3 Ways To Avoid Gaining Too Much Fat During Pregnancy

3 Ways To Avoid Gaining Too Much Fat During Pregnancy
3 Ways To Avoid Gaining Too Much Fat During Pregnancy

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It is normal, physiological and healthy to gain weight during pregnancy. It is important for the correct development of the fetus and represents a healthy process of adapting the body to its new needs and functions. However, putting on too much weight puts your health at risk by running the risk of developing gestational diabetes and a number of other conditions, in addition to the risk of a difficult birth, not being able to lose the extra pounds after childbirth and a host of others. pathologies. For all these reasons, you must learn how to reach the recommended weight during gestation without going further, so that you can return to your ideal weight after the baby is born and safeguard your health.


Method 1 of 3: Adopt Healthy Eating Habits

Avoid Gaining Baby Weight Step 1
Avoid Gaining Baby Weight Step 1

Step 1. Know what your weight goals are during gestation

If you know how many pounds you can and need to gain during the nine months of pregnancy, then you can track your progress. If you're gaining too much or too little weight, you can make changes to your diet and exercise plan. The gynecologist will help you stay "on track".

  • Doctors usually advise women who are of normal weight before pregnancy to gain 11-16 kg. Underweight women should try to gain weight by 13-18kg, overweight women by 7-12kg, while obese women should not exceed 5-10kg.
  • If you are expecting twins or more and are of normal weight, then your goal is 17-25 kg more; if you are overweight, 15-23 kg more; if you are obese you should try not to gain weight over 11-19 kg.
  • During the first trimester, try not to gain more than 1-2 kg; for the following months a good "roadmap" corresponds to about half a kilo per week, based on your final weight goals.
  • If you are overweight, your gynecologist may even ask you to lose weight during pregnancy. Remember that weight loss in this delicate period must be closely monitored by a doctor. However, keep in mind that most women do Not should lose weight while expecting a baby.
Avoid Gaining Baby Weight Step 2
Avoid Gaining Baby Weight Step 2

Step 2. Plan your weekly diet

Take the time to develop a "sample menu" to help you consume foods that contain nutrients that are important for a balanced diet during pregnancy; for example, whole grains, lean proteins, lots of fruit and vegetables should not be missing. Shop with this weekly plan in mind to minimize the chances of finding yourself eating at a fast-food restaurant or filling yourself with junk food.

  • Do not eat fish rich in mercury, such as swordfish, royal mackerel, specimens belonging to the "Malacanthidae" family and shark.
  • Restaurant and fast-food dishes contain more calories than home-cooked dishes themselves, which is why you should always ask for the low-calorie menu when you go out for dinner (if available). Remember that by preparing the dishes yourself you can reduce the fat, salt and sugar content compared to pre-cooked and restaurant foods. By doing this you will be able to consume much more nutritious meals, while saving on calories and fats that make you fat unnecessarily and in an unhealthy way.
Avoid Gaining Baby Weight Step 3
Avoid Gaining Baby Weight Step 3

Step 3. Give in to cravings in moderation

It is not entirely clear why pregnant women have strange cravings for food, some people think it is a request from the body to assimilate the nutrients it needs. Pregnancy cravings are normal, and you can learn how to best satisfy them.

  • If you simply can't resist the lure of a chocolate cake, ice cream, cheese fries, or other unhealthy food, then grab a small serving to quell craving without gobbling up a whole serving.
  • By measuring small portions and placing the rest of the "temptation" out of sight, you reduce the chances of eating another slice. Often, small bites savored with awareness are as satisfying as a whole serving, but without finding yourself feeling guilty or extra kilograms.
Avoid Gaining Baby Weight Step 4
Avoid Gaining Baby Weight Step 4

Step 4. Get 300 extra calories per day

Eating for two does not mean swallowing twice as much food. You don't need extra calories during the first trimester. From the second, however, you should take in 340 calories more each day and in the third trimester you should reach 450. If you are physically very active even during gestation, you will need to increase these quantities.

