4 Ways to Use Coconut Oil on Skin and Hair

Table of contents:

4 Ways to Use Coconut Oil on Skin and Hair
4 Ways to Use Coconut Oil on Skin and Hair

Using coconut oil is a great natural way to make your skin and hair soft, healthy and shiny. It is an organic product, free from artificial chemicals. Throw away all balms, eye contours and nourishing creams - you don't need them anymore! A jar of unrefined coconut oil is a multipurpose moisturizer, ideal for all skin and scalp types. If you want to find out how to use it, read on.


Method 1 of 4: Moisturize the hair

Use Coconut Oil on Your Hair and Skin Step 1
Use Coconut Oil on Your Hair and Skin Step 1

Step 1. Put on old clothes

Coconut oil can drip a little, so put on a worn t-shirt, otherwise wrap a towel around your shoulders to avoid getting new clothes dirty. It is best to start the nourishing treatment in the bathroom, but then you can move freely while holding it in the pose for a few hours.

Use Coconut Oil on Your Hair and Skin Step 2
Use Coconut Oil on Your Hair and Skin Step 2

Step 2. Get a cap to cover your hair

You can use a shower head, or use cling film or an old shirt to wrap your head. You should stare at it, so that it doesn't move for several hours or even all night.

Use Coconut Oil on Your Hair and Skin Step 3
Use Coconut Oil on Your Hair and Skin Step 3

Step 3. Measure 45-75ml of coconut oil and pour into a microwave-safe bowl

The amount of oil needed depends on how long and thick your hair is. If they are long and thick, use 45ml, while if they are short and thin, 75ml will suffice.

  • Use unrefined coconut oil. The treated one contains additives and the process to which it has been subjected has caused the removal of some fundamental components for the care of skin and hair. Unrefined coconut oil is completely natural and all of its properties are intact.
  • Don't worry if you accidentally use more oil than you need, you will have to wash it off anyway!
Make a Coconut Oil Lotion Bar Step 3
Make a Coconut Oil Lotion Bar Step 3

Step 4. If the oil is in solid form, melt it in the microwave

Place the bowl in the oven and let it heat for about 30 seconds to the highest temperature available. Turn it over and put it back in the microwave for another half minute, until it has melted completely. It should be liquid enough that you can apply it to your hair without difficulty.

  • Don't have a microwave? You can dissolve the oil by holding it between your palms and gently pushing them against each other. A little heat is enough to make it melt. In any case, remember that it begins to take on a liquid state when the temperature is around 24 ° C, while when it is cold it solidifies.
  • You can also heat it up on the stove. Remove it from the jar using a spoon and place it in a small pan. Let it heat up over low heat.
  • It can also be dissolved by placing the jar under running hot tap water. It takes a few seconds for it to melt.
Use Coconut Oil on Your Hair and Skin Step 5
Use Coconut Oil on Your Hair and Skin Step 5

Step 5. Massage the oil into your hair

Let it cool for a few seconds so it doesn't get hot, then pour it on the top of your head in a circular motion and evenly distribute it on the scalp. Use your fingers to massage it and spread it over your hair, from roots to ends. Continue until you have impregnated them with product.

  • You can use a comb to help you distribute the oil evenly. Do it from roots to ends.
  • Maybe you just want to moisturize the ends of your hair, avoiding the roots. In this case, apply the oil only to this area instead of pouring it all over the scalp. Massage it with your hands.
Use Coconut Oil on Your Hair and Skin Step 6
Use Coconut Oil on Your Hair and Skin Step 6

Step 6. Roll up your hair at the top of your head and wrap it in a shower cap, cling film or an old T-shirt to completely cover your head

  • You can secure the cap with a soft headband so it will stay firmly on the top of your head.
  • Use a towel to wipe away any drops that may have fallen on your face by wrapping your hair.
Use Coconut Oil on Your Hair and Skin Step 7
Use Coconut Oil on Your Hair and Skin Step 7

Step 7. Wait at least two hours or overnight so your hair will soak up the oil well

The longer you leave it on, the more hydrated they will be. For best results, try to be as patient as possible.

