Coconut oil changes from a solid to a liquid state when it reaches 24 ° C. To use it in cooking or as a product for the beauty and health of the body, it must be in liquid form. During the summer months, coconut oil may remain liquid and be ready to use at all times. Instead, when the weather is cold, you can easily melt it using hot water, stove or microwave.
Method 1 of 3: Using Hot Water

Step 1. Fill the sink with hot water
This method is useful if you want to melt a whole jar of coconut oil. Make sure the water level allows you to keep the jar completely submerged.
If the size of the jar allows it, you can soak it in hot water in a basin

Step 2. Dip the jar of coconut oil into the hot water
Make sure the lid is screwed on properly. The water must also cover the lid, otherwise the coconut oil will not dissolve evenly.
If the jar floats in water, place a heavy object, such as a plate, on top of it so that it remains submerged
Step 3. Leave the jar to soak in hot water for 90 seconds
It will take about a couple of minutes for the coconut oil to dissolve completely. After 90 seconds, remove the jar from the water and dry it with a cloth. At this point, you can dose the amount of oil you need.
If the temperature is below 24 ° C, coconut oil will gradually return to a solid state, so dose it and use it in time
Method 2 of 3: Using the Microwave

Step 1. Take the coconut oil out of the jar using a spoon
Take a sturdy spoon to extract the required amount of coconut oil from the jar. You can also use a measuring spoon - level the coconut oil inside the spoon to get an accurate measurement.
If the coconut oil has a very hard and crumbly consistency, repeatedly scrape it with a spoon and collect the fragments; once joined, they will acquire a pasty consistency
Step 2. Put the solid coconut oil in a container suitable for microwave use
Transfer it from the spoon to the container. If possible, cover the container with a microwave-safe lid to block out any splashes.
Step 3. Heat the coconut oil at 10 second intervals
Coconut oil will melt very quickly in the microwave, so it is best to heat it only for short periods of time. As a reference, it will take approximately 45 seconds to dissolve 125ml of coconut oil.
- The power of the microwave oven greatly affects the time it takes for coconut oil to melt.
- Mix the coconut oil between intervals so that it melts more evenly.
Method 3 of 3: Using the Stoves

Step 1. Measure the coconut oil according to your needs
Use a measuring spoon or regular spoon to determine how much you need. Level it as you normally do when you dose the flour to get an accurate measurement.
If you use coconut oil regularly and scraping it off is tiring, you can melt the entire contents of the jar and spread it out in an ice mold. Leave the mold in the refrigerator until the oil has returned to a solid state. At that point you will have obtained small portions ready to use
Step 2. Heat the coconut oil on the stove for 2 minutes
Put it in a saucepan and let it heat over a slow flame, stirring often. This method works best if you intend to use coconut oil as a condiment. You can melt it in the pot you will use to cook, for example the one you will use to make popcorn.
You can use a saucepan or even a skillet, for example if you intend to use coconut oil to make pancakes or chicken wings

Step 3. Remove the pot from the heat when the coconut oil has become liquid and clear
At that point it will be ready to be used as you wish. If it's more than you really need, you can let it solidify again.
- Don't worry if you notice that there is a clear liquid on the surface of the oil in the jar - it is simply a part of the oil that has already begun to dissolve.
- Coconut oil has a high smoke point (176 ° C), making it ideal for most cooking, except for frying.
- You can melt and solidify the coconut oil several times without fear of it spoiling, thus avoiding waste.