House cleaning can be tedious, but there are several ways to get it done quickly. To clean your room quickly, you need to organize yourself: take out the trash, put things in their place and tidy up the bed, dusting and vacuuming. To make the task less boring, you can use some tricks, such as listening to cheerful music or inventing some games. After all, when you have fun, time flies.
Part 1 of 3: Cleaning Up

Step 1. Put on some music (Spotify and YouTube are great platforms for listening to music over the Internet)
By choosing songs that make the task less burdensome, you will be able to make the time go by faster. Make sure they make you want to sing and dance.

Step 2. Open the blinds or curtains to let in some light
Natural light will give you more energy and allow you to see what you are doing. Fix the bed - it only takes 5 minutes, but the look of your room will change dramatically.

Step 3. Start by taking out the trash
Put the trash you've collected in a trash can or make a pile of trash to throw in the kitchen bin. It's not hard to spot the things you need to get rid of, and just getting rid of them will make the room look a lot cleaner.

Step 4. Fix some items
Put all the things out of place in the center of the room. This way, you will have more space to form piles of books and toys to store. To facilitate the task, divide them according to the rooms and furniture in which you will have to arrange them.

Step 5. Remove the dirty dishes
If you eat in your room, dirty dishes left lying around will give the impression that you live in a hovel. Bring everything back to the kitchen. Wash them or put them in the dishwasher.

Step 6. Tidy up your clothes
Divide dirty and clean clothes. Put them directly in the washing machine or in the laundry basket, then hang the clean clothes on the hangers or fold them and put them in the closet. If you have a dresser, fold them neatly so that there is more room for other clothes. This will clear the floor further and your room will immediately look tidier. Finally, don't forget to vacuum.
- Put your shoes away, otherwise you risk tripping over them. Put them in the shoe cabinet, arrange them in a row under the dresser or desk, or store them in the wardrobe.
- Don't forget belts, bags and ties - use a hook to keep them hanging in the closet. If you have drawers or furniture specifically designed for these items, use them so you don't mess up the closet.

Step 7. Continue reordering
Don't just remove the clutter on the floor or get rid of the most visibly dirty things, like garbage and clothes to wash. You should also clear and rearrange other points in the chamber. Tidy up your desk drawers, dresser top shelf, nightstand and any other junk-filled spaces. Don't forget to check under the bed.
- Give away or throw away the things you no longer need. If you have old and outdated devices, toys, or books, pack them up and ask your parents if they can donate them to someone; if you have a younger brother that they can be useful to, give them to him. This will make room for the things you need and, at the same time, you will be able to clean and organize everything else with greater ease. Also try to see if you have clothes in your wardrobe that don't fit you or no longer like them so you can pass them on to younger siblings, give them to friends, or take them to a used clothing collection center.
- Recycle the throwaway paper and keep the one you need. If there is any half-used paper, you can set it aside to avoid waste.
- If you are studying, organize a container or file to keep your notes and loose sheets. In this way, you can consult them or immediately identify which ones to throw away. Keep it near the bedroom door so you can conveniently pick it up when you need to go to school.
- Use bags or boxes to store smaller items. You can arrange them in a piece of furniture, put them on a chest of drawers as furnishing accessories or hide them under the bed.
- When organizing the room, put similar items together so you can find them easily and avoid looking everywhere when you need them.

Step 8. Fix the bed
The unmade bed gives the room a messy look no matter how clean it is. Remove the blanket, duvet or quilt and rearrange everything neatly. You could also change the sheets and turn the mattress to prevent uneven wear. Put on clean laundry, then wash dirty sheets and blankets. Fixing the bed will prompt you to clean the room.
- To make your parents even happier, try making the bed with hospital corners so that it looks even neater.
- By fixing the bed first, you will have a free surface that you can use to fold clothes, organize papers and other items.

Step 9. Take items that should be in other rooms and put them back
Get a basket or container to put any items that don't belong in your room. After that, whether it's toys, stuffed animals, a blanket from your brother's room or a book from the library in the living room, go around the house to put everything back in order.

Step 10. If you are in a hurry, set a timer or alarm
Focus on the most important tasks and stop when time is up. Generally, to tidy up the room, you just need to collect the dirty clothes (you can put them in the laundry basket and take them to another room), make the bed and take out the trash.
Part 2 of 3: Clean Like a Real Expert

Step 1. Clean and dust
This way the room will be even cleaner and your parents will appreciate your commitment. Plus, it doesn't cost you a lot of time. Take a damp cloth or a few sheets of absorbent paper and a suitable surface cleaner to remove grease, dirt and dust from the furniture.