Use Coconut Oil on Your Hair and Skin Step 8
Use Coconut Oil on Your Hair and Skin Step 8

Step 8. Remove the cap from your hair and wash it

Use your favorite shampoo (preferably one made with natural ingredients, so your hair will always be healthy) to get rid of the oil. Repeat the shampoo 2-3 times, until the oily effect disappears completely.

Use Coconut Oil on Your Hair and Skin Step 9
Use Coconut Oil on Your Hair and Skin Step 9

Step 9. Let the hair dry

Air dry them or use a hair dryer to observe the effects of the moisturizing treatment. They should be soft, shiny and shiny after you're done.

Method 2 of 4: Moisturize the face

Use Coconut Oil on Your Hair and Skin Step 10
Use Coconut Oil on Your Hair and Skin Step 10

Step 1. Perform a regular facial cleansing routine

You can rinse it quickly with water, exfoliate it with a small brush or use the cleansing method with oil … in short, the important thing is to wash it. Dab it with a soft towel, making sure you don't pull on the skin - it's fragile, so rubbing it can cause damage.

Use Coconut Oil on Your Hair and Skin Step 11
Use Coconut Oil on Your Hair and Skin Step 11

Step 2. Apply a few drops of coconut oil to the eye area

This product, in fact, is also excellent for moisturizing the eye contour. It helps to nourish this area of the skin, which is quite thin, reducing dark circles and preventing the appearance of wrinkles. Dab a small amount around your eyes, focusing on the areas that have wrinkles.

  • You need a pea-sized amount for each eye. Try not to overdo it.
  • Don't get it in the eye. If this happens you will have blurred vision for a few minutes.
Use Coconut Oil on Your Hair and Skin Step 12
Use Coconut Oil on Your Hair and Skin Step 12

Step 3. Apply it sparingly to dry parts of the face

If you tend to have dry areas, such as between the eyebrows, temples or other places, apply a small amount of oil. Gently massage it in a circular motion.

Use Coconut Oil on Your Hair and Skin Step 13
Use Coconut Oil on Your Hair and Skin Step 13

Step 4. Apply it to your lips

Unrefined coconut oil softens and moisturizes chapped lips. It's absolutely edible, so don't worry if you ingest some. Among other things, it is also excellent in the kitchen.

Use Coconut Oil on Your Hair and Skin Step 14
Use Coconut Oil on Your Hair and Skin Step 14

Step 5. Use coconut oil instead of face cream

Apply it after taking a shower or washing your face. Let it soak into your skin for 10 minutes before you put your makeup on. You need a small amount to moisturize the entire face.

  • Some people get rashes after applying the oil. Try on a small area of the skin for a few days. If you like the effect and you don't notice pimples or blackheads, use it all over your face as well.
  • You can also use coconut oil to cleanse your skin. Again, test to see if the pores tend to get clogged. You can mix it with castor oil, in case you fear it is too rich for your epidermis.

Method 3 of 4: Moisturize the Body

Use Coconut Oil on Your Hair and Skin Step 15
Use Coconut Oil on Your Hair and Skin Step 15

Step 1. Apply coconut oil after taking a bath or shower

When the skin is still warm and elastic thanks to the steam, it is absorbed more easily.

Use Coconut Oil on Your Hair and Skin Step 16
Use Coconut Oil on Your Hair and Skin Step 16

Step 2. Use 15ml to hydrate your arms

Pick it up with a spoon and use this tool to apply it. Massage the arm with your hand and let the product dissolve on the skin. Distribute it evenly and massage until completely absorbed. Repeat with the other arm.

Use Coconut Oil on Your Hair and Skin Step 17
Use Coconut Oil on Your Hair and Skin Step 17

Step 3. Use 30ml to moisturize your legs

Take two tablespoons of the oil and apply them on your thighs, knees, legs and feet. Massage them carefully until dissolved and absorbed. Repeat with the other leg.

Use Coconut Oil on Your Hair and Skin Step 18
Use Coconut Oil on Your Hair and Skin Step 18

Step 4. Use another 30ml to hydrate your torso

Massage it on your back, buttocks, belly, breasts and any other place you want to hydrate. You can use it instead of any body cream.

