Let's tell the truth. Some relatives can be annoying, whether it's that aunt who kisses you every time she sees you or the cousin who tries to make you eat clay. This article will teach you how to deal with these kinds of relatives.
Step 1. Don't spend a lot of time with them at family reunions
If there are no other kids to talk to, maybe you could have a chat with the adults, watch TV, or listen to music on the mp3 player. Spending time with the annoying relative will certainly not solve the problem.
Step 2. If your parents agree, arrange with your friends and do not stay indoors with those relatives (unless you are visiting relatives in another city, in which case this advice cannot be put practically)
Step 3. Try to be nice to your cousins, but not too welcoming and happy to see them
Step 4. If you are in a restaurant, sit next to another relative, and in places like the zoo try to be with your parents instead of that relative
Step 5. Don't hurt him
Step 6. Pay attention to what you say
Sometimes you say very bad things when you are angry, so you could hurt your brothers / sisters and make them even more prone to annoy you. You won't solve things by shouting, instead try to say kind words in a calm tone.
Step 7. Your brother / sister bothers you just to see your reaction
If you don't react you will show yourself stronger than they think. Don't get angry and don't scream. If you do, they will understand that you are easily provoked and will continue to annoy you.
Step 8. Manage your emotions
The two worst things you can do are:
- Unload your anger on them!
Use physical violence!
- If you are really angry, try to speak calmly and with kind words. It can be very difficult to do.
- If you can't, try making a drawing of your brother or sister and tear it off. This way you will vent your anger without hurting anyone.
Make sure they don't see that you tore the design off - you could hurt them. In these cases, a secret diary would be very useful.
When you think you can handle your emotions talk to them as mentioned above.
Sometimes it will feel like all the weight is on you, but this situation isn't just about YOU. Arguing between you and your brothers and sisters can have a big influence on your parents and pets as well. Your parents can also feel very annoyed. Pets will feel very confused to notice your mood changes, and you may even scare them.
Step 9. Talk to them
This problem can affect the whole family. Try having a meeting where you speak one at a time. The speaker holds an object in his hand indicating that it is his turn. If one of you disagrees with another's opinion, discuss it and try to find solutions to the problem. Also try to do other things as a family.
Step 10. If your brother continues to annoy you, tell him clearly how you feel
In this case you can also scream, but don't swear or insult or it will only make things worse.
You may be able to intimidate him, so make it clear that you are no longer going to put up with this behavior!
Step 11. Control the emotions
Others feel emotions too! Think about how you would feel if you were in their place, and you will be able to choose your words carefully. Don't resort to violence, it could escalate into something serious, even if it starts with a slap!
Remember to respect the opinions of others, and be careful what you say.
Step 12. If your sibling doesn't stop (and neither can your parents), he may have some emotional problem
You can talk. Another tip is to avoid it all day: go out with your friends or go somewhere else anyway, maybe to play sports. Do whatever you can relax or enjoy!
Step 13. If there is absolutely nothing to be done, ignore them
Lock yourself in your room, and eventually they'll get bored and leave you alone..
- Don't be mean or mean, just try not to be too kind.
- If you just can't stand a certain relative, tell your parents, and they are very likely to understand how you feel.
- Everyone has their own way of behaving, and sometimes it takes time to get to know people, so you always have to give everyone a chance.