3 Ways to Prank Your Friends

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3 Ways to Prank Your Friends
3 Ways to Prank Your Friends

What good are friends if not as the occasional victim of funny pranks? Pranking your friends is a great way to relax and show your affection in an alternative way. It's also a good way to take revenge for something they've done to you! Whether it's an April Fool or simply a way to improve the atmosphere at home, at work or at school, this quick guide can give you many ideas. Go to step one to get started!


Method 1 of 3: Quick and Easy Jokes

Trick Your Friends Step 5
Trick Your Friends Step 5

Step 1. Apply tape to the mouse sensor

This simple "computer prank" can drive your friend crazy for a while due to an inactive mouse, before he notices the tape. When your friend is at the computer, wait for him to walk away for a moment, then quickly put a piece of tape under the mouse to block the sensor (usually, in modern mice, it's a beam of red light). Reposition the mouse and wait for it to come back. Get comfortable and enjoy the scene!

Several older mice have a rubber ball in place of the light sensor. In this case, you could remove the ball to get the same result. However, since removing the ball could make the mouse considerably lighter, it would be even better to remove it, tape it to block the internal connections, and reposition the ball before your friend returns

Trick Your Friends Step 13
Trick Your Friends Step 13

Step 2. Coat your bar of soap or deodorant with clear nail polish

If he's a neat freak, this prank will drive him crazy! When you go to her house, bring some nail polish (it doesn't cost much and is practically everywhere). At the first opportunity, go to the bathroom and look for a bar of soap or its deodorant. Gently apply the nail polish until you create a homogeneous (but invisible) layer. The next time your friend tries to wash their hands or put on deodorant, they won't be able to figure out why it doesn't work!

Of course, this joke only works with soap and deodorant sticks. Liquid soap and roll-ons cannot be sabotaged in this way

Trick Your Friends Step 9
Trick Your Friends Step 9

Step 3. Use a “spray grenade”

A little bit of air freshener can be fine, but too much can make the whole room dirty. For this quick but highly effective prank, all you need is a can of air freshener with a trigger spray and a sturdy plastic strap. When your friend is in an enclosed space, such as their room, sneak up on them and apply the band around the deodorant trigger, but do not tighten yet. Prepare to escape, then tighten quickly and without warning - pull the strap around the trigger, throw the grenade into the room, close the door and run!

Trick Your Friends Step 2
Trick Your Friends Step 2

Step 4. Put a "fart pillow" on your friend's chair

This joke is based on the fact that flatulence is "always" funny, especially if unexpected. This joke is incredibly simple: all you have to do is wait for your friend to get up, put the pillow on the chair and let him do the rest of the work for you!

To hide it better, try tucking it under your pillow. Make sure you leave a gap to let the air out, otherwise you risk getting a bang instead of the desired "noise"

Trick Your Friends Step 3
Trick Your Friends Step 3

Step 5. Hide a stadium horn behind a door

This joke is the loudest and most shocking variant of the classic fart pillow. To perform this, you will need a can-shaped stadium horn, the noisy ones (commercially available at moderate prices) and strong adhesive tape. Remove any protections from the button, then attach the base of the horn to the wall behind the door so that the handle activates the button when it is opened. Now wait for the victim to open the door and get a memorable scare!

Obviously it will be the case to choose a door that is widely used. You will have to warn others of your joke before they fall for it. If someone else activates the trumpet, it will end up ruining your joke

Trick Your Friends Step 4
Trick Your Friends Step 4

Step 6. Scare your friends with disturbing night noises

This joke is perfect for sleepover parties. Wait until it is dark, there is silence and everyone is getting ready for bed. Step away for a moment by pretending that you have to go home to get something you forgot. Then, when you are outside, hide in a spot where they can hear you without seeing you. Start making disturbing noises very softly. For example, you could scratch against the wall and take deep breaths. Start very slowly, but raise your voice gradually, until everyone is shaking in bed!

Conclude by suddenly quitting and walking away from your hiding place. Go back to the room a few minutes later and act like nothing has happened

Trick Your Friends Step 6
Trick Your Friends Step 6

Step 7. Replace his desktop with a compelling freeze frame

This computer prank is even more effective than the mouse one, but it takes longer. When your friend is away from the computer, take a picture of the desktop with no programs or windows open. On Windows, you should then open a simple graphics program, such as Paint, paste the image into the program and cut out the menu below. Save the image and set it as wallpaper. Finally, remove all icons currently present on the desktop. When your friend returns, their desktop should look unchanged, but they won't be able to click on any of the icons! Depending on the person, it may take hours for them to understand!

