step 15

Step 15. Take a bathrobe and take a bath (not a shower, bathing helps you relax)

Get Ready for Prom in Advance Step 16
Get Ready for Prom in Advance Step 16

Step 16. Wash your face and body with products that make you feel good and leave a good scent

# Shave! Use hair removal cream instead of soap to make your skin smoother. Shave your armpits, legs, bikini line (or Brazilian, if you like), and arms if your dress is sleeveless and the hair is dark.

Get Ready for Prom in Advance Step 17
Get Ready for Prom in Advance Step 17

Step 17. Get out and dry. Use pumice stone on your feet to make them softer

Get Ready for Prom in Advance Step 18
Get Ready for Prom in Advance Step 18

Step 18. Apply a revitalizing lotion

Get Ready for Prom in Advance Step 19
Get Ready for Prom in Advance Step 19

Step 19. Brush your teeth very carefully

Use a whitening mouthwash before brushing your teeth (such as Listerine whitening). Wash them with toothpaste. Floss. Use a mouthwash that does not contain alcohol or sugar.

Get Ready for Prom in Advance Step 20
Get Ready for Prom in Advance Step 20

Step 20. Get dressed (not the party dress) and polish your feet

Use a color that matches the dress. Go shopping for the after party. (There is a list of suggested after-party items in Things You'll Need.) If you are going to a friend, pack your things and go.

Get Ready for Prom in Advance Step 21
Get Ready for Prom in Advance Step 21

Step 21. Take your overcoat, if she's planning to wear it, and your purse, in which you should keep a lip gloss, a stain remover pen (for that friend who always gets dirty when she eats), and anything else necessary, such as perfume., deodorant, dental floss, tissues, pain reliever, etc

Get Ready for Prom in Advance Step 22
Get Ready for Prom in Advance Step 22

Step 22. Leave things with your friend and go to your appointments

After your appointments, go back to her house and get things ready for the hotel or after party.

Get Ready for Prom in Advance Step 23
Get Ready for Prom in Advance Step 23

Step 23. Put on your makeup, dress, shoes and jewelry

Don't forget the deodorant! Put on the perfume, whatever fragrance you want, and do the last-minute touch-ups. Then collect everything.

Get Ready for Prom in Advance Step 24
Get Ready for Prom in Advance Step 24

Step 24. At your friend's house, take some photos of your companions and other friends, if any

If possible, ask your parents to come by and take your photos. It may seem trivial, but it will be worth it in the long run and others in the party will appreciate it too.

Get Ready for Prom in Advance Step 25
Get Ready for Prom in Advance Step 25

Step 25. Go to a nice place to take pictures with all the guys from the bus or limo who are going to the party

Go to the party and have a blast!


  • If you don't have a date, go to the party anyway! You don't have to have it to have fun and you certainly won't be the only single there. When some slow showers come along, find someone else who is there alone and ask them to dance, even just as friends. Don't let anything spoil the evening - you'll remember it forever.
  • If you are going with a group of people, a bus will probably be better than a limo, as it can carry 3 times as many people as fit in a limo, depending on the size.
