How to stop your brother from bothering you

How to stop your brother from bothering you
How to stop your brother from bothering you

Table of contents:


If you have a brother who continues to annoy you, this article will explain how to make him stop permanently.


Stop Your Brother from Annoying You Step 1
Stop Your Brother from Annoying You Step 1

Step 1. Ignore it and you will see that it will stop soon

If you don't react to his provocations, he will be bored in no time.

Stop Your Brother from Annoying You Step 2
Stop Your Brother from Annoying You Step 2

Step 2. Love it

Kindly ask him to stop bothering you. If he continues to insult you anyway, take it as a compliment. He will be shocked. Remember that he just wants to make you nervous. If he becomes physically annoying, such as by throwing objects at you or repeatedly touching you, hug him in an annoying way. He will shiver and beg you to let him go.

Stop Your Brother from Annoying You Step 3
Stop Your Brother from Annoying You Step 3

Step 3. Leave

What he wants is to press the right buttons to make you react to his provocations. If you don't give him what he wants, he will eventually stop. If he comes after you, stay where you are, but don't call your parents.

Stop Your Brother from Annoying You Step 4
Stop Your Brother from Annoying You Step 4

Step 4. Leave the computer alone and play something he likes with him

Everyone knows that when younger siblings start "pestering", they just want to play with their siblings. He probably feels alone and wants some company.

Stop Your Brother from Annoying You Step 5
Stop Your Brother from Annoying You Step 5

Step 5. Register it

Whenever your brother is in the same room with you and you know he will try to annoy you, grab a tape recorder. It can be on a cell phone, a voice recorder, a camera, something that records your voice. Hide it in your pocket and record everything it says. Later, you can have your parents listen as proof of his behavior and ask them if they can help you.

Stop Your Brother from Annoying You Step 6
Stop Your Brother from Annoying You Step 6

Step 6. If you can't get your little brother or siblings to stop bothering you, try to live with it and keep trying to get them to stop

Stop Your Brother from Annoying You Step 7
Stop Your Brother from Annoying You Step 7

Step 7. If you continue to get bored, tell yours

If they don't believe you, go back to step five.


  • Don't argue with him. All he wants is to drive you crazy, otherwise why should he bother you? If you have trouble controlling your temper, take deep breaths and tell him you want to be alone for a while.
  • If he starts judging you, tell him, "I'm proud to be who I am" and leave.
  • If he tries to insult you, tell an adult or leave.
  • Remember to be nice, because someday it might be all that's left of your family!
  • Try doing something he loves with him and when you're done, tell him you need some time to be on your own. Perhaps, it will leave you some space at that point.
  • Try to be nice to him. It's the easiest way to live with it.
  • Give him a comic.


  • Don't give up easily. Stick with your plan, but if the situation gets serious, leave the room and ignore it.
  • Don't act like a perfect idiot with him, this will make him even more angry and he will surely try to be more annoying to express his emotions. In other words, treat him as you would like to be treated too. After all, he tries to imitate you 70-80% of the time, so if you start yelling or yelling at him, he won't stop, but will repeat everything you are doing and respond to your insults.
  • Never use bad language with him. You would end up in trouble.
  • If you are struggling and it gets serious and you risk getting hurt, stop.
  • Don't hurt your brother; just ignore it.
  • Don't name him or hit him if he hasn't done anything wrong either.
