Health 2024, September

4 Ways to Recognize the Symptoms of a Coronary Artery Disease

4 Ways to Recognize the Symptoms of a Coronary Artery Disease

Coronary heart disease, also known as ischemic heart disease or coronary artery disease, is the leading cause of death worldwide and is caused by obstruction of the coronary arteries. When the arteries of the heart become blocked, it results in decreased blood flow and the inability to carry oxygen and other nutrients to various parts of the body.

3 Ways to Get the Health Benefits of Cinnamon

3 Ways to Get the Health Benefits of Cinnamon

In many cultures, cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum or C. cassia) has been considered a miraculous spice for a long time; science has also shown that the substances present in its oil, such as cinnamic aldehyde, cinnamic acetate and cinnamic alcohol, are beneficial for health.

How to Undergo a Blood Test (with Pictures)

How to Undergo a Blood Test (with Pictures)

Doctors prescribe blood tests for several reasons, most notably because there are no better indicators of general health than the values and concentrations that can be measured by this test. Unfortunately, for many people, the withdrawal is a nerve-wracking and difficult time to go through.

How to Manage a Nervous Breakdown in Children with Autism or Asperger's Syndrome

How to Manage a Nervous Breakdown in Children with Autism or Asperger's Syndrome

Nervous breakdowns are common in children with autism or with Asperger's syndrome. They occur when the baby is under pressure, angry or over-stimulated. These crises are dangerous for the child and terrible for the parents, so it is very important to develop an effective strategy to manage them and minimize their frequency.

How to Take Methadone: 9 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Take Methadone: 9 Steps (with Pictures)

Methadone is a drug that is used as a pain reliever or to help addicts get rid of opiates, such as heroin, detoxify and manage withdrawal symptoms. It works by altering the way the brain and nervous system react to pain, providing relief during the drug recovery process.

How to Reduce Platelets: 12 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Reduce Platelets: 12 Steps (with Pictures)

Platelets are so small that they make up only a tiny fraction of the total blood volume. Their function is mainly to avoid bleeding by coagulating the blood. However, in rare cases, some people develop a condition that causes the bone marrow to produce too many platelets.

6 Ways to Keep Exercising After a Lower Limb Injury

6 Ways to Keep Exercising After a Lower Limb Injury

Made up of muscles, bones, blood vessels and connective tissues, the legs are one of the most important parts of the body; they support us on our feet and allow us to move and walk around. You can suffer a leg injury in a variety of ways, playing sports, falling down stairs, having an accident, etc.

How to Help a Disabled Person: 7 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Help a Disabled Person: 7 Steps (with Pictures)

A disability is simply a challenge that people face, whether they are healthy or not. The only difference is that many people don't approach it as such. Having a disability doesn't necessarily mean being worse, it just means doing things differently.

How to Perform an Autopsy on a Human Being

How to Perform an Autopsy on a Human Being

An autopsy is performed on a deceased person by a pathologist (a specialized doctor) or a coroner. The procedure generally serves to determine four specific things: the time of death, the cause of death, the presence of any damage to the body (including those caused by disease), and the type of death (suicide, homicide, or natural causes).

How to Insert an IV (with Pictures)

How to Insert an IV (with Pictures)

An intravenous (IV) drip is a very common but vital tool in modern medicine. It allows doctors to deliver fluids, blood products and drugs directly into the patient's blood system via a small tube. This type of therapy is highly absorbent and allows for precise dosage control, which is crucial in many medical procedures.

How to Control Bladder Spasms

How to Control Bladder Spasms

We all know the sensation caused by a full bladder and which makes us understand that it is time to urinate. People who suffer from bladder spasms are unable to feel a gradual increase in pressure, which would instead allow them to go to the bathroom according to the schedule of the day.

4 Ways To Rise Up When You Are Low Morale

4 Ways To Rise Up When You Are Low Morale

Sadness prevents you from living well. You certainly have every right to feel disheartened, but a perennial state of affliction is of no use. In fact, the truth is that you are destined to do great things for yourself and for the world. It is easier to give up and stay in bed, or move forward in a state of survival, but right now you have a great gift in your hands.

How to Naturally Reduce Body Temperature

How to Naturally Reduce Body Temperature

Lowering the body's temperature can be extremely important because, when it is higher than normal, cells and organs could be damaged. Body heat increases when the body needs to fight viruses and bacteria, which is one of the defense mechanisms at its disposal.

