How to Do Well in English in High School

How to Do Well in English in High School
How to Do Well in English in High School

Table of contents:


You have started high school and are wondering what your English teacher will be like. You have heard several opinions, but you don't know who to believe. You want to try to get a 10 in that matter but you don't know how. Fortunately, there is a way to go well in English!


Do Well in a High School English Class Step 1
Do Well in a High School English Class Step 1

Step 1. Read

Spend at least 20 minutes reading at your home every day. You will be amazed at the number of words you will learn and how well you write.

Do Well in a High School English Class Step 2
Do Well in a High School English Class Step 2

Step 2. Ask questions

There is nothing more pleasing to English teachers than a question on the subject you are talking about. If you ask questions, you can learn what's going on; if you don't know, then ask! It shows that you are interested in the explanation and could learn something by asking a relevant question.

Do Well in a High School English Class Step 3
Do Well in a High School English Class Step 3

Step 3. Stay in school for extra help

If you want to improve some aspects of your written production (eg: introductions, presentation of a thesis, grammar), then ask the teacher to help you. He or she will enjoy spending time with you after class to help you improve.

Do Well in a High School English Class Step 4
Do Well in a High School English Class Step 4

Step 4. Bring a notepad / binder and pen / pencil to class, get to class on time, complete all work, pay attention (no messages, video games, etc.)

). Write down deadlines if you find them hard to remember.

Do Well in a High School English Class Step 5
Do Well in a High School English Class Step 5

Step 5. Go beyond your teacher's expectations

For example, if he asks you to write 400 words about a particular poet's childhood, you can produce 600 words, including photos that show the milestones of a person's childhood. Do more than is required of you. This shows the teacher that you are capable of doing the assigned work.


  • Show all your interest in the subject; don't text and don't slack off. Be careful and take notes; you will learn some interesting things.
  • Participate in class discussions about the books you are reading. Support your views with quotes from the book, or link to other books the class has read. Many teachers give grades on participation, and these can really help you determine your final grade.
  • Talk to your teacher after class about something you discussed in class that you find interesting or complicated. This will clarify the problem and allow the professor to explain the passage again (if it wasn't unclear the first time).
  • Professors appreciate students who read a lot, so read about classic works, like The Scarlet Letter, The Dark Beyond the Hedge, and Gone with the Wind, and talk about these books.
  • Most professors are struck by deep thoughts and intelligence, try to show that you are informed about current events, that you know how to approach your book or text appropriately.
  • Encourage your classmates. If you help them by encouraging them, they will do the same to you. And who knows when you need your partner's help to understand a difficult concept or a certain task to perform.


  • Do not cheat or plagiarize! If you are caught cheating or plagiarizing, your grade in the assignment will automatically be zero and you will likely be reported to the class council. While it's still possible to get back on track and still get a 10, with a 0 it's very difficult, not to mention your teacher won't trust you anymore.
  • Avoid doing things at the last minute. To get a 10 you have to do your best. And it's hard to give your best at 2:30 in the morning the night before an assignment, on the bus on your way to school or during math class.
  • Skipping class will lower your grade - you will lose valuable material and fall behind when you return to class. Also, this attitude will make your teacher angry. If the professor finds out, he'll be mad at you.
