3 Ways To Pass Time On A Long Car Journey

3 Ways To Pass Time On A Long Car Journey
3 Ways To Pass Time On A Long Car Journey

Table of contents:


Long car journeys can get very boring if you're not prepared for them. Bring everything you need with you so that you have plenty of distractions at your disposal. By taking advantage of the journey as free time to dedicate only to you, you will be able to have fun and regain your energy. Plus, documenting your trip is a great way to keep yourself busy and make sure you have plenty of memories to look back at in the future.


Method 1 of 3: Packing Your Bags

Entertain Yourself During a Long Car Ride Step 1
Entertain Yourself During a Long Car Ride Step 1

Step 1. Take your favorite books with you

Having something to read can help you pass the time on a long drive. You can bring any books or magazines you like, or an e-reader if you have one. Try to bring more than one book, as only one might bore you and with various options at your disposal, fun will be guaranteed.

Entertain Yourself During a Long Car Ride Step 2
Entertain Yourself During a Long Car Ride Step 2

Step 2. Travel toy holder

If you are in the car with a group of people, you can enjoy the travel games together. The most common include Trivial Pursuit (you can know who is winning by counting the number of correct answers), Guess Who? o Cards Against Humanity.

Entertain Yourself During a Long Car Ride Step 3
Entertain Yourself During a Long Car Ride Step 3

Step 3. Bring the technological devices of your choice

Technology can also entertain you, for example a tablet, an e-reader or even a portable DVD player. You can also pack a music player (like an iPod), a portable console, or even your computer in your bag. Alternatively, you can keep busy thanks to your smartphone.

  • If you bring your DVD player, remember to bring discs.
  • Don't forget the earphones!
Entertain Yourself During a Long Car Ride Step 4
Entertain Yourself During a Long Car Ride Step 4

Step 4. Bring healthy snacks

Boredom can make you hungry - this happens very often on long car journeys. Eat healthy snacks to fill your tummy without weighing you down.

  • A small bag of easy-to-eat vegetables in the car, such as carrots and peppers, are a simple and healthy snack.
  • Cheese morsels are easy to eat and less harmful than fast food. You can also bring a small bag of nuts, such as almonds or cashews.

Method 2 of 3: Dedicate Time to Yourself

Entertain Yourself During a Long Car Ride Step 5
Entertain Yourself During a Long Car Ride Step 5

Step 1. Write

Maybe you've been wanting to write someone a letter or email for a while. Maybe you have a long to-do list in your head that you would like to put pen to paper. A long drive is the perfect opportunity to enjoy writing. You can also compose a story, add pages to your journal or finish your homework.

Entertain Yourself During a Long Car Ride Step 6
Entertain Yourself During a Long Car Ride Step 6

Step 2. Take a break

Take advantage of the car trip to get away from it all. No electronic devices, internet or books. Just observe the landscape and let your mind fly.

Entertain Yourself During a Long Car Ride Step 7
Entertain Yourself During a Long Car Ride Step 7

Step 3. Play alone

If your traveling companions don't feel like playing, you can have fun alone. You could start with the alphabet game: look for letters A to Z on road signs and car plates; alternatively you can play a solitaire with cards. If you have a smartphone or tablet, download some fun travel games. You can even bring your favorite video games to your handheld console.

Method 3 of 3: Documenting the Trip

Entertain Yourself During a Long Car Ride Step 8
Entertain Yourself During a Long Car Ride Step 8

Step 1. Take lots of photos

Bring your camera, otherwise use your smartphone's camera; in any case, be sure to take lots of photos. The journey will flow faster if you are always on the lookout for new and exciting subjects to capture.

It is normal to have the desire to publish your photos on social networks, but try to at least wait for the end of the trip. That way you won't miss a thing while looking for the perfect filter

Entertain Yourself During a Long Car Ride Step 9
Entertain Yourself During a Long Car Ride Step 9

Step 2. Write down your thoughts about the trip

Keep a small diary with you to record those thoughts. You can write something funny or beautiful you saw, tell about interesting conversations in the car, or describe your general feelings about the trip.

Entertain Yourself During a Long Car Ride Step 10
Entertain Yourself During a Long Car Ride Step 10

Step 3. Plan fun stops

One of the best ways to have fun on a long journey is to make it part of the adventure. Find the best places to stop: interesting natural landscapes, the best restaurants or even lovely parks. This way you can break the monotony of the trip and make it more exciting.

To find the best places to stop, do a search on tourism websites in the area you will visit or pass through. You can also search for guides on travel in those areas


  • Remember to fully charge your electronic devices, such as your iPod, the night before your trip. If you are going to be away for a few days, don't forget the charger.
  • Make sure you choose the best place to sit the night before your trip. Check that you have enough legroom and that all luggage is well stowed. You don't want something to fall on your head at the first corner!
  • Bring a flashlight with you to read at night.
  • Don't forget the charger and extra batteries.
  • If you use your electronic devices a lot and want to do so while traveling, bring a portable charger with you.
  • If you enjoy watching YouTube videos, leave a few for the journey.
  • Download songs and music. If you don't want to shop, you can find tons of songs for free on YouTube.
  • Sleep! It is one of the best ways to pass the time.
  • Bring tasty snacks and candy so you'll have something to eat if you get sick.
  • Bring headphones so you don't bother other passengers with your music.
  • Pay attention to reading and other similar activities; you may feel bad! In that case, try eating a candy and looking out the window. You can sleep if you wish to avoid motion sickness altogether.


  • Try not to drink too much on car journeys, especially when the next service area is many miles away.
  • If you read for too long, you will probably suffer from motion sickness, so take a break and look out the window from time to time. If you feel nauseous, stop reading, look at the horizon and take deep breaths. This way you can prevent motion sickness before it arrives.
  • Don't play too long - you may get a headache, plus you may completely drain your electronic devices.
