Some are convinced that they have the ability to see ghosts, or have had experiences in the past that they cannot explain. Science is able to offer answers to the questions posed by paranormal phenomena, but those who believe in ghosts do not consider them sufficient. If you believe it and think you have the ability to see ghosts, the only thing you can do is search for the truth. Find a place to search, arm yourself with courage and start exploring in search of the inhabitants of the other world.
Part 1 of 3: Discovering the World of the Paranormal

Step 1. Find traces of paranormal activity
On the subject of the apparitions there are testimonies collected over the centuries. Before you rush off to hunt for ghosts, make sure you know what your research is about. The best thing is to start with the appearance that the spirits take more frequently and the places they prefer for their appearances.
- A ghost, in a nutshell, is a human or animal figure that someone has seen with their own eyes, but which is not physically tangible.
- When a series of inexplicable events occur in a given context, it can be said that the place is "haunted". These phenomena are often associated with specific places.

Step 2. Find out about places believed to be haunted
Get familiar with the stories kept in each of these places. Many are death stories, full of grisly details. Make sure you feel comfortable dealing with these kinds of experiences. Over the past decade, locally, there has been a flourishing of independent publications reporting apparitions in little-known regions.
To locate haunted places near your home, you can take inspiration from events featured in the local press

Step 3. Clarify what a ghost is (and what it isn't)
If you see someone dressed in "retro clothing", or a translucent figure, they may not be a ghost. If, on the other hand, you see a figure while you are alone in a closed room, it is much more likely that it is.
According to many testimonies, ghosts are unaware of the presence of the living, or indifferent. If this figure is engaged in an unusual activity, as if trying to get your attention, it may not be a ghost

Step 4. Find out what kind of spirit it is
Spirits are basically of two types: persistent human presences and residual infestations. The members of the first type are in 95% of cases real ghosts, ie vestiges of past human existences. Those belonging to the second type are more dangerous, because they are entities trapped in a certain place as a punishment. Talk to people who live near the haunted place, or read their blog comments. If physical assaults are reported, it is most likely residual infestations.
- It is important to note that residual haunts are not only the most dangerous ghosts, but also the most tangible ones. This means that it is easier to spot them.
- If you decide to go hunting for a residual infestation, take extra precautions. For example, you might wear goggles, gloves, padding under your clothes, and so on. Always carry a first aid kit with you.
- The creaks of the parquet or the atmospheric dust are often mistaken for ghosts. You must be extremely cautious in deciding whether what you see or hear can be traced back to a ghost.

Step 5. Talk to members of paranormal associations
These associations are widespread and many conduct investigations directly. If there aren't any in your area, search online and find one to start a match with.
- Paranormal associations do more than investigate infestations. They work on a social level, helping those who have had such an experience.
- These associations can also help you find the perfect place to go ghost hunting, as well as explain what exactly to look for.
Part 2 of 3: Go Ghost Hunting

Step 1. Plan your exploration in advance
The only way to test your ability to see ghosts is to go look for them. For best results, find a place where sightings have been reported. If you can't find haunted places in your area, try visiting a cemetery.
- Don't go there alone. Bring friends along. Tell someone who will stay at home on the itinerary you and the group will take. So you will be safer and can count on a second pair of eyes.
- Be careful not to violate anyone's private property. If you choose an outdoor location, such as a cemetery, respect the access regulations. If you intend to investigate private property, contact the owner first to ask for permission. If he doesn't accept, find another place.
- Make a first visit to the site during the day, to get an idea of the situation. You will have the opportunity to identify a possible escape route to use in case of need.

Step 2. Get the necessary equipment
It doesn't have to be sophisticated equipment, but if you think more exploration will follow, you should invest at least a little in the purchase. If you are a beginner, a camcorder or camera will do just fine. An audio recorder is also highly recommended. Don't forget to bring a first aid kit with you as well.
Make sure your phone's battery is fully charged. However, keep it turned off, as it may interfere with the operation of any audio equipment

Step 3. Visit the site
With the group, take a walk around the area and take note of what you observe. Take photos and audio recordings; note any unusual details. It also records the weather conditions and the start time of the exploration.
- Explore various areas in turn, to give everyone in the group the opportunity to make some discoveries.
- The ghost hunt can take a long time and there is a risk that it will not lead to any concrete results. Maintain an open minded attitude and be aware that most of the events you will witness will be simple natural phenomena.
- Ask people who live there and who have witnessed paranormal events to share their experiences. This way you can narrow down the scope of your search and focus on a couple of rooms, rather than the entire building.

