The spiritual journey is a journey you take to find out who you are, understand what your problems are in life and make peace with the world. Its purpose is almost never to find an answer; rather it is a question of asking new questions. This article will not tell you what your spiritual journey should be like, but it will offer you tools that can help you organize it well.
Method 1 of 3: Set Spiritual Goals

Step 1. Understand that your journey is yours and yours alone
This is true for everyone and for every type of trip, in response to both particularly burdensome problems and exciting opportunities. However, there are universally valid principles, in terms of tools used or paths chosen. Remember that while advice may be helpful, no one can tell you how your journey should be structured or in which direction it should go.
- In the end, you decide the direction of your journey. If any of the steps in this guide cause you stress or are found to be harmful, skip them for now, finding an alternative that will help you contemplate life in its entirety.
- No religion has a monopoly on truth. If you begin to feel controlled by a religion or its followers, seek support or consider moving elsewhere.

Step 2. Keep a journal of your reflections and emotions
It may seem like a planning moment, but your journey actually starts here. Make an inventory of your thoughts, emotions, fears and expectations. Record your thoughts on everyday life and those of a wider nature. Every week, re-read what you have written and take note of the goals you have achieved and the problems that have arisen over the course of the week. Use this activity as a grounding exercise to understand the problems, hopes and ambitions you experience within each specific context.
This practice is frequently referred to as an "awareness diary". Its purpose is to allow you to identify the thought patterns that govern your life, especially in a negative sense, so that you can focus on them to change them

Step 3. Set yourself a set of goals and prioritize them
The awareness journal is a valuable tool for organizing your thoughts according to these goals. A spiritual journey can help you feel calmer and control anger, face the fear of death, increase the sense of awe at the wonder of the world, or leave behind a belief system that is out of date. It's your personal journey, so it's going to heal or transform everything you decide to focus on.
- Give priority to your main interests from an intellectual and emotional point of view; think about what intrigues you the most and what you could change to improve the quality of your life. A spiritual journey can integrate the intellectual and emotional aspects of existence.
- Remember that spiritual goals are not achieved in a short time, in fact it can take a lifetime, and often change along the way. Avoid giving yourself deadlines or facing them with stress.

Step 4. Decide on the scope of your trip
Do you have a limited problem to solve? Are you looking for a personal transformation that lasts over time? Are you simply looking for a meditative practice to include in your daily routine or are you experiencing a profound crisis of faith? Try to understand in advance how far you will have to push yourself in your journey: like a therapy, a spiritual journey can require all your effort to change your relationship with the world, or, on the contrary, a very limited amount of time and energy..
It frequently happens that the journey lasts a lifetime and that it constantly generates changes of direction. Spirituality is a crucial aspect of life and is in effect an integral part of it. Let the scope change if necessary
Method 2 of 3: Consult Spiritual Sources

Step 1. Read the sacred texts
Religious texts such as the Bible, the Torah, the Quran, the Tao Te Ching, the Bhagavad Gita and the Upanishads are able to offer you a new perspective on life and open your eyes to the faith or culture of other peoples. It is not necessary to adhere to any of the teachings offered in religious texts, but studying how spiritual issues have been addressed throughout history can help you better understand the context of your problems and questions. Reading sacred texts can also shift your attention in new directions, putting you in front of new questions that you didn't even have the words to ask before.
- Consider taking courses on the subject of your studies. There are universities, schools and centers for continuing education that offer courses on the history and reference texts of the various religions.
- If you think of combining the study of academic texts with the reading of sacred texts, know that there is a difference between theological and "religious" studies. Religious studies deal with the subject of religion from the outside, while theological ones are often written by people who actively practice that religion.

Step 2. Contact public services on the subject of spirituality
Certain public figures can be a resource or guide for your spiritual journey. A trivial example could be a parish priest or a local religious leader: often these people make themselves available to help individuals find their way. Before meeting this person, it may be helpful to attend some function or event in order to understand the programmatic principles on which the congregation is founded.
- Other civic institutions provide for the presence of a priest or competent staff able to deal with specific problems such as loss or grief.
- These institutions may include various types of health care facilities or facilities, but to receive assistance, you must be a user of their services.