In Windows, the default shortcut for saving the screen is the PRINT key (often abbreviated to something like PRT SC). As for Macs, the shortcut is CMD + SHIFT + 3

Method 2 of 3: Street Jokes

Trick Your Friends Step 7
Trick Your Friends Step 7

Step 1. Creatively substitute an ingredient in their favorite dish

One of the worst (but funniest) experiences is biting into your favorite dish and then discovering that something is wrong. If your friend is crazy about a certain snack or dish, try substituting one of the ingredients with a very similar one, but with a decidedly different taste. Eye: your friend will not be happy after this joke! Here are some ideas:

  • Replace the Oreo cream with mayonnaise or toothpaste.
  • Replace the whipped cream with melted cheese.
  • Replace sugar with salt.
  • Replace caramelized apples with onions or radishes.
  • Replace the Coke with soy sauce.
Trick Your Friends Step 1
Trick Your Friends Step 1

Step 2. "Get lost" and surprise him in the woods

It could be (literally) the oldest joke in the world. It is likely that it was done even before the advent of civilization. However, when done right, it is as simple and effective today as it was then. When you and your friends are walking outdoors (preferably in a forest, but any place with hiding places will do), let the group go on. Stand back quietly and slowly, and hide behind a tree or boulder. They will soon notice your absence and, if you are lucky, they will come back to look for you. When they get close, jump out and scream to scare them. That's all!

For an even more dramatic effect, try mimicking animal sounds while hiding. By sneaking, you may even be able to switch hiding places without them noticing

Trick Your Friends Step 8
Trick Your Friends Step 8

Step 3. "Wrap" a friend's room or car

This classic prank can take a long time, but the effects are almost always unforgettable. When your friend is out, grab some wrapping paper or post-its and completely cover their room or car (or both)! The more you cover, the better. Ideally, the room or car should be completely unrecognizable when you're done. Do not use strong glue or tape, to avoid damage. Instead, stick to light sticky sticky notes or paper tape.

  • If you use post-its, try writing an irreverent message by arranging them in the shape of letters. For example, if your victim finds out about the joke after being away from home for a long time, you could write "Welcome home!".
  • Make sure you have the permission of your friend's parents, roommates or colleagues before sneaking into his room or touching his car. To someone who is unaware of this, it may appear that you are breaking into the house with bad intentions. Getting arrested really risks ruining the joke, so always use proper precautions.
Trick Your Friends Step 10
Trick Your Friends Step 10

Step 4. Rearrange the keys on your keyboard

This computer prank takes more effort than the mouse, but its reaction will be priceless! First you need to log into his computer. Then, to be sure, check that the keyboard is unplugged from the computer and from the power. Use a thin, flat object, such as a screwdriver or small knife, to pry the keys up and out. Finally, reattach them in new positions by pushing until they "snap" into place.

  • Although you can just swap keys at random, you can also write a sarcastic message (“trouble?”, “Dumb”…) with the new arrangement. If you do, remember that you can only use each letter once.
  • Keep in mind that not all keyboards have detachable keys. If you're unsure, try searching online for the keyboard cleaning techniques in question.
  • Avoid removing the space bar as it can be very difficult to replace on some keyboards.
Trick Your Friends Step 11
Trick Your Friends Step 11

Step 5. Get him to hold a bowl of water on the ceiling

This joke is absolutely diabolical if done right, but it can get wet everywhere, so it is best to do it in a spot on the floor that cannot be damaged by water, such as a linoleum kitchen. Fill a plastic bowl (not glass or ceramic) with water, almost to the brim, then take a ladder or stool and a broom. Call your friend. Tell him you want to show him a magic trick - you will make the water disappear from the bowl without touching it, but you need his help. Climb the step with the bowl and push it against the ceiling. Then, very carefully, tell your friend to use the end of the broom to keep the bowl in contact with the ceiling. When she is holding the bowl, move the stool aside and explain that you need space for makeup. Then run away laughing!

Your friend will be stuck in a complex situation - he cannot take the bowl down because otherwise he will fall, and he will not reach into it with his hands, so he will be forced to drop it, getting wet. For this it is important to use a rigid plastic bowl

Trick Your Friends Step 12
Trick Your Friends Step 12

Step 6. Put something of your own in the jelly

This joke, made famous by The Office series, is popular mainly for its stupidity. First you will need to appropriate a small but important item from your friend. Do not choose anything that can be damaged by humidity, such as a phone or tablet. Pens and, of course, small metal objects like staplers work best. Next, you'll need a half bowl of gelatin. Let it rest, then put the object on the solid gelatin. Add more gelatin and wait for it to solidify. When the jelly is ready, the object should be suspended in the center. Leave everything where your friend usually keeps the object and wait for it to find it.