Step 4. Prepare the equipment
First, choose the rooms you want to focus on. Place the camera on a tripod at what you consider the most important vantage point. You can put the audio recorders in three or four other strategic points. Check for any visual or auditory obstructions.
- A thermal scanner is the ideal tool for detecting temperature changes in a room. Place one in a room where the temperature is around 21 ° C (room temperature). It is easier to detect thermal fluctuations in such an environment than in a cold basement or a hot attic.
- You can also use a motion detector. Place it on the wall at chest height. Also in this case check that there are no obstructions.

Step 5. Analyze all the collected material
Look at all the photos and reread all the notes. Share every single detail with the whole group. If you have made any recordings, now is the time to listen to them again. Expect material analysis to last at least as long as exploration. In fact, it will probably last much longer.
If you discover anything unusual, look for evidence in your notes. If you hear strange noises in the audio, make a note of the time. Cross-check any other videos you've recorded nearby. Compare any photos taken at the same time

Step 6. Be patient
Material analysis is a long process, during which it is important to stay focused and not overlook any detail.
Not everything that is unusual necessarily belongs to the realm of the paranormal. Most of the things you will see will be simple natural events. Don't make firm conclusions just because you're eager to find out

Step 7. Continue investigating
In an attempt to find out if a place is haunted or not, look for concrete evidence. If you discover something that you think might belong to the realm of the paranormal, plan to return to the site. If you are lucky enough to observe the same activity a second time, you will gain a considerable advantage.
- Go back to the site and talk to some of the eyewitnesses of paranormal events. Find out if their experience matches yours.
- Try exploring other nearby locations. Place cameras and sensors in the area. Visit any abandoned houses nearby and check if the paranormal phenomena move from one point to another.
Part 3 of 3: Using your Perceptual Faculties

Step 1. Notice if the air around you takes on a "blurry" appearance
This usually implies an alteration in the density or texture of the air. Just as heat waves float on the hoods of cars on hot summer days, so too does the air when a ghost passes by. Keep the room lights low. To see fluctuations more clearly, you can also use infrared illumination.
- Keep your eyes open without blinking for 15-20 seconds. Keep calm and focused while waiting.
- Search in the most critical areas. Do not continue the observation for too long, unless you have a valid reason to suspect the presence of a ghost (noises, testimonies, "gut" sensations, and so on).

Step 2. Look for flashes of light
They are usually detected at mirrors or near windows. Spirits can emit different shades of light. Look sideways to the right while keeping your head facing forward. Peripheral vision can more easily perceive these variations of light, especially if the ghosts do not notice that they are being observed.

Step 3. Check for movement or shadows
Instead of appearing full-length, ghosts often prefer to change shapes and appearances. One of the forms they could take is that of a shadow. Focus on the brightest areas. You may see dark spots passing by, obscuring certain spots. If you see any shadows or movement, address the ghost in a quiet voice.
- Ask him simple questions, such as "Why are you here?", "What is your name?". Give him a minute to respond.
- The ghost may not respond, or respond in an unusual way, such as making noise or moving faster.

Step 4. Observe with your mind's eye
In all of us there is a split between spirit and physical body. It is practically impossible to train to use the spirit, or the mind's eye, as it is a product of the subconscious. You must be aware of what you are looking for. Your mind's eye will perceive certain images as flashes, similar to those of a camera. If you are in the presence of a haunted house, these images will have the appearance of long-deceased human beings.
- You can perceive these images with your mind's eye even by appealing to your imagination. Your spirit is able to present images to your eyes that can turn out to be apparitions. While in the haunted house, sit back and let your mind wander. Daydreaming can relax your mind's eye and make it more receptive to mediumistic cues.
- Ghosts also love to influence memories. Think of any of your dead relatives, such as your grandparents or great-grandparents. When they notice this, ghosts usually flash in the mind's eye.

Step 5. Observe the full-length apparitions
They usually occur for a short time, 3 to 15 seconds. Just like you did with the shadows, keep your head facing forward and exercise your peripheral vision. Sometimes ghosts materialize upside down, in strange positions or only partially. If you see one, start talking to him, asking him to materialize again. Ask him: "What do you want?", "Why are you here?" and "Is anyone else here with you?".
- Be cautious when exploring for ghosts. The ideal time to do this type of investigation is at night: for this reason, you may get lost or hurt more easily.
- Maintain an open minded attitude while exploring. Being skeptical is okay, but not rushing to conclusions before something happens.
- Never go alone. You risk getting hurt in the event of a violent impact. If, on the other hand, you bring along some adventure companions, you will have someone you can rely on in an emergency.
- Never violate private property and find out about the regulations in force. Even if a house is abandoned, it doesn't mean that you have the right to wander around it. Surely it is still owned by someone, whether it be a private individual, a bank or the state.