How to sleep in the car on a long journey

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How to sleep in the car on a long journey
How to sleep in the car on a long journey

When you have the option to turn the car interior into a comfortable place to sleep, you can rest in the cockpit whenever you feel tired while traveling or when you want to save money on room and board. Sometimes, sleeping in the car is inevitable and vital, especially if you have difficulty staying awake while driving and there is no one to take over. There are many techniques to make the vehicle a safe and comfortable place to rest and sleep whenever you need it while on the go.


Part 1 of 3: Prepare to Travel

Sleep in Your Car on a Road Trip Step 1
Sleep in Your Car on a Road Trip Step 1

Step 1. Bring comfortable bedding

Whether you want to park and sleep all night or take a nap for a couple of hours while driving a friend, you need to adjust the interior of the cabin in some way. While it is not impossible to sleep in the car as it is, it can still be quite uncomfortable. You probably need to make some improvements if you plan to rest all night and not just during another person's shift.

  • Pillows and blankets are essential; alternatively, you can use a sleeping bag if you are traveling in cold regions. Never rely on the car's heating system when you have to sleep all night in the cabin.
  • Make sure you have enough linen with you for all passengers, especially if there are children. If you are taking a car trip with another person and plan to take turns driving, you can only bring one set of pillows and blankets to save space inside the car.
  • Remember to put these items in the passenger compartment and not in the trunk or on the roof. You may feel sleepy earlier than expected and it may be helpful not to be forced out of the car when the weather is not the best.
Sleep in Your Car on a Road Trip Step 2
Sleep in Your Car on a Road Trip Step 2

Step 2. Bring "comfort" items with you to help you fall asleep

Many people find it difficult to fall asleep when they are not in their bed. Keep something you always use to relax, so that you feel even more comfortable in the car.

  • For example, if you enjoy reading in bed, bring a book and a reading light so you can enjoy your hobby before bed.
  • Music can be useful, but don't rely on the car radio. Bring an mp3 player and earphones, so you can relax with the car off before you doze off.
  • If you are particularly worried about not being able to sleep in your car, ask your pharmacist for some over-the-counter medicines to help you rest. Remember that you will not be able to drive after taking this type of medication, until after several hours of sleep.
Sleep in Your Car on a Road Trip Step 3
Sleep in Your Car on a Road Trip Step 3

Step 3. Don't forget some material to cover the windows

If you want to get some sleep while a friend drives, you need something that protects your eyes from the sun. If, on the other hand, you intend to rest all night, you need to cover the windows to ensure some privacy.

  • Towels and t-shirts are useful for this operation, which you would still take with you as baggage. Make sure the shirts are large enough to use as a window cover.
  • Also bring clothes pegs or duct tape to attach fabrics to the windows. If you have forgotten them, you can simply snap the cover between the door and the car pillar; in this way, it hangs inside the passenger compartment in front of the window.
  • Don't forget a hat and sunglasses if you plan to sleep during the day; wearing them while you rest, you protect your face from the sun and you could sleep better, enjoying more privacy.

Part 2 of 3: Sleeping in Motion

Sleep in Your Car on a Road Trip Step 4
Sleep in Your Car on a Road Trip Step 4

Step 1. Take a stand

Sleeping with the car in motion is never easy, as you need to keep your seat belt fastened and rest in a seated position. There is no right way to do this and it takes some time to feel comfortable and well positioned.

  • If possible, choose a reclining seat. Most front passenger seats allow the backrest to be fully reclined. Assuming no one is behind you, this is the best way to try and sleep on an almost flat surface.
  • Lean your head against a pillow pressed against the window. If you can't use a reclining seat, the second best option for supporting your head is to use a cushion placed against the window.
Sleep in Your Car on a Road Trip Step 5
Sleep in Your Car on a Road Trip Step 5

Step 2. Tell the driver that you want to sleep

The worst enemy of a car nap is a motorist who drives abruptly. The jolts, bumps and violent curves can disturb sleep and make you feel really tired. Make sure the driver knows you want to sleep so that he can drive properly.

