Finding a girl can be difficult, especially in middle school. Almost everyone goes through sudden physical and emotional changes at this stage of their life and they still have a long way to go to understand who they are and what makes them happy. At this age, it's normal not to have a lot of experience in the sentimental field, but don't worry. To get a girl, you just need to know how to flirt, make her feel special and find the courage to ask her out.
Part 1 of 3: Get his attention

Step 1. Get noticed
To win a girl, he must first know that you exist. You can never go out with her if she doesn't have a clue who you are. In order for you to notice yourself, wear clean clothes, take care of your personal hygiene and show off a dazzling smile. But there's more: you should get noticed at a time when you are in great shape.
- If you know when you're going to run into her, make sure you have a nice look that day.
- No matter how bad your mood is, make an effort to smile and give her a positive vibe to entice her to get to know you.

Step 2. Show her that you can have fun
If you want to attract her, let her know that you are a charming and wonderful guy. This means he should always see you cheerful, whether you're joking with your friends at lunchtime or playing basketball during PE. Whatever you do, savor it all the way, so he'll think you're a cool, confident guy in any situation.
She won't be impressed if she notices you're sleeping in class or mistreating your belongings. He should realize that it is really fun to spend time in your company

Step 3. Get his attention in class
You don't have to become the teacher's cuddly to hit the girl you like. On the other hand, there are some strategies to try to get her to get closer. Show her that you talk to your friends before class so that she realizes that you are sociable. Be careful and answer questions correctly to let her know that you care about your education. And don't be rude to professors just to make her laugh.
- You can make a few jokes in class to show her that you like to have fun, but not at the expense of classmates or the teacher. It will make her think you have a good sense of humor.
- If your eyes meet or meet her in the corridors, don't be afraid to say hello.
- If you sit next to her, try to talk about this and that: the upcoming test, the assignments you need to submit, or how your day is going.
- You could ask her to help you in class or tutor you on some subject. Just go to her and say something like, "Look, I'm having a hard time with math and I was wondering if you could help me after school?"

Step 4. Get their attention outside the classroom
You can also impress this girl when you bump into her in hallways, at the mall or at a party. You don't have to jump through hoops to show her that you are special. If you run into her in an unexpected place, don't be shy and don't avoid her because you weren't ready to see her. Instead, approach her and ask her how she is.
- If you meet her in the hallway, say hello and, if you feel like daring, have a chat with her.
- If you see her at the mall or at a party, get noticed while talking to your friends, acquaintances, and other girls. He will understand that you are a cool guy, able to get along with everyone.

Step 5. Be friendly
You may think that being sociable, smiling, or giving the idea that you care about this girl's opinion isn't cool. However, she should realize that your face lights up when you see her and maybe start to sense your crush, without feeling suffocated or discouraged. So, if you meet her, give her your best smile or give her a nod, ask her how she is. Don't think that ignoring it will make you look cool.
Remember: Most junior high school boys get nervous when they have to talk to a girl. By acting aloof and greeting her as if it were the most natural thing in the world, you will emerge from the crowd

Step 6. Have an interesting conversation with her
You can say hello and point out that you enjoy getting her attention, but that's not enough after a while. Don't preach well and scratch badly. Come forward if necessary. You will have a much better chance of dating her if she realizes that you can hold a dialogue, entertain her and feel comfortable. Here's how to do it:
- Start by making her feel comfortable. Pay attention to her and make eye contact without assuming a dominant position or making her nervous.
- Ask her questions about afternoon commitments. If you meet her in the hallway, ask her about the next class, if she has to go to dance that afternoon or what she will do after school, but without being intrusive.
- Make her laugh. If you introduce yourself by joking about yourself or making a harmless joke about a professor or a person you both know, you'll start off on the right foot.
Part 2 of 3: Make Her Feel Special

Step 1. Show that you are interested in his life
If you want this girl to feel important, let her know that you care about everything she thinks or does. We're not telling you to put her under pressure and give her the idea that she's doing the third degree, you should instead let her know that you care about her interests, friends, family and everything that matters to her. Here are some things to keep in mind:
- Ask her about the dance class or sport she does. Girls love to talk about their interests.
- Ask her about her pets. If she has a cat or a dog, she will be impressed by your interest.
- Ask her about her friends. Girls love to talk about this topic as well, as well as any misunderstandings they are facing.
- Make sure you find a balance. This girl should also know more about you, not tell you everything she thinks without receiving any information in return.