  • Get this extra energy from healthy foods, avoid empty calories and unhealthy amounts of fat, sugar and salt. Likewise, try to stick to a balanced diet and not focus on just one food group. Calories must come from a variety of healthy sources, such as whole grains, lean proteins, fruits and vegetables.
  • If you are always hungry, choose "filling" foods that make you feel full without providing too many calories, such as popcorn, rice cakes, raw vegetables, salads, soups, yogurts, oats and fresh fruit.. If you can eat large amounts of low-calorie, healthy foods, then you can satisfy your hunger without gaining excess weight.
  • Here are some examples of foods that provide around 100 calories: a tablespoon of peanut butter on fresh celery stalks, a jar of low-fat yogurt with a drizzle of honey, 50 g of sweet corn with some flavor and very little butter, or 10 potato chips. corn.
  • Snacks and meals that provide around 300 calories are scrambled eggs with buttered toast and fresh strawberries, a turkey sandwich with lettuce and tomatoes accompanied by a cup of vegetable soup, or a cup of low-fat muesli with 120ml of skim milk and a handful of berries.
Avoid Gaining Baby Weight Step 5
Avoid Gaining Baby Weight Step 5

Step 5. Eat and drink often

If you eat small, frequent meals throughout the day, you can control pregnancy-related heartburn, nausea, and indigestion. As your baby grows, the space to accommodate large meals decreases, so you'll need to reduce portions and eat often to meet nutritional needs.

  • Plan around five or six meals a day, spreading out the amount of calories you need at different times throughout the day, not forgetting to include healthy snacks. Eating every two to three hours allows you to maintain a high level of energy, an active metabolism and stable blood sugar; all this prevents you from overdoing the table and lowers the risk of gestational diabetes.
  • Keep healthy and "pre-measured" snacks at hand both at home and outside. If you have comfortable, healthy and well-proportioned snacks available, then you will be less tempted to buy food at fast-food outlets, vending machines, or eat the whole pack of chips when you need a snack.
Avoid Gaining Baby Weight Step 6
Avoid Gaining Baby Weight Step 6

Step 6. Drink lots of water

During pregnancy you should aim to drink 2.4 liters of fluid per day. Water carries nutrients to the fetus and avoids constipation, hemorrhoids, excessive swelling, as well as urinary tract and bladder infections. Water doesn't have to make up all the 2.4 liters of fluids you need.

Avoid sugary and fatty drinks like flavored coffees, sodas (including sports drinks), and whole milk. Instead, choose skim milk or vegetable alternatives, decaffeinated coffee to which you can add sugar and flavorings (to have control of the ingredients), a small glass of 100% pure fruit juice, simple tea without caffeine or water

Method 2 of 3: Staying Active During Pregnancy

Avoid Gaining Baby Weight Step 7
Avoid Gaining Baby Weight Step 7

Step 1. Ask your gynecologist for advice

Before starting a training program, you need to get medical clearance. This applies both if you were already physically active before pregnancy or if you want to start a new training routine. The benefits of physical activity for pregnant women include the prevention of back pain and related discomforts, better sleep quality, weight under control, better physical strength and endurance increased muscle, good mood and higher energy levels.

  • Your doctor will help you develop a personalized training plan that takes into account your previous physical activity habits and any medical conditions you suffer from.
  • Exercise could be dangerous if you have placenta previa, a weak cervix, have had miscarriages or premature births in the past.
Avoid Gaining Baby Weight Step 8
Avoid Gaining Baby Weight Step 8

Step 2. Try to do at least 30 minutes of moderate activity for most of the week

You can walk, do low-impact aerobics, swim, use the exercise bike. While exercising, you need to be able to speak; if you are short of breath to maintain a conversation, it means that you are exercising too vigorously.

  • If you exercised regularly before getting pregnant, then you should be able to stick to your habits for most of your pregnancy. There may be some exceptions for women who engage in dangerous, very intense, or strenuous activities. If you were used to jogging, swimming, dancing, biking or yoga, you will most likely continue to enjoy the benefits.
  • If you've never exercised before expecting a baby, then you should start engaging in some form of light exercise, such as regular walks or a few laps in the pool. You should start with five minutes of physical activity a day and then gradually build up to half an hour.
  • Remember to do some warm-up and cool-downs before and after your workout, and to drink plenty of fluids while exercising.
Avoid Gaining Baby Weight Step 9
Avoid Gaining Baby Weight Step 9

Step 3. Consider prenatal yoga

It is a practice that incorporates many strength, flexibility, relaxation and breathing exercises. Yoga is a great complement to aerobic exercise and classes are a great way to meet other pregnant women.

  • Look for a teacher who is well versed in prenatal yoga. If the teacher does not specialize in this kind of practice, inform him of your status. In this way he will be able to change the positions you have to assume as the gestation progresses.
  • Avoid hot yoga as it causes your body temperature to rise excessively. If you've never been close to this practice, you shouldn't try your hand at too energetic variations.
Avoid Gaining Baby Weight Step 10
Avoid Gaining Baby Weight Step 10

Step 4. Don't lie on your back after the third trimester

This position puts pressure on the main vein, the vena cava and reduces blood flow to the brain, heart and uterus making you feel lightheaded and out of breath.