Step 2. Beat the carpets
If you have a small rug, shake it up and hang it outside (unless it's raining) so it gets some air. Vacuuming may not be enough to clean it properly, so this step can actually improve not only its appearance, but also lessen its odor.
Do this before sweeping or vacuuming. This way, you will also get rid of the dirt that falls off the carpet

Step 3. Vacuum
Remember to also reach the corners and along the baseboards, without neglecting the area under the bed. In this way, the room will seem even cleaner: the carpet or dirty floor gives an air of neglect even though order reigns.
If the floor is made of tiles or parquet, instead of a vacuum cleaner - which may not collect everything - it is preferable to use a dust-removing cloth or a damp cloth

Step 4. Improve the room smell
Start by opening the windows and doors to let the air circulate. Once there has been a good replacement, spray some air freshener. A scented room also looks cleaner.
Make sure you do your laundry first. In general, dirty clothes are the main culprits of bad smell in the house

Step 5. Make sure to assign a space to each object
If not, throw away what you don't need. If you have so many things that you no longer know where to put them, it means that the room is full and that it is time to eliminate some of them. In the meantime, by tidying everything up to allocate space for each item, you will have less difficulty cleaning next time.
- Label boxes and other containers that allow you to organize items so you know where to store them.
- If you have a variety of small items, such as trinkets, trinkets, etc., arrange them for last when you have time to arrange them neatly. Their arrangement can take a lot of time.
- Consider how much space you have available and, before getting new things, ask yourself if you need it. It is impossible to organize everything together.

Step 6. Make room for clean clothes
Empty the closet and drawers. Tidy them up by folding and hanging clothes. If you store them in a functional and efficient way, you can save space in the wardrobe and chest of drawers by using them to put new clothes or to store other items, such as containers, collections, small electrical appliances that you use occasionally and things scattered in the room that do not yet have their own place..

Step 7. Keep the room clean
By keeping everything in place and putting things away as soon as you're done using them, you won't waste time cleaning it. Also, this way you will make a good impression on your parents who will appreciate your efforts. By the way, a tidy room is ideal for negotiating a higher pocket money or getting some extra gratification, as long as it's always clean and organized.
Part 3 of 3: Don't Lose Your Motivation

Step 1. Put your favorite songs
The task of cleaning the room will be much more enjoyable if you listen to upbeat and inspiring music. You will be so carried away by the rhythm that you will feel euphoric: time will fly. Choose some pretty rhythmic songs and let them accompany you as you tidy up!
- If you can use the stereo or the radio, it is preferable. To avoid distractions, forget your computer, but especially your smartphone as you may receive text messages. If your phone is connected to a social network, put it on silent mode or turn it off completely. By eliminating these devices, you will work more peacefully even if you think otherwise.
- Remember to always ask your mom or dad if you can keep the stereo on loud.

Step 2. Come up with a new arrangement or make some changes to the decor
Periodically changing the layout and organization of the room can make you want to keep it clean. So, move the furnishings from time to time or change the arrangement of the furniture to your liking. By the way, this job is much more rewarding than the usual cleaning because you will have the feeling that you have done something special.
If you don't know where to start, check out the furniture section of wikiHow for some great ideas

Step 3. Think of something to do in the room once you clean it
If you don't feel like tidying it up, imagine how enjoyable it could be when it's fully settled. Plan something stimulating to do inside this space to roll up your sleeves and keep it clean, for example you can invite a friend or propose a movie marathon to the girl you like.

Step 4. Start with the most difficult task
It happens to start cleaning and stop without having finished it. In fact, the urge tends to subside when the most hateful chores are left for last. Try starting with the least pleasant one, then do the rest. This way, you will get to the end with less difficulty.
- Give yourself a reward once the hardest part of the job is done. By doing so, you will be more encouraged to complete it!
- Alternatively, start with the task that offers the most noticeable results. It may be the best choice if you are short on time. For example, adjust the bed, regardless of whether you need it as a support surface for storing objects. In addition, it will be much more rewarding because the room will change in appearance in no time.