Step 3. Read or listen to spiritual sources in the public domain
There are various writers or preachers who address spiritual or religious issues with an approach compatible with everyday life. Books of this kind can be found in bookstores, in the "spirituality", "religion" or "new age" section. In schools, libraries and neighborhood recreation centers, seminars and reading groups are sometimes organized. Radio and podcasts published online also often prove to be invaluable sources of research, criticism and discussion of spiritual issues.
- Avoid situations where a financial contribution is requested or easy answers promised, or if you feel like they are trying to sell something. In these cases, your spiritual progress is most likely not a priority for them.
- If you can afford it, go to retreats, camps, and gatherings that focus on the theme of spirituality - it is certainly a healthy way to expand your horizons and meet new people.

Step 4. Fearlessly take advantage of community support
Of course, the stereotype of the "spiritual traveler" portrays a monk on a prayer retreat, but in reality it is an experience that can be enriched by the presence of others. Talk to friends and family about the questions you are looking for and the concepts you would like to define. Attend meetings or study groups that focus on the topics in question. Whether you are looking to improve your specific skill, such as practicing meditation or mindfulness, or you intend to deepen your cultural level, learning from others can make the task more fulfilling.
It's one way to spot a possible mentor, but you may find yourself mentoring yourself, which would further enrich your journey
Method 3 of 3: Follow Spiritual Practices

Step 1. Practice meditation
Meditation allows you to deepen your sense of self, relieves anxiety and brings clarity to the mind. It is a technique for channeling attention and sharpening the focus on the self. One does not necessarily have to practice while sitting cross-legged: there is also walking meditation, while most religious have developed their own personal form of self-contemplation.
- Yoga adds a physical component to contemplation and helps you clarify your spiritual goals.
- There are many different types of meditation. The techniques can be learned and practiced in a common context, whether it is spirituality meetings or meditation groups that meet regularly under the guidance of an expert. Often these meetings are free, with a small fee as a donation.

Step 2. In the search for spirituality also include physical exercise
Some religions view the body as a temple of the spirit, so keeping your temple in good condition is a sensible action from a spiritual point of view. Regular exercise can also improve your mental abilities and help resolve minor depression by promoting positive thinking. A holistic and balanced approach to life, which includes physical movement, keeps us in tune with the world, increases awareness and improves the quality of life.
Sporting activity doesn't have to be strenuous. Moderate activity, properly distributed throughout the week, keeps the body fit and healthy

Step 3. Create spaces for reflection
A serene environment, where you can reflect on life in peace, protects you from the stress accumulated daily due to too many stimuli and too much information. Sometimes the university campuses and offices alternate with the convulsive rhythm corners of nature and moments of calm, which you can take advantage of to enjoy a moment of relaxation and increase awareness and rootedness. Creating a space at home, in the office or in the student residence where you feel at ease and that you can visit when you feel the need to "decompress" from the events of the day can promote your spiritual well-being.
In the reflection space you can place images, icons and posters; you can spread perfumes with flowers or incense; you can remain silent or listen to meditation music

Step 4. Discover alternative states of consciousness
Recent research on psychoactive plants (such as psilocybin-containing mushrooms, DMT-containing plants and marijuana) have shown that the active ingredients contained in them are able to promote open-mindedness and the development of a more tolerant personality after just one hiring. Plants of this type, generally associated with shamanic practices and the counterculture of the 1960s, contain substances that are the subject of intense pharmaceutical research, due to their ability to positively influence thought patterns and relieve symptoms of chronic stress..
- The possession and cultivation of these plants is illegal in many parts of the world, including Italy and the United States.
- Psychedelic drugs are notorious for their risk of causing a "bad trip," which can lead to confusion or spiritual disorientation in those who use them, but can be of great help when taken with awareness, under control and in limited quantities.

Step 5. Visit sacred places
These are historically significant places, which in the past have been the scene of important events related to religious practices. Among the sacred places there are many objects of pilgrimage all year round (such as Stonehenge or the Vatican), others of above all historical interest (such as some cathedrals). Often they are majestic in size and able to communicate to visitors a sense of the sublime and the divine. Being in a sacred place helps to strengthen one's spirituality, as well as to deepen one's historical culture.
Some of these places are linked to sacred events, such as the Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca). In some cases it is advisable to plan one's visit according to the specific liturgical calendar

Step 6. Observe yourself
Constantly monitor the extent of the impact on your thinking of the research and practice you are implementing. The awareness diary is a spiritual tool of fundamental importance: it puts you in touch with your discoveries, your doubts, the unprecedented implications of your value system and your place in the world. Notice if the episodes of negative thinking increase or decrease in the course of your research and correct the direction and modalities according to the results of the observation.