Learning to dribble with a soccer ball is a great way to impress teammates, improve your balance and control the ball while playing. While it may seem difficult at first, the secret to success is practice. Follow these steps to learn how to dribble with your feet, thighs, head and shoulders - you'll be learning to dribble like a pro in no time!
Method 1 of 5: Start with the Ball in the Hands
Step 1. Hold the ball directly in front of you at chest height
Drop it and let it bounce. When the ball begins to drop after the bounce, kick it into the air. Try to kick it with your dominant foot, with enough force to get it to chest height. Try to kick the ball with the front of your foot tilted slightly upwards. Make sure you hit it with the laces.
- Make sure your laces don't double knot the first few times you try on. The ball may bounce on them at an odd angle if they are tied with a large knot.
- By slightly deflating the ball, you will reduce the height of the bounces. The ball will be easier to control and won't bounce away every time you miss a hit. When you are able to master the dribble, you should use a fully inflated ball.
- Keep your ankle locked so that it stays sloped and strong. With a soft ankle, you won't be able to kick the ball properly.
Step 2. Keep your knees slightly bent
This will give you better ball control. Don't lock your knees. Keep the foot you are not using to kick flat and firmly on the ground.
It is important to keep your balance when dribbling. Between hits, it's risky but useful to try to regain your balance so that you can keep control of how you hit the ball each time. Always try to stay balanced on your toes, ready to make quick moves. The main secret to achieving good balance is to keep your knees bent and your eyes on the ball
Step 3. Practice until you can catch the ball easily and each time in front of the abdomen
You shouldn't bend over or reach out to grab it. Then do the same with the other foot. Remember that dribbling with your non-dominant foot will be more difficult. Keep trying!
Step 4. Increase the number of bounces on the same foot
Instead of grabbing the ball every time you kick it, when it's about to drop, kick it again instead of bouncing it on the ground. Try to stay in control. Focus on dribbling with one foot until you get it right, then move on to the other. Practice until you feel comfortable dribbling with both of them.
You can stop the ball with your foot if you practice enough by cushioning its bounce and holding it firmly between your foot and shin
Method 2 of 5: Alternate Feet
Step 1. Drop the ball and let it bounce
Kick it up with your right foot. Try to give it a controlled kick and send it straight up. Try not to let them exceed the height of the waist.
Step 2. Drop the ball and kick it with your left foot
Again, try to give a light, controlled kick, so that the ball does not exceed the waist. Less strong kicks are easier to control and allow you to better learn how to alternate feet. Be prepared to move around a lot when trying to learn how to alternate them.
Step 3. Grab the ball after kicking it with both feet
Recover your position if you have moved and drop the ball again. When you have kicked the ball with both feet twice, grab it. Then try dribbling three times, then four and so on. You will have mastered this technique when you can stay still in one spot and can keep dribbling with both feet as long as you want.
Method 3 of 5: Start with the Ball in the Feet
Step 1. Put the ball close to your feet
Place your dominant foot over the ball. Roll your foot on the ball to make it take a backward spin. Put your toe under the ball, and allow it to roll onto your foot. Immediately kick the ball upward, as if you were to catch it with your hands.
Step 2. Position yourself so that you can kick the ball with the other foot
Do this while the ball goes down. Alternate your feet and continue dribbling as you learned in the steps in the previous sections. Whenever the ball falls, don't pick it up with your hands - use your foot to lift it and keep dribbling.
Step 3. Keep your kicking feet close to the ground
Moving your legs too high will cause you to lose control of the ball. The force that moves the ball will have to come from the foot, not the leg.
Method 4 of 5: Using the Knees
Step 1. Raise one knee so that it is perpendicular to the body
By doing this, your thigh will be parallel to the ground. A flat surface is much more suitable for dribbling than an edgy one.
Try to dribble with your thighs only when you have learned to dribble with your feet. Thigh bouncing is one way to add versatility to your dribbling skills. In addition, it will allow you to have greater control of the ball

Step 2. Hold the balloon above your thighs
Drop it on the middle of one thigh. If the ball bounces off your knee, it will almost certainly fly out of your reach.
Step 3. Dribble with your thighs as you would with your feet
Start by bouncing the ball off your thigh and grabbing it. Repeat this process until you are able to control the direction of the ball and the height of its bounce. Switch to the other thigh and repeat the process.
Step 4. Alternate the two thighs
Do this when you feel confident that you can control the ball with both of you.
Step 5. Alternate between your thighs and feet
Kick the ball up with your right foot, bounce it off your right thigh, kick it up with your left foot, and bounce it off your left thigh. When you can do this without dropping the ball, try bouncing it twice on each foot and thigh, then three times, and so on.
Method 5 of 5: Using Other Body Parts
Step 1. Dribble with your head
Throw or kick the ball over your head and then bounce it off your forehead. Tilt your head back so that the ball hits the top of your forehead. Keep your neck relaxed and your knees bent. By bending your knees you will improve your balance as you focus on the ball above you.
You can use the top of your head to dribble, but you will have much less control over the ball. Also you could get hurt trying - try to avoid doing it
Step 2. Use your shoulders
While it is difficult to dribble with the shoulders because they are angular, you can use them to direct the ball wherever you want. After kicking the ball at shoulder height, move your shoulder up and in the direction you want to send the ball. For example, you can kick the ball up with your right foot and then hit it with your right shoulder so that it arches in front of your body and falls so that you can hit it with your left foot.
Make sure you are using only the shoulder and not the upper arm. Hitting the ball with any part of the arm other than the shoulder is considered a hand ball
Step 3. Practice using your head, shoulders, and chest
Use a foot-chest-thigh-shoulder-head pattern and repeat to familiarize yourself with the use of these body parts.
- Practice with a friend to create game situations similar to those you'll find in a game.
- When you feel confident with this pattern, change it and try another one, such as head-chest-foot-shoulder-thigh.
- Avoid dribbling using your dominant foot only; although it is easier, it is important to strengthen both feet and ankles.
- Don't be tense. Be free and relaxed.