Step 5. Make up a game
By turning house cleaning into a moment of fun, you will be more motivated to finish it and keep it tidy. There are many ways to distract yourself by cleaning, but here are a couple of ideas to start with:
- Use ropes or broom handles to divide the room into various sections. Then number them and roll a die. Depending on the number that comes up, clean up the corresponding space. If you finish in less than four minutes, you can treat yourself to a prize! Keep rolling the dice until you've cleaned everything.
- Write down all the areas to be cleaned, such as the bed, under the bed, the dresser, the desk, the shelves, the bookcase, the nightstand, etc., on a few pieces of paper and fold them. Finally, put them in a hat or basket and take them out. Clean only the area indicated on the insert.
- If you have a wheelchair, sit and spin until it stops. Clean the part in front of you. You can also use a bottle.
- Turn cleaning into a challenge! Suggest that your brother or sister tidy up their room while you clean yours. Whoever does a better job or finishes first wins. Consult your parents for the awarding of the prize.
- Many songs last 3-4 minutes. If you like listening to music while cleaning, see what you can accomplish in a song.
- Play "One, two, three, star!" trying to tidy up as much as possible while the game manager gets behind him.
- Use the stopwatch. Calculate how long you finish and next time see if you can beat your record. Attention: you have to clean the whole room.

Step 6. Get someone involved
Ask a friend to help you out. Explain to your parents that you will both commit yourself, otherwise they may forbid you from inviting him. You should choose a person who is tidy by nature and with a good attitude to organization. It may teach you some tricks and help you tidy up properly. Don't forget to return the favor.
- If you share a room with someone, get them involved and make sure everyone does some of the work.
- Don't ask for help from friends and siblings if you know they will distract you from this task.

Step 7. Don't get discouraged
You could become disheartened and completely lose motivation at the very thought of the job that is your turn, especially if the room is in a truly pitiful condition. However, there are some things you can do to avoid falling into this trap.
- Try breaking down the work into smaller tasks. For example, collect and fix five things at a time, or clean up by increasing the time by five minutes at a time until you have cleaned the entire room within a day. It is not a quick method, but it offers better results without getting tired.
- Try to clean more often so the room doesn't turn into a dunghill. Try a quick fix every night before bed. That way, when the big cleaning day comes, you won't have much to do.
- Get in the habit of tidying up about twenty things or fixing them up quickly every day so that the room doesn't arrive in a pitiful condition. Do a more thorough cleaning once a month.
- Pile your clothes on the floor and put everything away.
- Collect and arrange the larger items that are out of place, then move on to the medium-sized ones. Finally dedicated to the smaller ones. Take the time to put them in place to keep the room organized. Once everything is sorted and / or thrown away, you can think about dusting, sweeping and vacuuming.
- If you are concerned about using harsh chemical cleaners, opt for natural ones.
- Take on the job with joy and a positive spirit thinking about how much nicer and cleaner your room will be when you are finished. You will also be happy with the good smell. Remember that once it's clean, you can decorate it to your liking and invite friends over.
- List the cleaning to be done! If you like organization, but sometimes don't know where to start, a checklist is the first step in keeping order!
- If you need to hide something (like a gift), get a suitable box and put it in a drawer, under other items.
- Get organized before cleaning. For example, collect all the things to throw away, pile all the clothes in one corner, all the toys in another, and so on. Then, throw out the trash, separate the clean from the dirty ones (put the dirty ones in the laundry basket, the clean ones in the drawers or closet) and store the toys by taking them to their respective rooms or putting them in their containers. You need to do housework in an orderly and efficient manner.
- If you don't know what to do when faced with a mountain of misplaced objects, separate them by classifying them into smaller piles. Preventive sorting work will make it easier for you to get them back to their place.
Try to plan the work:
- Pile dirty clothes to wash;
- Put all the garbage in a garbage bag;
- Take the dirty dishes to the kitchen.
- It is true that speed and efficiency are important, but haste risks making you forget things and do the work again.
- Spiders are harmless insects. However, if you can't get them out, ask someone for help.
- In case of dangerous rodents and insects, ask someone to help you eliminate them so as not to take any risks, unless they are harmless insects.
- Watch out for small shards of glass, thorns, and debris introduced into the house by your furry friend. You may find them where you least expect it.
- When cleaning, be careful not to spill and damage fragile items.
- Don't turn the music up too loud as you may be disturbing someone else in the house.