Step 2. Ask her for her opinion on something
Ask her what she thinks about different topics to let her know that you value her opinions. Flirt with her by simply asking her if she likes your new shoes or what cut your hair should be. However, you can also talk about more serious issues.
- If there was an interesting debate in class, you can continue speaking as you leave the classroom to find out more about his views.
- If you know you've both recently seen a new movie, ask her if she liked it or why she wasn't convinced.
- Ask her about her favorite music. Try to understand what she likes to listen to and what she hates: who knows, maybe you might end up going to a concert together.

Step 3. Compliment her
If you want to make her feel special, then you should praise both her physical appearance and her personality. Don't overdo it with comments that might make her uncomfortable. For example, don't say "You are the most beautiful in the world"; do you prefer "Hey, nice shirt! It makes your eyes look so good". Here are some other cute compliments to make her feel special, without embarrassment:
- "I really enjoy talking to you."
- "You have a contagious laugh."
- "Have they ever told you that you look like … (names a beautiful actress)?".
- "I admire you a lot because you are good at school and you also know how to play football very well."

Step 4. Flirt with her
After you get to know her better, start courting her by making fun of her, joking and letting her know you like her. Do it gently and discreetly. To flirt with her, communicate your interest through body language: lean in her direction, make eye contact, smile and sneak in your crush.
- Tease her gently and let her do it too. Do not joke about sensitive topics: it could be disappointed. Instead, he jokes about his passion for purple or his obsession with a certain boy band.
- You can break down the barrier of physical contact by playfully hitting her arm and letting her give you a little nudge after making a joke.

Step 5. Make her understand that you listen to her
To conquer it, he must realize that you are actually paying attention to everything he does or says. Did she cut her hair or put on a new dress? Tell her she's fine. Did she tell you last Friday that she was going to do a dance recital over the weekend and she was really nervous? Monday, ask her how it went. It's the details that make her understand that you think it's important.
- If he once told you that his favorite actor is Ryan Gosling, you can name one of his movies that will be released that weekend. She will be touched by your gesture, by the fact that you have remembered an interest of her, and maybe she will even want to go and see him with you.
- If you have been talking for a long time now and you are able to realize when she is down, you can spontaneously tell her: "I realized that you are different from usual. Is there something wrong?". She may not be ready to talk about it, but she will appreciate your involvement.
- If you know she's going to have a decisive test soon, wish her luck and ask her later how it went. However, you don't have to memorize his diary to know his most important commitments.

Step 6. Make some small sacrifices for her
If you've been flirting and have known each other for some time, you can start making some small sacrifices for this girl, letting her know that she matters to you. No blatant gestures are needed to show that you are willing to put yourself out there and help her get better. Here's what to try:
- If you know she forgot her snack at home, go buy her a snack at the vending machine.
- If you often chat in the corridors because you go to different classes, accompany her to her classroom, even if it is far from yours.
- If your friends are waiting for you to do something, don't drop her out of the blue. Talk until the conversation naturally comes to a conclusion. You will show her that chatting with her is important, even though you have to leave your friends on hold for a couple of minutes.
Part 3 of 3: Invite her out

Step 1. Make sure she likes you
Without asking directly, there is no absolutely foolproof way to know if a girl likes you, but there are several signs that can let you know if she considers you just a friend. Are you pretty sure she likes you or do you suspect it? Then you will have a lot more confidence when you invite her out. Here are some clues to get an idea:
- Her face lights up every time you get close and you realize she loves talking to you.
- He always laughs or giggles when he talks to you, even though you aren't that funny.
- Her friends start giggling or stop talking out of the blue when they see you pass by.
- She mentioned that she would like to have a boyfriend, or she asked you about your plans for the weekend, probably in hopes of inviting her to do something.

Step 2. Find the right time and the right place
To increase the chances of success, try matching the space-time variables for both of you. Choose a place where you can be alone, or reasonably secluded, so that he has plenty of time to think, without feeling pressured because there are other people who want to know what they have decided. Pick a time when she is in a good mood, not stressed out because she is late for training or a class.
- You don't have to worry too much about the "perfect" or more romantic place to ask her out. If you wait too long for everything to be the way you wanted it, you will miss out on an opportunity.
- Asking her out after school is ideal, provided that doesn't make her late for a workout.