Avoid Gaining Baby Weight Step 11
Avoid Gaining Baby Weight Step 11

Step 5. Be careful with certain activities

You should avoid scuba diving, contact sports, activities that can cause an abdominal injury and those where there is a high risk of falling. Strength training is a good alternative, but you shouldn't lift excessive weights.

Do not do outdoor activities if the weather is very hot or humid

Avoid Gaining Baby Weight Step 12
Avoid Gaining Baby Weight Step 12

Step 6. Listen to your body and make adjustments

Pay attention to how you feel while exercising. If you find that something is wrong, then stop immediately. Your body is constantly changing and needs more oxygen and energy than in pre-pregnancy conditions. You should never get to the point of being exhausted.

  • Remember that the extra weight of the baby puts more pressure on the joints and alters the center of gravity. In addition, pregnancy hormones make the ligaments looser, thus increasing the risk of injury.
  • Remember to eat enough, as you burn extra calories with exercise. The extra 300 calories a day may not be enough if you exercise regularly. Check your weight and make changes to your diet.
  • Stop exercising if you experience any of these symptoms: pelvic pain, vaginal bleeding, chest pain, abnormal vaginal discharge, muscle weakness, irregular or rapid heartbeat, abdominal pain, dizziness and lightheadedness. Call your gynecologist if these symptoms persist even after physical activity.

Method 3 of 3: Planning for Pregnancy

Avoid Gaining Baby Weight Step 13
Avoid Gaining Baby Weight Step 13

Step 1. Discuss with the gynecologist

You should make an appointment with your doctor for a visit before conception. The gynecologist will want to discuss with you your medical history, the drug therapies you are undergoing, the pathologies present in the family, your weight, your training habits, will want information about the environment at home, at work and others elements of your lifestyle. This visit will help you achieve the best possible health level before becoming pregnant.

Avoid Gaining Baby Weight Step 14
Avoid Gaining Baby Weight Step 14

Step 2. Lose the extra pounds if you are overweight

Being healthy for pregnancy is essential for both your health and that of the baby. You should talk to your gynecologist to figure out how much weight you need to lose; even if you don't reach your target weight, some weight loss is still healthy.

Remember that it is essential to lose weight in a healthy way before pregnancy. A good diet and exercise program are certainly the best means

Avoid Gaining Baby Weight Step 15
Avoid Gaining Baby Weight Step 15

Step 3. Practice regularly

Moderate aerobic activities (such as walking, jogging, dancing, and swimming), Pilates, yoga, and weight lifting are all great ways to be active. The training routine should increase stamina and physical strength. If your abs and pelvic floor muscles are strong, they will be able to best support the weight of the pregnancy.

  • Ask your doctor for advice if you are unsure about safe exercise. Be very careful with very vigorous activities, such as marathon preparation or overly intense aerobics classes. Physical activity puts pressure on the body; if it were too demanding it could even cause problems with conception.
  • Try to train for half an hour a day by doing moderate-intensity cardiovascular exercises daily.
Avoid Gaining Baby Weight Step 16
Avoid Gaining Baby Weight Step 16

Step 4. Eat a healthy diet

The pre-pregnancy diet should include all the necessary nutrients: complex carbohydrates, dairy products, and 5 to 9 servings of fruit and vegetables each day.

  • The amount of caffeine should not exceed 200 mg per day, equivalent to 2 cups of American coffee.
  • You should also be getting enough iron. The foods that are rich in it are eggs, nuts, green vegetables and dark meats. Vitamin C helps the body absorb iron from plant sources.
  • Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids shouldn't be missing from your diet. Walnuts, spinach, and flax seeds are excellent sources of these nutrients. You should also take fish oil supplements 1-2 times a week.
  • You should also stop drinking alcohol when planning a pregnancy.
  • Also consider starting taking prenatal vitamins. These provide the body with all the nutrients that diet is lacking. The vitamins and minerals essential for fetal development and for the health of a future mother are: folic acid, iron, iodine and calcium. Your doctor may prescribe a specific type of prenatal vitamins.


Invite your family or friends to join you in your prenatal training routine. Expecting a baby is a great opportunity to develop new healthy habits, so take advantage of it and encourage all loved ones to do the same to improve their health


  • Do not try to lose weight or gain weight at all during pregnancy, unless your gynecologist has advised you. A few extra kilograms are essential during gestation, to give the fetus all the nutrients necessary for its development and for the formation of the organism.
  • If you don't start gaining weight regularly during the second and third trimesters despite all your attempts to increase your calorie intake, add some extra nutrients to your diet each day and see your gynecologist or dietician. Certain health problems or abnormalities in fetal development can hinder weight gain.
