Adrenaline, called "epinephrine" in the medical field, is a neurotransmitter hormone released in response to stressful situations. Once secreted, adrenaline accelerates the heart rate, dilates the bronchial passages and improves physical performance. An adrenaline rush usually comes in emotional or physical stressful situations, but there are some ways to stimulate it. It's healthy to occasionally push yourself beyond your comfort zone, and a good boost of energy can come in handy throughout the day. You can get an adrenaline rush by exposing yourself to stimuli such as fear or engaging in particular physical activities. However, be careful never to do things that could cause physical harm, simply for the pleasure of experiencing the adrenaline.
Part 1 of 3: Get scared

Step 1. Watch a horror movie or show
The purpose of horror movies is to scare people. If the special effects of horror movies inspire you, you may have a fight or flight reaction, which can lead to the release of epinephrine in your body. If you want to feel the adrenaline rushing through your veins, watch a horror movie online or rent a DVD.
- Choose a theme that really scares you. If zombies have never scared you, it's unlikely that following the entire "The Walking Dead" series will give you an adrenaline rush. However, if you have an ancestral fear of the paranormal, you may be frightened by watching a movie like "The Ring".
- Read the reviews carefully. Some films are commonly considered chilling by critics and audiences. "Psycho", "Night of the Living Dead", "Alien" and "The Exorcist" are believed to be among the most terrifying films of all time.
- If you're craving an adrenaline rush, a suspenseful, thrilling movie might be preferable to a psychologically gruesome one. Remember that you are trying to stimulate an fight or flight response, so something direct and full of action scenes would be more suitable. Choose a horror movie with lots of action. For example, a "Halloween" movie might be a better alternative than "Rosemary's Baby".

Step 2. Play an addicting video game
If you immerse yourself in the virtual reality of video games, you may have an adrenaline rush. Violent games instantly increase the adrenaline rate. Rent or buy a video game with orgies of violence, in which the blood flows freely. War games and first person shooters often stimulate the release of adrenaline in the body.

Step 3. Take risks
Sometimes taking risks can result in the release of adrenaline into the blood. In addition to this, periodically taking risks has health benefits, because it encourages you to step outside your comfort zone.
- The purpose is not to do something that could potentially cause you physical harm. Closing your eyes while driving a car will certainly give you an adrenaline rush, but it's definitely not worth taking a risk like that. Instead, opt for things that would normally make you uncomfortable.
- Ask a girl for a date; sings karaoke in a bar; dance with someone you don't know; buy a lottery ticket or attend an audition for a play. Anything that seems risky to you could induce an adrenaline rush.
- If you are looking for a more intense discharge, there are some activities that carry a controlled risk. Experiences like bungee jumping and skydiving, for example, seem risky because they require jumping from considerable heights. However, as long as you practice them with experienced instructors, you should be safe. If you choose to try your hand at these activities, entrust yourself to qualified professionals and follow all safety regulations.
- Climb a glass elevator if you are afraid of heights. Instead of avoiding looking or closing your eyes, enjoy the show.

Step 4. Do something that scares you
Fear can also trigger the release of adrenaline. Addressing your fears periodically, in safe and controlled contexts, can give you a good adrenaline rush.
Think of something that scares you. If you are afraid of heights, for example, plan an evening in a hanging bar with your friends. If you have an ancestral fear of dogs, go for a walk in a dog park. Expose yourself to the little things that scare you to trigger the "fight or flight" reaction that can cause the adrenaline rush

Step 5. Visit a haunted house
Haunted houses can provoke adrenaline rushes in visitors as a result of the "fight or flight" reaction. The good thing about haunted houses is that they offer you a controlled context. You can expose yourself to frightening stimuli, even knowing rationally that you are safe, experiencing an adrenaline rush that is not accompanied by real anxiety or fear.
- It's easier to find a haunted house around Halloween. However, keep your eyes peeled throughout the year, as some associations may create the setting of haunted houses to raise funds or for other purposes, even during the other seasons.
- If you live near an amusement park, you may find the haunted house attraction open all year round.
Part 2 of 3: Physically Stimulate an Adrenaline Rush

Step 1. Take short breaths
Taking short, quick breaths can give you an adrenaline rush. This probably happens because people often breathe faster in response to danger. If you want to stimulate an adrenaline rush, take short, quick breaths and notice if you feel an increase in your heart rate and energy in general.
Proceed with caution: if you find yourself losing control of your breathing, stop to avoid hyperventilating

Step 2. Practice extreme sports
These are a great way to increase adrenaline. Physical activity practiced regularly also benefits your overall health. If you're looking for an adrenaline rush, try something like mountain biking, snowboarding or surfing.
- To get the best effect, choose a scary activity to increase your adrenaline level. If you are afraid of the open sea, try surfing.
- You can also play some team sports by joining a hockey or football team in your city. Practicing a sport that requires a lot of physical effort, in addition to contact with other players, could release some adrenaline.

Step 3. Try interval training
Interval training is a training system that alternates short periods of high intensity with periods of active recovery in which mild exercises are carried out. For example, you could pedal for four minutes at a steady pace and then pedal for another two minutes as if chased by a ferocious animal. This type of training not only causes an adrenaline rush, but allows you to burn more calories and increase muscle strength.
When you start practicing interval training, don't overdo it. Often the adrenaline rush will push you to go further. However, you shouldn't exceed 1-2 minute intervals of strenuous activity to avoid overexertion

Step 4. Engage in a new type of physical activity
Simply by making changes you can contribute to the release of adrenaline. Our minds are naturally used to fearing the unknown, so trying something new can cause a sudden surge of adrenaline. Engage in a sport or physical activity other than your usual one and see if you feel an adrenaline rush.

Step 5. Drink your coffee
Coffee can stimulate the adrenal glands, releasing adrenaline and triggering a "fight or flight" reaction in your body. However, use this method with caution, as excess caffeine can cause a lack of energy and vitality, making you even more tired than before. Consume coffee in moderation, not exceeding two cups at a time.
Part 3 of 3: Taking Precautions

Step 1. Don't underestimate your physical symptoms
When you experience an adrenaline rush, take note of the physical symptoms. The adrenaline rush usually wears off within seconds, but pay attention to the signals your body sends and, if necessary, take action.
- You may notice an increase in your strength. If you're in the gym, for example, you may suddenly be able to lift more weights than normal. You may also feel less physical pain, as adrenaline is able to temporarily inhibit the conscious perception of pain. Be alert when you experience these symptoms and try to remember that they are due to an adrenaline rush; you shouldn't overdo it, as you may feel pain the moment it wears off.
- You may also experience a sudden burst of energy and fast breathing. If these symptoms are excessive, take some steps to calm yourself down. Take long, deep breaths and go sit somewhere. Try to distract yourself by looking around to take your mind off whatever caused the adrenaline rush.

Step 2. Don't induce an adrenaline rush too often
Exposing yourself to extremely high levels of stress for long periods is not healthy. Even short-term stress can cause physical symptoms such as stomach cramps, rapid heartbeat, and increased blood pressure. Therefore, do not try to stimulate an adrenaline rush many times a day. It can be fun and healthy to push yourself beyond your comfort zone occasionally, but give yourself time to relax right afterward. For example, after watching a horror movie, enjoy a funny cartoon.

Step 3. Avoid potentially harmful activities
Minor risks and fears are a great way to stimulate an adrenaline rush. However, you shouldn't go looking for situations that could pose risks to yourself or others simply for the sake of an adrenaline rush. Limit yourself to safe and controlled situations.