Step 3. Tell her you like her
You don't have to tell her she's the prettiest girl you've ever seen or that you can't stop thinking about her, no matter how true it is. Start small: tell her that you think she's really cool and you enjoyed getting to know her better. If you have a lot in common, you can name shared interests as well. Don't waste too much time: just a minute. Don't make a detailed list of all the reasons you like it.
- Explain that you really wanted to tell her that she will feel flattered and appreciate that you put in the effort to confess your feelings to her.
- This is the ideal time to evaluate his reaction. If he leans towards you, smiles, blushes, or starts telling you he feels exactly like you, go ahead. If she pulls back, says she has to go, or doesn't respond well, don't upset her further by inviting her to go out with you.

Step 4. Ask her out
After you tell her how you feel, invite her out with you. In junior high, this usually also means asking her if she wants to be your girlfriend, so don't be afraid to ask such a question. Look into her eyes and express yourself by believing in yourself. Don't stare at the floor or grumble. Practice in front of the mirror to gradually gain confidence.
Just ask her "Do you want to go out with me?" to get you forward. He will appreciate your honest and straightforward attitude

Step 5. React with maturity
After he gives you an answer, show that you have a mature reaction. If she says yes, she would like it too, feel happy. Don't jump like a fool or party, but don't be aloof, as if you're too cold to care about her reaction. She needs to realize that it really means a lot to you, only then will the relationship start on the right foot.
- In the hope that he will agree to go out with you, prepare a proposal for the first date. Invite her to go to the movies or to a party. You will let her know that you have thought through all the details before this step.
- If she refuses you, don't be obnoxious and don't run away without even saying hello. Thank her for listening to you and wish her a good day. Sure, he doesn't want to go out with you, but at least he'll appreciate your maturity.
- Whatever happens, remember not to take yourself or the relationship too seriously. Middle school is ideal for gaining experience in the sentimental field without getting too involved or having long-term plans.
- At some point, whether it's before or after the date, kiss her. But make sure that both of you are comfortable and that the mood is right.
- Never pay more attention to other girls than to her. Also, when you confess your feelings, don't sound aggressive, do it sweetly and kindly.
- Take care of your personal hygiene. Nobody wants to be with a neglected guy. Take a shower, wash your hands, clean your glasses, brush your teeth and so on.
- Don't be shy, because she's probably just as nervous as you are. Don't put pressure on her: it will be quite difficult for her to react positively. It's not easy to invite a shy girl out on a date, so try to make her feel comfortable first.
- Go see a horror movie: it will seek your comfort during the scariest scenes. However, make sure that you are not afraid yourself or, at least, that you are a good actor to disguise it. If you try the "yawn move" to hug her, she will probably laugh. Just hug her, no excuses.
- These steps need to be done gradually, not all at once. Build the relationship brick by brick. If you change your attitude overnight, she will find it disturbing.
- Never give up on someone you love, but remember not to cry for someone who doesn't deserve your tears.
- Don't try to act like you're cold and aloof, or like you're the "macho" in school. Be yourself and tell her clearly how you feel. Tell her what you like about her.
- Read wikiHow articles offering advice to girls. They will probably give you some ideas to figure out if she likes you, for example, she touches her hair or goes out of her way to talk to you.
- Remember that you are still a kid. Take it easy. On your first date, do something simple, like see a movie, watch a documentary, or help with your homework.
- Timing is everything. Once the relationship has become stable, this factor will be less important. In the beginning, however, the right time, place and mood can make a difference to his reaction. This is especially true in decisive moments, such as stepping forward, asking her out with you, or asking her if she wants to be your girlfriend.
- Find out which approach is the most popular in your school. Ask your friends what they do to get a girl. They will also give you tips on how to relate to the one you like. After going out with your schoolmate for the first time, tell your friends about it - they'll surely want to know.
- If he wants to buy you a drink, you insist on paying. Do it softly and smile at her. At the most, you suggest paying in the Roman style (each for himself). Or, you can alternate.
- When you talk to her, don't act weird. Be calm and relaxed, but not too much, otherwise they may think that you are not paying attention or that you don't care.
- Don't be too sweet, not everyone likes it. Be nice, but don't act like a girl. Just hold her hand at the right time, don't be clingy.
- Remember not to act like you are completely different in her company. You want to conquer it thanks to your way of being: if you were to get together, you won't be able to pretend for long.
- Savor all the moments spent together, but don't expect him to always be with you.
- Overdoing the teasing will either drive her away or send her confused messages. If you really like her, make jokes that are light and simple, without offending her.
- Don't overdo it on the first date, or he'll think you're desperate, and you shouldn't give that impression. For example, if she likes football, go to a game together and then offer her a slice of pizza or a sweet.