How to Use Plastic Sheets from Hardware Stores as an Incontinence Crossbar

How to Use Plastic Sheets from Hardware Stores as an Incontinence Crossbar

This article explains how it is possible to use plastic sheets from hardware stores to protect the bed from incontinence for a person of any age. It works with children, adolescents, adults who have to recover from an operation or elderly people.

How to understand the results of a bone scan

How to understand the results of a bone scan

Bone scan is an imaging test that allows you to view bone disease and trauma. Doctors prescribe it for suspected cases of osteoporosis, fracture, bone cancer, arthritis or osteomyelitis. The procedure involves injecting a radioactive substance (radiopharmaceutical) into a vein and then taking pictures of the body with a special radiation-sensitive camera.

How to Empty the Catheter Bag: 10 Steps

How to Empty the Catheter Bag: 10 Steps

If you have difficulty urinating due to an illness, infection, or other health problem, you may need a catheter to use at home. in this case, you must empty the pouch to properly dispose of the urine. There are two types of bags: large ones and those that can be tied to one leg.

How to Deal with a Painful Injection: 13 Steps

How to Deal with a Painful Injection: 13 Steps

Injections can be very painful, but they are sometimes unavoidable. Many people are easily impressed by the idea of needles or blood and may experience the experience as a traumatic moment; also, sometimes the pain lasts for some time. But if you get distracted, relax during the procedure, and soothe the localized discomfort, you can easily manage the pain sensation.

How to Perform the Epley Maneuver (with Pictures)

How to Perform the Epley Maneuver (with Pictures)

The Epley maneuver is performed when a person suffers from benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). This syndrome is triggered when the crystals inside the ear (called otoliths) move from their location (utricle) towards the back and inside of the ear canal (semicircular canals).

3 Ways to Recover from a Nap

3 Ways to Recover from a Nap

Taking a nap can be a perfect way to quickly "recharge" during the day. However, if it takes too long, you may wake up groggy and disoriented. You can optimize this short rest by reducing the chances of waking up in a daze: set an alarm for short sleep and wake up before falling into a deep sleep.

How to start hormone replacement therapy (male to female)

How to start hormone replacement therapy (male to female)

The decision to start hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can be an exciting one. For many people, hormone therapy is the first step towards the physical transition to a female body. First you need to find a doctor who can prescribe female hormones, which you will take via patches, pills or injections.

How to Prepare for a Massage: 10 Steps

How to Prepare for a Massage: 10 Steps

Getting a massage is a relaxing experience that offers numerous benefits. However, many times you don't know what to do before and after the session. Read on to find out how to make the most of this experience. Steps Part 1 of 3: Before the Massage Step 1.

3 Ways to Kill Norovirus

3 Ways to Kill Norovirus

Norovirus is a contagious virus that affects a large number of people every year. Contagion occurs through contact with an infected person, ingesting contaminated food or drink, and touching contaminated surfaces. However, there are several ways to kill the virus and prevent infection.

How to Keep the Heart Healthy: 6 Steps

How to Keep the Heart Healthy: 6 Steps

A healthy heart is achieved by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, you must eliminate all habits that put him at risk from your life. For some people, this could mean making huge changes in all aspects of daily life. If you are looking for ways to keep a healthy heart, you need to consider the following tips.

How to Prevent Fainting (with Pictures)

How to Prevent Fainting (with Pictures)

You know this feeling well: dizziness, confusion, blurred vision and sweating. Put it all together and you know you're on the verge of passing out. Have you ever wondered if it is possible to prevent syncope before it happens? Surely. Whether you want to avoid it or help someone in this situation, it only takes a few quick remedies to remedy it.

How to Apply a Cold Compress: 6 Steps

How to Apply a Cold Compress: 6 Steps

A cold compress is used to cool an injured area, to protect tissues by slowing metabolism and reducing swelling. It is possible to make a compress with a cloth soaked in cold water or use commercial bags or pads that can be cooled in the freezer or thanks to a chemical reaction.

How to Sit at Work with Back Pain

How to Sit at Work with Back Pain

Ergonomics is the study of products and postures that allow the human body to be more productive and healthy. You may have heard this term in the workplace before, because people who sit for 8 hours a day are particularly prone to damage from poor posture.

How to Increase Body Temperature: 11 Steps

How to Increase Body Temperature: 11 Steps

Knowing how to raise your body temperature may come in handy in some cases - for example, if you are predisposed to having it quite low or are caring for someone with hypothermia. The right foods and drinks, exercise and clothing can help you in your quest.