  • Remind him that you are ready to do the same in the future when you switch roles. That way, he'll be more likely to take your needs into consideration.
  • Before covering the windows to block access to light, consult with the person behind the wheel. The driver really needs to be able to see in the blind spots and the rest of the road. In this situation, sunglasses are a little more useful.
  • Keep the music under control. You certainly don't want to be woken abruptly from a heavy metal tune after an hour of sleep, just because you forgot to turn off the shuffle of the mp3 player.
Sleep in Your Car on a Road Trip Step 6
Sleep in Your Car on a Road Trip Step 6

Step 3. Accept things as they go

Even if you have everything planned, prepared and done everything possible to ensure a long sleep, that inevitable pothole or the horn of another car can wake you up. Maintain a positive attitude even when you are sleepy and irritable inform other passengers that you hope they will behave in the same way too.

Bring an eye mask in case you suddenly wake up. If something wakes you up, you certainly don't want to feel disoriented and dazed by the sun or street lights. The mask allows you to keep your eyes in the dark and fall asleep quickly

Part 3 of 3: Sleep in the Car All Night

Sleep in Your Car on a Road Trip Step 7
Sleep in Your Car on a Road Trip Step 7

Step 1. Choose a convenient place to park the car

It should be away from traffic and shop entrances, where it is possible to stay overnight or for a long time. In some areas there are restrictive regulations that prohibit leaving the car parked all night; in that case, you would be fined or the car would be towed.

  • Whether or not you get a fine for sleeping in your car depends only on where you park. Check the local and regional laws of the places you are traveling to. Never sleep on the side of a road or highway.
  • Park in a specific area to be able to sleep or in a pitch where parking is allowed for 24 hours. Many highways and state roads have special parking spaces, to allow motorists to rest during the journey. This is the best solution to avoid being woken up by the police or brigade.
  • Find a shop that's open 24 hours a day. Supermarkets open constantly, day and night, are also spreading in Italy. Although in some cases it is expressly forbidden to park in these areas to sleep all night, you can find more permissive merchants. You can do a search online before leaving or ask the shop assistants directly.
  • Park in a reasonably well-lit area. While it may seem counterintuitive when trying to sleep, it is best to stop in a well-lit spot for safety reasons.
Sleep in Your Car on a Road Trip Step 8
Sleep in Your Car on a Road Trip Step 8

Step 2. Turn off the vehicle

Remove the keys from the ignition. You could violate some law if you fall asleep with the keys inserted in the dashboard; there is a possibility that the car will be considered "operational" with a driver asleep. Lock the doors and keep the keys in your pocket.

If you are traveling in very cold regions, you may need to wake up from time to time to turn the car on and start the heating. Remember to stay awake while the engine is running

Sleep in Your Car on a Road Trip Step 9
Sleep in Your Car on a Road Trip Step 9

Step 3. Open the windows or sunroof slightly to provide some ventilation

By allowing air to enter and circulate in the cabin, you are able to sleep better, avoiding waking up hot and sweaty or with the windows covered with condensation.

  • If you are in a particularly busy or busy area, this may not be a good idea. The noise may be too loud with the windows slightly down. You should also prevent anyone from looking inside the car.
  • This advice is neither necessary nor valid if you are traveling in very cold regions.
Sleep in Your Car on a Road Trip Step 10
Sleep in Your Car on a Road Trip Step 10

Step 4. Find a comfortable sleeping position

Fortunately, when the car is stationary you have many options to choose from. It is also hoped that you do not have to share the cockpit with another person and that he can have all the space at your disposal. Depending on the model of the car, you can assume several different resting positions.

  • It is best to have a sedan or other type of car with the rear seats that can be folded back into the trunk. If you can lower the rear seat backrest and open the parcel shelf for leg room, that's your best bet for lying down.
  • When traveling in a pickup truck, make some space on the rear floor. You should cover the floor with a tarp to keep insects away.
  • If the car is small, the empty back seat can turn into a makeshift bed. You may have to bend your knees and if you are a person who moves a lot during your sleep, this solution may be a bit uncomfortable.
  • In the extreme case, you can sleep in the fully reclined front seat. If you can lie down at least partially, you can recreate conditions similar to when you sleep in bed.
Sleep in Your Car on a Road Trip Step 11
Sleep in Your Car on a Road Trip Step 11

Step 5. Follow your usual hygiene routine when you get up

This way, you can feel fresher and more comfortable, especially if you have a day ahead of you driving. Sleeping in the car can sometimes make you feel really dirty and sore, so take your time to stretch and clean up.

  • If you are lucky enough to stay in an equipped pitch, take some time to take a shower and brush your teeth.
  • Bring a water bottle with you that you only use for morning hygiene. When you don't have anything else available, it can come in handy for washing your face and teeth.
