7 Ways to Massage Your Pregnant Wife

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7 Ways to Massage Your Pregnant Wife
7 Ways to Massage Your Pregnant Wife

Massage is a useful tool to relieve muscle pain, improve the range of movements, and to provide a feeling of calm and relaxation to expectant mothers. Professional prenatal massages are an option, however, they are often expensive, and making an appointment on a busy schedule can be difficult. As a partner, you can learn simple steps on how to effectively massage your pregnant wife.


Method 1 of 7: Learning the Correct Position for a Massage

Massage Your Pregnant Wife Step 1
Massage Your Pregnant Wife Step 1

Step 1. Learn the floor technique, which is preferable to a mattress because it provides a firmer surface

  • Place 2 cushions on the floor by creating an arrow and have your wife lie on her side with her armpit between the two cushions.
  • Let the pillows support her tummy and back.
  • Place a pillow or two under his head to support his neck and for proper spine alignment.
  • Keeping the leg straight, bend the thigh and place a pillow or two under the thigh.
Massage Your Pregnant Wife Step 2
Massage Your Pregnant Wife Step 2

Step 2. Learn the knee technique, which provides support for the belly by relieving pressure

  • Have your wife kneel on the bed with her elbows on the bed.
  • Place a pillow or two under her knees to keep her comfortable and make sure her tummy isn't under pressure.
  • Always let your wife determine her comfort level.

Method 2 of 7: Learn Massage Techniques

Massage Your Pregnant Wife Step 3
Massage Your Pregnant Wife Step 3

Step 1. Relieve back pain by massaging both sides of the spine with open fists

  • Start at the nape of your wife's neck and continue massaging gently down to her hips.
  • Then begin to move gently by supporting your neck on the opposite side of the spine.
  • Incorporate both sides of the back into the massage technique, leaving the spine free.
Massage Your Pregnant Wife Step 4
Massage Your Pregnant Wife Step 4

Step 2. Help reduce tension in the buttocks by gently massaging the bone at the base of the spine with a soft fist

  • Use your fist to gently press down, lightly covering your pelvis as you do so.
  • Avoid moving too low to touch your tailbone.
Massage Your Pregnant Wife Step 5
Massage Your Pregnant Wife Step 5

Step 3. Relieve leg fatigue by gently rubbing the outside of your wife's legs

  • Use small circular motions and start where the foot meets the calf.
  • Work slowly down the leg up to the thigh and finish where the thigh meets the buttocks.
  • Always work from the foot up and avoid massaging the inner thigh to help relieve leg swelling.

Method 3 of 7: Know the Precautions for Massaging

Massage Your Pregnant Wife Step 6
Massage Your Pregnant Wife Step 6

Step 1. Know that any form of passage or use of essential oil should be avoided altogether during the first trimester

Massage Your Pregnant Wife Step 7
Massage Your Pregnant Wife Step 7

Step 2. After each massage section have a nice glass of water follow

Massage Your Pregnant Wife Step 8
Massage Your Pregnant Wife Step 8

Step 3. Avoid stretching of the uterine ligaments

Do not create any pressure on the abdomen.

Massage Your Pregnant Wife Step 9
Massage Your Pregnant Wife Step 9

Step 4. Eliminate pressure points on ankles and wrists

These points have been recognized to stimulate the uterine and pelvic muscles, and can cause contractions.

Massage Your Pregnant Wife Step 10
Massage Your Pregnant Wife Step 10

Step 5. Never massage with a vigorous motion

Always use gentle and light touches during pregnancy massage. A deep massage should never be performed on a pregnant woman.

Massage Your Pregnant Wife Step 11
Massage Your Pregnant Wife Step 11

Step 6. Stop the massage immediately if at any time your wife complains of any discomfort or dizziness

Method 4 of 7: Talk to a Professional

Massage Your Pregnant Wife Step 12
Massage Your Pregnant Wife Step 12

Step 1. Ask your doctor if it would be wise to start massage therapy with your wife

If your doctor thinks your wife is a good candidate for prenatal massage, you can ask to be referred to qualified massage therapists for further instructions.