3 Ways to Determine Why Your Period is Delayed

3 Ways to Determine Why Your Period is Delayed

A delayed period can create a stressful situation for any woman. If you are hoping to be pregnant or are simply wondering what the cause may be, having answers is essential to your physical and mental well-being. In addition to pregnancy, there are numerous factors that can influence the regularity of the menstrual cycle.

3 Ways to Lower Estrogen Levels

3 Ways to Lower Estrogen Levels

Estrogens are natural hormones mostly known for the role they play in a woman's fertility. However, an excess of these hormones in the body can lead to weight gain and can increase the risk of developing cancer, osteoporosis, thyroid problems and other ailments.

How to tell if you are too sick to go to school or work

How to tell if you are too sick to go to school or work

Have you ever had one of those days when you get up in the morning and feel terrible? Are the pain, or your weird feelings, so unbearable that you feel unable to go to work or school? Here are some methods that can help you decide if staying at home is the right thing to do.

4 Ways to Sleep with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

4 Ways to Sleep with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition in which the median nerve, which extends from the hand along the entire forearm, undergoes compression. As a result, the patient complains of a number of unpleasant symptoms, such as pain in the hand and wrist, numbness, tingling, and an inability to perform certain fine motor activities.

How To Take Soft Capsules: 9 Steps

How To Take Soft Capsules: 9 Steps

Softgel or soft capsules are fast-acting gelatin tablets containing active ingredients in liquid form. They are used in the manufacture of vitamins, supplements, over-the-counter or prescription drugs. These capsules are a very popular pharmaceutical preparation mainly because they are easier to swallow than hard pills or tablets.

How to Lower the Urea Nitrogen Index: 9 Steps

How to Lower the Urea Nitrogen Index: 9 Steps

A blood urea nitrogen index (BUN) test is used to determine the amount of urea nitrogen or waste products in the blood. High levels of BUN can be a sign that the kidneys are not functioning properly, or they could indicate serious illness, injury, dehydration, or excessive protein intake.

How to Treat Pubic Lice: 14 Steps

How to Treat Pubic Lice: 14 Steps

If you have noticed a rather annoying itch in the genital area, you may have pubic lice, also called "crabs". These are parasites that are transmitted through sexual activity with a rate of infection from infected skin to healthy skin greater than 90%.

3 Ways to Know if Your Child has Juvenile Diabetes

3 Ways to Know if Your Child has Juvenile Diabetes

Juvenile diabetes, better known as type 1 diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes, is a disease in which the insulin-producing pancreas stops working. Insulin is an important hormone because it regulates the amount of sugar (glucose) in the blood and helps transfer it into cells to provide energy for the body.

How to Take a Stool Sample: 9 Steps

How to Take a Stool Sample: 9 Steps

Are you sick and your doctor has asked you to take a stool sample, but you don't know how? Keep reading! Steps Step 1. Obtain the container for the collection of feces from the pharmacy It is usually a white jar with an airtight seal.

How To Sleep With Carpal Tunnel Syndrome During Pregnancy

How To Sleep With Carpal Tunnel Syndrome During Pregnancy

The carpal tunnel is a space inside the wrist that contains connective tissue, tendons, and the median nerve. The latter transmits the sensory and motor signals of most of the fingers and some areas of the hand; if it is squeezed or squeezed it can cause pain, tingling and difficulty in controlling the affected muscles.

How to Heal a Skin Biopsy: 7 Steps

How to Heal a Skin Biopsy: 7 Steps

A skin biopsy is a medical procedure that involves removing a small sample of skin tissue to be analyzed and examined under a microscope to determine the presence of cancerous or other abnormal cells. There are several methods of taking a tissue sample for biopsies, depending on the size and location of the suspected skin lesion.

How to Relieve Pain Caused by Kidney Stones

How to Relieve Pain Caused by Kidney Stones

Kidney stones can be extremely painful. If you are suffering from colic caused by kidney stones, you can try different pain relief remedies. Don't forget to see your doctor for advice on the best treatment, as the situation could get worse without the right treatment.

How to Detect Blood in Urine: 11 Steps

How to Detect Blood in Urine: 11 Steps

The presence of blood in the urine is defined by the term hematuria. Studies have found that up to 21% of the population is affected. This can be a benign problem but it can also be a sign of another condition, such as a kidney stone or tumor.