Bath in Milk Step 6
Bath in Milk Step 6

Step 5. Wait for it to be absorbed

It typically takes 15 minutes to be fully absorbed by the skin. In the meantime, do other things in the bathroom or put on a bathrobe so you don't stain clothes or furniture.

Make a Honey Skin Softening Bath Step 1
Make a Honey Skin Softening Bath Step 1

Step 6. Immerse yourself in a coconut oil bath

Pour in 30ml of oil after filling the tub with warm or hot water and shake it to dissolve. Then, dive in for about ten minutes. Do this once or twice a week for a couple of months - you'll notice more hydrated skin.

Method 4 of 4: Other Uses

Use Coconut Oil on Your Hair and Skin Step 21
Use Coconut Oil on Your Hair and Skin Step 21

Step 1. Use it as a massage oil

You can aromatize it with a few drops of lavender or rose essential oil and then apply it to your skin or that of your partner for a sensual home massage.

Use Coconut Oil on Your Hair and Skin Step 22
Use Coconut Oil on Your Hair and Skin Step 22

Step 2. Use coconut oil to fix unruly hair

Rub a pea-sized amount of oil into your hands and apply it to your hair to smooth it out and get rid of those annoying, frizzy locks.

Use Coconut Oil on Your Hair and Skin Step 23
Use Coconut Oil on Your Hair and Skin Step 23

Step 3. Use coconut oil to reduce the visibility of scars

Apply a generous amount on the affected parts. Repeat twice a day. Over time you will notice that they will be less visible and the size will shrink.

Use Coconut Oil on Your Hair and Skin Step 24
Use Coconut Oil on Your Hair and Skin Step 24

Step 4. Use it to treat eczema

Apply it to dry and inflamed parts of the skin to relieve itching and moisturize them.

Use Coconut Oil on Your Hair and Skin Step 25
Use Coconut Oil on Your Hair and Skin Step 25

Step 5. Use coconut oil to make hair silky

Pour some into a bowl. If it's solid, heat it to a liquid state and let it cool.

  • Take a small amount with your hand.
  • Apply it to the scalp. Massage it and collect your hair.
  • Do this in the evening and wash your hair in the morning: it will become silky and strong.
Use Coconut Oil on Your Hair and Skin Step 26
Use Coconut Oil on Your Hair and Skin Step 26

Step 6. Use it on the cuticles

Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Apply coconut oil to your cuticles. The amount of a pea per hand is enough. Massage it on this area until completely absorbed.

Use Coconut Oil on Your Hair and Skin Step 27
Use Coconut Oil on Your Hair and Skin Step 27

Step 7. Mix coconut oil with curry leaves, Neem leaves and dried hibiscus flowers

Heat all these ingredients. Let them cool to room temperature, then apply the solution to your scalp using cotton balls. Massage lightly and leave on overnight. Shampoo the next morning. The hair will be incredibly shiny and soft.

Remove Eyeliner Step 10
Remove Eyeliner Step 10

Step 8. Finished


  • A small amount is enough: be careful not to use too much.
  • Some people think that coconut oil should not be heated in the microwave, as this can cause the loss of essential nutrients to moisturize skin and hair. They therefore recommend putting it under a jet of boiling water.
  • Coconut oil can also be mixed with sugar to make a natural scrub, suitable for any skin type, especially dry skin.
  • Coconut oil has also been shown to be effective in fighting head lice. Try massaging it into your scalp if you suffer from it.
  • Coconut oil makes hair healthier and can promote growth if used constantly.
  • If you dye your hair at home, coconut oil can be used to help reduce the damage caused by chemicals by moisturizing it. Pour a few drops into the tincture bottle and shake it well before use.
  • Do not leave the oil on your hair for more than a day without washing it. They will smell bad and become greasy.
  • Add some Amla powder, also called "Indian gooseberry", to hold the melanin in the hair follicles. This method is said to prevent the appearance of gray hair.
  • Coconut oil can be a good substitute for moisturizer for sensitive skin because it's 100% natural and shouldn't cause blemishes (unless you're allergic).
  • Apply it sparingly on your legs after shaving them to hydrate and make them glow.