Massage Your Pregnant Wife Step 13
Massage Your Pregnant Wife Step 13

Step 2. Locate a qualified massage therapist who is knowledgeable about massage in pregnancy

Talk to the therapist to learn safety rules and precautions that should be used, and learn special techniques you can perform around the home. If you're having trouble finding a prenatal massage specialist, ask friends, neighbors, and colleagues for advice. Keep in mind that you are not only looking for a massage therapist but also someone who is familiar with caring for pregnant women.

Massage Your Pregnant Wife Step 14
Massage Your Pregnant Wife Step 14

Step 3. Consider making an appointment for a professional prenatal massage once

Talk to the massage therapist and explain that you want to reproduce her technique at home. Ask her to explain the steps that are important to you while you massage your wife. Many therapists won't mind taking the time to briefly discuss with you during and after the massage session.

Method 5 of 7: Using Essential Oil

Massage Your Pregnant Wife Step 15
Massage Your Pregnant Wife Step 15

Step 1. Consider the essential oils used in aromatherapy

Research has shown that essential oils can affect your body in various ways. Because of the warning against using common drugs during pregnancy, many are turning to essential oils as a way to get safe relief. However, remember to always check the safety of any oil you use during pregnancy as pregnant women should avoid some of these.

Massage Your Pregnant Wife Step 16
Massage Your Pregnant Wife Step 16

Step 2. Find out what effects oils can have on a pregnant body

Find out which symptoms individual oils relieve. Tangerine helps with morning sickness, insomnia and prevents the signs of stretch marks. Grapefruit is useful for fluid retention and fatigue.

Massage Your Pregnant Wife Step 17
Massage Your Pregnant Wife Step 17

Step 3. Avoid Cedarwood, Clary Sage and Zingiber officinale, which stimulate menstruation and could lead to miscarriage

Cloves, birch and black pepper can create irritation in the skin and should therefore also be avoided during pregnancy (especially since the skin is much more sensitive during this period). Many oils can also be toxic, so knowing which oils to avoid is essential for the safety of the baby and that of the mother.

Massage Your Pregnant Wife Step 18
Massage Your Pregnant Wife Step 18

Step 4. Consider hiring an aromatherapy professional to blend custom oils for your wife's ailments

Method 6 of 7: Decide on your Approach

Massage Your Pregnant Wife Step 19
Massage Your Pregnant Wife Step 19

Step 1. Find out if your wife is interested in particular massage positions and techniques rather than a generalized, full-body massage

Properly performed massage therapy has been very successful in relieving muscle tension and stress. Studies have suggested that regular use of massage during pregnancy can help reduce risks during labor and provide better health for the newborn.

Massage Your Pregnant Wife Step 20
Massage Your Pregnant Wife Step 20

Step 2. Learn which positions are suitable for pregnant women and what relief you can expect from various positions

Certain pressure points and positions should be avoided during pregnancy, so it is important that you learn which recommendations are to be followed.

Method 7 of 7: Consider the Alternatives

Massage Your Pregnant Wife Step 21
Massage Your Pregnant Wife Step 21

Step 1. Indulge in simple, relaxing habits as often as possible

  • Cuddle your wife and gently massage her scalp.
  • Take a walk together and have a conversation.
  • Prepare a warm bath for her.
  • Include candles and soft music to help stimulate relaxation.
  • Have her sit in a comfortable chair with her feet raised.


There are several things to focus on in prenatal massage. Some women will want to benefit from the massage with relaxing music or essential oils while others will pay particular attention to the type of touch used or specific areas of the body. This is a very personal decision, so ask your wife what her wishes are. This will help her to better meet her personal needs, instead of giving her a generic prenatal massage that suits everyone


  • Always speak to a health care specialist about the safety of using oils and massages during pregnancy.
  • Seek immediate medical attention if the use of oils or massage is followed by unusual discomfort and atypical symptoms.