Keep in mind that the gelatin will melt slowly in the heat, so do not leave the object in a warm place or near heat-sensitive materials that could be damaged

Trick Your Friends Step 14
Trick Your Friends Step 14

Step 7. Make a balloon cake

This joke is very suitable for birthdays. First, inflate a regular balloon with air (not helium). Then place the balloon on a tray and pour the icing over it. Add small strips of real birthday cake around the balloon to make it more realistic. Sprinkle icing into the holes between the cake and the balloon until it looks like a classic birthday cake (or something) from the outside. Decorate the cake as you normally would. At the right time, take it to your friend and ask him to cut it. When the knife pierces the balloon, he'll get a good scare!

Method 3 of 3: Challenging Jokes

Trick Your Friends Step 15
Trick Your Friends Step 15

Step 1. Fill a room with balloons

This joke is very popular with high school and college graduates, but you can use it on any occasion. When your friend is away from home, ask for permission from parents or roommates to enter their room. Blow up as many balloons as possible and stick them around the room. The room will need to be packed - the more, the better. Ideally, when he returns, he will open the door and be overwhelmed by a wave of balloons!

This joke can take some time to make, on the other hand it's very quick (and fun) to tidy up afterwards. All it takes is a sharp object, such as a knife or a pair of scissors, and you can pop all the balloons

Trick Your Friends Step 16
Trick Your Friends Step 16

Step 2. Organize a mock disciplinary interview

If you're not afraid to scare your friend, here's the joke for you. Either way, it requires your friend's boss, teacher or principal to be willing to act a little. Tell this person the idea of calling a fake disciplinary interview with your friend. The boss or teacher should summon him and behave as if he were in serious trouble. There should be fake evidence of breaking the rules (such as cheating or stealing) and very serious punishment for it (such as punishment or pay cuts). At the last second, reveal the joke and enjoy your friend's expression!

  • For example, if he is at school, you could ask the principal to summon him to his office. Here he could show him a note (which you have written and signed for him) with insults towards the principal. Let your supervisor simmer your friend, then burst into the room laughing.
  • Watch out for this joke: it's not for the faint of heart. If you blame the wrong person, you risk making them cry and seriously hurt them, so only aim for people who can handle the joke.
Trick Your Friends Step 17
Trick Your Friends Step 17

Step 3. Disguise yourself as a piece of furniture

Nobody expects a piece of furniture to come to life, so it's a great joke to surprise even the most attentive friends. However, it requires a lot of effort and some manual skills. The basic idea is to modify an armchair to be able to sit in it - your feet should touch the ground, your arms should be in the armrests and your torso in the backrest. When your friend sits down, wait a few minutes, then start moving. You will get a fantastic reaction of confusion mixed with pure terror!

Trick Your Friends Step 18
Trick Your Friends Step 18

Step 4. Make your friend believe that everyone has forgotten his birthday

It's anyone's nightmare - the closest people have forgotten your special day. This joke requires a lot of effort on your part. You will need to contact parents, friends, acquaintances, colleagues, teachers, and so on to make sure no one remembers their birthday. Fortunately, if you can convince everyone, it's not that hard to accomplish - as long as no one says or does anything different than usual.

Don't get your friend depressed! For best results, throw a surprise party right after the prank to reassure him of your sincere affection

Trick Your Friends Step 19
Trick Your Friends Step 19

Step 5. Attach all of his furniture to the ceiling

This prank is quite a feat, but the results can (literally) turn your friend's world upside down. Using nails, screws, glue, and other tools, attach all of your friend's furniture to the ceiling in the exact same order as they are on the floor. For more attention to detail, try gluing or scotching his objects in the same place they normally are, just upside down.

Obviously, you will need permission from anyone who may be involved, before running the prank. It will also take you a long time, so it is better to wait until your friend is away for a while


  • Exercise your bronze face: being able to restrain yourself from laughing is essential for the success of your jokes.
  • Never play the same trick on a person twice - unless, of course, she is foolish enough to fall back on it!


  • What goes around comes around! Don't be surprised if you are the next victim after playing a prank on your friend.
  • The best pranks are the ones that totally take someone by surprise, but without really hurting or humiliating them. Avoid cruel jokes - at best, you get into trouble, while at worst you could ruin a friendship.
