The pupil of the teacher is that student who is much preferred by a teacher. To become one, it will take a little work, but the results are phenomenal: if you are the pupil of the teacher, the teacher is more likely to accept your apology and you will have guaranteed his recommendation. Depending on your personality, it can be very difficult if you don't know what to do; however, remember that it is not always that important and that it can be not a very nice thing!

Step 1. Clothing
Dress appropriately; what you want is to make yourself presentable. Wash and comb your hair, brush your teeth, shower and use deodorant. Make sure you are dressed properly: try to wear elegant and professional clothes; wear as little makeup as possible or preferably not at all. One of the most important things: do not wear dropped shorts or blouses that show off the navel; you and your friends might think this is cool, but showing that you are committed to school is so much better. Always dress according to the weather, show that you want to feel warm and that you don't want to get sick.

Step 2. Decide which teacher you would like to be the “pupil” of
Will it be the physical education teacher, the art or music teacher, the one who teaches your favorite subject … or all of them? You may want to start with the friendliest one, or the one that teaches the subject you know best; if you want to be the protégé of multiple teachers, make sure you can handle the extra effort you will have to put into their classes. You know the classroom like the garden of your home: soon you will learn a lot in there and you will become a luminary, so it might help to feel at home even in the place where you will teach.

Step 3. Be confident from day one and ask intelligent questions
Unless a teacher is talking about their personal life, "What is your favorite team?" it won't be a very good question. Teachers appreciate kids who speak calmly.

Step 4. Come to school always prepared
You will want all the homework to have been done, and with great commitment; projects should be delivered immediately after being awarded; try to be creative in everything you do. You may also want to read the topics of the next lesson on your own, so that you are already prepared and can actively participate in them and, thus, amaze the teacher with your knowledge of the subject.

Step 5. Join the class discussions
Your every answer shows the teacher that you were paying attention and every well thought out question shows him that you are trying to apply his teachings to real life. In a class where everyone seems to be asleep, raising your hand shows that you care about what you are doing.

Step 6. Don't talk when the teacher forbids you
This advice is pretty simple to follow. Also avoid laughing when the class fool says one of his because, in this way, you help him to interrupt the lesson.

Step 7. Always do your homework and, if possible, do more by asking the teacher what you could do to improve your knowledge of the subject
Talk to them about what you have learned and how much you enjoyed the lesson (they will love it), but not too much: teachers can sense false interest.
Be dissatisfied with bad grades - this will indicate that you want the best. If the teacher tells you to be satisfied, don't complain; at the end of the lesson, say goodbye politely and leave.
Become a Teacher's Pet Step 7Bullet1

Step 8. Whenever you have a written test, choose your words carefully
Don't use conversational language; make your writing full of meaning, so that the teacher, after a long night of corrections, will not wait to read your essay! But avoid writing too much: your intention is not to make the long night of corrections even longer by forcing the teacher to read your version of I Promessi Sposi.

Step 9. Be kind
Teachers don't like people who start fights or take part in them. Try to stay away from class donkeys. Be of help whenever the opportunity arises, both to other students and to the teacher.

Step 10. Get good grades
Study for each class assignment. When they are returned to you, ask the teacher how to do the exercises you did wrong (perhaps in private); there is no need to specify that you are doing it to improve next time: there is no other reason why you could ask for it and you certainly do not want to be labeled as a nerd.

Step 11. Try to get to know the subject as well as possible
Ask the teacher if there are any books he could recommend.

Step 12. Offer to distribute the materials in class and help with any other assignments

Step 13. On special occasions, give your teacher small gifts made with the heart (cookies, rosettes for "Teacher number one", greeting cards, etc
). He will appreciate your kindness.

Step 14. Chat with the teacher during breaks
You can discuss what you want - don't just go to school; teachers are human beings. Joke a little, but don't be too reckless.

Step 15. If you hear any of your classmates insult the teacher, defend them
This one could have eyes and ears everywhere. Furthermore, being the pupil of the teacher is a two-way relationship: it will work much better if the teacher in question is also a type you like.

Step 16. Greet him when you see him
People love to be noticed.

Step 17. Give as much as you can the impression of a hard-working student
Ask additional questions that are thoughtful and, if you are a little shy, don't be afraid to do it after school: "Oh, I forgot to ask you …" is a great preamble. You could also spend some free time in the teacher's office, if the situation allows.

Step 18. Always remember to greet the teacher, both when you arrive and when you leave
Try adding phrases like "Thank you, have a good day!" or "Good luck for the lesson!".

Step 19. If the teacher has punished you and this has pissed you off, try not to lose control
If, at the end of the lesson, your teacher is still angry with you, a good way to calm him down is to apologize before leaving, using phrases like “I apologize for what I did; I will try not to do it again. Goodbye..
- Respect the school rules.
- Always do your homework.
- Help your classmates if they don't understand something; by doing so, you will be of great help to the teacher.
- Don't have to deal with "bad boys".
- Never ask your teacher about the age, it is extremely rude and disrespectful, but ask for the birthday so you can prepare something for the occasion.
- Don't talk, eat or drink in class if you don't have permission; always respect the teacher, no matter how strict this is.
- If you want to impress a teacher, never go over the top because he'll understand what your purpose is and it won't do you any good.
- Give compliments - when they wear a nice dress, tell them. Some teachers are obsessed with shoes, so you might ask one of them if the ones on her feet are new.
- Many teachers cannot accept gifts from students, but most of them will not say no to candy or chewing gum. Offer them in a completely natural way.
- If it is your Italian or English teacher, ask him if he can recommend a good book.
- Being the teacher's pupil can have its benefits, including the fact that your apology may be more easily accepted. But do not exaggerate never! Eventually the teacher will lose the admiration he has for you and you will no longer be his "protégé". When you make a mistake (like all human beings), apologize and explain what happened; make this happen a limited number of times.
- Many of your classmates may see you in a different light for this, so act naturally. For example, you might be the pupil of the teacher and many students might make bad comments, calling someone a pervert, etc. It might depend on the school you just attend, but in any case, you are never too cautious.
- Your classmates are likely to get jealous and try to ruin your reputation! Be careful not to reveal your secrets!
- Many teachers do not appreciate or show admiration for overly diligent students; be careful and try to moderate your efforts to please them. This kind of teacher can generally be won by being very good at the subject they teach.
- Trying to get good grades by earning the sympathy of a teacher, rather than actually being good at a subject, is irresponsible behavior that only reaped benefits in the short term - in the end, it is better to rely on yourself for good results, rather than use the teacher's inclination to reach them unfairly.
- Don't try to win a teacher's sympathy without being prepared to work hard - no teacher will ever consider you their protégé if you don't do your homework regularly. Becoming the pupil of the teacher is not a good way to get rid of homework!