How To Pass Time On A Long Journey

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How To Pass Time On A Long Journey
How To Pass Time On A Long Journey

When you have to go on a long journey, you sometimes get the impression that the hands of the clock are advancing with exasperating slowness. However, with a little imagination and organization, you can get distracted in many ways to kill time.


Pass Time While Traveling for Long Hours Step 1
Pass Time While Traveling for Long Hours Step 1

Step 1. Get a sheet of paper and a pen

These two simple objects are enough to be able to play a variety of fun games for hours, for example tic-tac-toe or hangman. If you don't have anyone to play with, try scribbling. If you have the opportunity to organize yourself before you leave, you can take a travel box game (for example chess) with you and look for a playmate among the other travelers. You can also ask someone present if they have a board game with them.

Pass Time While Traveling for Long Hours Step 2
Pass Time While Traveling for Long Hours Step 2

Step 2. Bring newspapers and magazines with you or read those made available

If you are on an airplane, you can also browse the catalog of items for sale.

Pass Time While Traveling for Long Hours Step 3
Pass Time While Traveling for Long Hours Step 3

Step 3. Take an MP3 player or iPod with you and listen to your favorite songs

If you are surrounded by chattering people and crying babies, you can use music to isolate yourself from noise and try to sleep.

Pass Time While Traveling for Long Hours Step 4
Pass Time While Traveling for Long Hours Step 4

Step 4. Take a portable DVD player with you to watch a movie or TV series

Pass Time While Traveling for Long Hours Step 5
Pass Time While Traveling for Long Hours Step 5

Step 5. Pack a portable console or mobile phone

You can use them to play your favorite video games. If you are a gamer, buy a video game or two before departure and start playing during the trip.

Pass Time While Traveling for Long Hours Step 6
Pass Time While Traveling for Long Hours Step 6

Step 6. Bring your laptop

This is probably the best thing you can have with you, as it will allow you to distract yourself in so many different ways.

Pass Time While Traveling for Long Hours Step 7
Pass Time While Traveling for Long Hours Step 7

Step 7. Do crossword puzzles or solve puzzles

In addition to killing time, it will be a great workout for the brain.

Pass Time While Traveling for Long Hours Step 8
Pass Time While Traveling for Long Hours Step 8

Step 8. Look out the window and enjoy the scenery

Pass Time While Traveling for Long Hours Step 9
Pass Time While Traveling for Long Hours Step 9

Step 9. Sleep

It's the best way to pass the time, especially on a long flight.

Pass Time While Traveling for Long Hours Step 10
Pass Time While Traveling for Long Hours Step 10

Step 10. Count how many objects of a certain type you see while traveling in a car (for example how many yellow cars, fast food restaurants, Volkswagen or license plates from other places)

If you are on an airplane, you can count how many people are walking down the aisle, how many clouds there are in the sky, and so on.

Pass Time While Traveling for Long Hours Step 11
Pass Time While Traveling for Long Hours Step 11

Step 11. Play a card game

For example, try the game called "ABC" in which you have to name the objects you see in alphabetical order (license plates, signs and everything outside your vehicle).

Pass Time While Traveling for Long Hours Step 12
Pass Time While Traveling for Long Hours Step 12

Step 12. Listen to an audiobook

If reading on the go makes you nauseous, but you're an avid reader or driving, an audiobook is a great solution.

Pass Time While Traveling for Long Hours Step 13
Pass Time While Traveling for Long Hours Step 13

Step 13. Talk to fellow travelers

Pass Time While Traveling for Long Hours Step 14
Pass Time While Traveling for Long Hours Step 14

Step 14. If you are driving, listen to the soundtrack of a musical and sing along with the protagonists

In addition to engaging for at least an hour, it's a good way to work on your voice.

Pass Time While Traveling for Long Hours Step 15
Pass Time While Traveling for Long Hours Step 15

Step 15. As you listen to the music, visualize the singer singing behind your window (if you don't know what he looks like, use your imagination)

You can have fun imagining him running next to the car. Your travel companions will never find out why you are giggling!

Pass Time While Traveling for Long Hours Step 16
Pass Time While Traveling for Long Hours Step 16

Step 16. Play nice little jokes on people traveling with you


  • Don't distract the driver.
  • If you're the one driving, focus on driving first.
  • If you are listening to music on a portable player, make sure the volume is not too high to hear a beep or siren and not to disturb other travelers.
  • Try not to check your watch too often, otherwise you will have the feeling that time is passing very slowly.
