3 Ways to Write Credits

3 Ways to Write Credits
3 Ways to Write Credits

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Whenever you publish a work or get public recognition, it is right to thank the people who helped you on the road to achieving that recognition. However, it is not that easy to put these thanks in writing. What is the most appropriate tone? How formal should these thanks be? Who should you thank? Whether it's academic recognition, public acknowledgment, or other forms of gratitude, wikiHow can help you do it in style. Read the article to find out how.


Method 1 of 3: Writing Academic Acknowledgments

Write Acknowledgments Step 1
Write Acknowledgments Step 1

Step 1. Use the appropriate tone and shape

The acknowledgments page is something that is often found at the end of a thesis or dissertation, and it can be difficult to know how to introduce a personal note at the end of a technical project. It would be strange to close your groundbreaking cancer research study with a "A big thank you to Bar XXX for bringing those delicious croissants to the lab!" Keep your thank you page professional and concise, but also be very specific in mentioning all the people who helped you while writing your work.

  • The acknowledgments page can be a list or have the shape of a paragraph, much more fluid. It is perfectly fine to write, "I would like to thank Professor Henderson, Dr. Matthews etc." completing your list.
  • It is also okay, indeed, it would be better to dedicate a few lines to each individual, thus making it all more personal: "I would like to thank Professor Henderson for her precious advice and for always encouraging me throughout the duration of the project, and also Dr.. Matthews for his indispensable help in the lab."
  • Some might feel uncomfortable emphasizing the help received from some people over others, so in these situations the best way to write the acknowledgments is the alphabetical list.
Write Acknowledgments Step 2
Write Acknowledgments Step 2

Step 2. Start with the most important professors

In general, the first person to thank on the awards page is your supervisor, or the teacher who followed the project more closely, followed by the other members of the thesis commission and other academic supervisors directly involved in your project.

In general, it helps to think in groups, even if you write a single thank-you for multiple people: "I would like to thank Dr. Stevens, Dr. Smith and Professor Clemons for their tremendous support in writing my thesis."

Write Acknowledgments Step 3
Write Acknowledgments Step 3

Step 3. List other people who have helped you

This list includes lab assistants, or anyone who helped you with drafting-related tasks or contributed to the project itself. Classmates who helped you directly with your project are to be thanked in this category.

Write Acknowledgments Step 4
Write Acknowledgments Step 4

Step 4. Mention the financial contribution received, if any

If your project has received funding from a foundation or a research group, such as a loan, a scholarship or any other financial contribution, it is appropriate to thank the foundation or organization by citing it and listing all your contacts with them.

If you have obtained a university scholarship from any foundation, it would be better to also mention this on the page: "This project would not have been possible without the support of the X Foundation, the Y scholarship or the Z Group."

Write Acknowledgments Step 5
Write Acknowledgments Step 5

Step 5. Leave the most personal and emotional thanks for last

Many like to thank parents, friends, classmates or other people who contributed to their emotional well-being during the evolution of the project. There's probably no need to thank your hometown football team, unless this experience has somehow contributed to your graduation.

  • Remember that friendships and relationships can change over the years, so it would be better not to include declarations of love or honeyed thanks on the acknowledgment page, so as not to be forced to re-read them years later and things did not go well.
  • It is usually best to avoid personal anecdotes or jokes that only a particular group can understand when writing the credits. If you want to refer to the jokes of other students when you worked in the lab, it is best to say, "Thanks to Joe and Kate, lab mates, for their friendship" and not write: "Thanks to Joe and Kate for immersing my slides in the liquid jelly on the morning when I was trying to recover from a hangover."

Method 2 of 3: Write a Thank You Speech

Write Acknowledgments Step 6
Write Acknowledgments Step 6

Step 1. It shouldn't take more than a couple of minutes

If you are on stage because you have won an award, or if you have the attention of a room full of people for whatever reason, thank only the people who have contributed to your success. Remember that you have an ecstatic audience in front of you who, however, have no desire to listen to an alphabetical list of people they don't even know. Be concise and humble.

Write Acknowledgments Step 7
Write Acknowledgments Step 7

Step 2. Thank the people present first

In a thank you speech, there may be people who have played an essential role in your success and who are present in the room, while others may not be there. Give priority to the people who are there. You will make them feel important and excite them.

Write Acknowledgments Step 8
Write Acknowledgments Step 8

Step 3. Use a short anecdote to thank someone important

If you want to tell a success story that is recognized to you, that's fine. But don't come up with a very long story telling everyone who you are thanking. Choose one using common sense and perhaps involving more than one person present, so you will use your time in the spotlight meaningfully and efficiently.

Write Acknowledgments Step 9
Write Acknowledgments Step 9

Step 4. Favor sincerity over humor

It can be tempting to want to spice things up with jokes or trying to make people laugh. If you are a born comedian, it is doable, otherwise it would be best to use your time in the spotlight to be candid and concise. Your humble thanks will be more appreciated than ironic jokes.

Michael Jordan's speech when he was inducted into the Hall of Fame was heavily criticized for his callous and disrespectful tone, as he publicly disparaged his opponents and somewhat tarnished his reputation. Don't fall into the same trap

Method 3 of 3: Write More Acknowledgments

Write Acknowledgments Step 10
Write Acknowledgments Step 10

Step 1. Try to be creative on the thank you page of a literary work

If you publish a book of poetry, short stories, or a novel, it is important to give credit to magazines or other original publications for presenting your work to the public. Usually, you will find book excerpts listed by the magazine in which they appeared, in alphabetical order. The more personal thanks are usually after the formal ones.

  • As with academic publications, it is important to remember any financial contribution received during the writing of the book. If you received grants, loans, or scholarships while writing your book, you need to list them in the awards.
  • Use your talent to write the credits creatively. Authors such as Lemony Snicket, Neil Gaiman, J. D. Salinger and others used an ironic and irreverent form of anecdotes about friends and associates they wanted to thank.
Write Acknowledgments Step 11
Write Acknowledgments Step 11

Step 2. Mention your friends when your album comes out

Music credits are the most fun to write if your band is still in business. There aren't too many stakes and the tone can be irreverent. Use the page to thank:

  • Friends and family
  • Other bands that have helped you along the way, lending you equipment and tools
  • The house of registration
  • Musical inspirations
Write Acknowledgments Step 12
Write Acknowledgments Step 12

Step 3. Write personal letters asking for permission to thank publicly

It might be embarrassing for someone to be thanked in public for something, especially a book or other publication, so it's a good idea to privately contact the people you want to thank in a more personal way. In this case the thank you has no length limit, before writing or reciting a more concise version aloud.

In the letter, explain your desire to thank the person in question and what is the event or publication in which you would like to mention them publicly. Express your gratitude for her help and ask for an answer to your request. Most of the time, you will flatter her

Write Acknowledgments Step 13
Write Acknowledgments Step 13

Step 4. Always double check your list, look for spelling and grammar errors

It would not be the best to miss the name of a person essential to your success, or that of a foundation that has offered you assistance. It's an important document, so take the time to do a thorough review as you would any other job.
