Even if you are a happy couple, it can sometimes be difficult to find the time and opportunity to make others understand how important their presence is. If you think you've neglected your boyfriend in some way, think that there are tons of ways to show him how much you care. Read this article to find out more.
Method 1 of 3: Romantic Gestures

Step 1. Plan a romantic evening
The best way to make your boyfriend understand how much you care about him is to dedicate a special evening to him, full of love and romance.
Prepare the room to watch a movie together.
Clean up the living room, light some candles, and get her favorite movie (which is probably not "The Pages of Our Lives"). Make an assortment of her favorite snacks, popcorn, candy, nachos, etc. Arrange some pillows and a comfy blanket, sit comfortably and snuggle up on the sofa.
Prepare a picnic under the stars.
Wait for a warm and serene summer evening to arrange the appointment. Prepare a picnic basket for two to enjoy under the stars. You could include wine or caviar, or beer and cold cuts. It is only the thought that matters. Bring a blanket with you and take a seat in the garden, in the countryside or on the balcony of your home. Bring binoculars too if you have one!
- Play your best card. Arrange rose petals on the bed, put on your sexiest lingerie, light lots of candles. Make champagne and chocolate dipped strawberries. When he gets home, call him and tell him to join you in your room, where you will be waiting for him in the sheets. He will take care of the rest.

Step 2. Plan a day out
Planning a day just for the two of you is a very effective way to show him how much you care. Choose a destination that he will like, then don't force him to follow you in your shopping in the various malls!
- A day at the beach. If you live near the sea, a day together on the beach may be the best solution for spending time together. Swim, play beach volleyball or build a sand castle. Even if the weather is still a bit cool, you can take a walk hand in hand while breathing the sea air.
A visit to a museum or an art exhibition.
If you like cultural visits then you can think of a museum or an exhibition. Search online for all the information on current exhibitions and scheduled events in your city or surroundings. Especially if you live in a metropolis, you will be surprised to see how many possibilities you have. After the visit, complete the day with a stop at the cafeteria.
An excursion into nature.
Hiking may not seem like the most romantic idea in this world, but it can be an excellent opportunity to share an experience together and feel closer, especially if he is a sporty type. If the walk is not too tiring you will have plenty of time to talk and maybe get to know each other even more thoroughly. With a little luck, at the end of the tour you will enjoy a beautiful view, which will be the perfect setting for a nice passionate kiss.

Step 3. Prepare his favorite dishes
It might sound out of date advice but remember that the popular saying "the way to a man's heart goes through the stomach" is always valid. He will taste his favorite dishes and at the same time appreciate your commitment in organizing a special dinner for him.
- Think about what to cook: would you prefer meat or vegetables? A barbecue or some traditional dish such as lasagna or spaghetti with clams?
- If in doubt, you could ask her mother for advice and possibly invite her to share her recipes with you. If you learn to cook like her mother, she will love you for life!
- Turn dinner into an enchanting experience: take care of the evening's atmosphere, choose the most elegant dishes and silverware that you usually keep in your drawer, light candles, decant the wine and think of a background music.
- If you really don't know how to cook, then order some take away food, as long as it's something he goes crazy for. Present it well on the table, do not give it directly to the plastic container!

Step 4. Offer to give him a massage
A romantic massage is always the perfect way to focus your attention on your boyfriend by offering him a moment of relaxation to forget the tension of the whole day and to excite him as well.
- Prepare a relaxing atmosphere for your massage. Spread towels over the bed to protect the sheets, dim the lights and choose some relaxing background music.
- Ask him to undress completely, at most you can make him leave his underwear, and tell him to lie on his stomach on top of the bed. Start with your feet, then massage your legs, back, shoulders, then neck and head. Apply some pressure and perform long and relaxing movements.
- Use a massage oil that will make your movements smoother by facilitating contact with the skin and avoiding chafing and irritation. You can buy a specific oil or simply use sunflower oil.

Step 5. Be loving
The easiest way to show your boyfriend how much you care is to be affectionate. If your lives are very hectic and busy, sometimes you tend to forget the importance of human contact, so try to always revive your relationship through gestures of affection.
- Give him a kiss when he leaves for work. Not just a peck on the cheek, but a more passionate kiss. He'll be looking forward to the time to go home so he can have another one!
- Surprise him with a big hug when he least expects it. Hold it in your arms and squeeze it tightly. Studies have shown that hugs increase the production of serotonin, which is responsible for a feeling of calm and happiness.
- Hold his hand when you go out, rest your head on his shoulder while watching TV, or lightly touch his hair as he sits at his desk. Do not sit on opposite sides of the room without talking to each other, simple gestures of affection will make you feel closer.
Method 2 of 3: Gifts

Step 1. Buy him something nice
You don't have to spend a lot to show him that you care, although you might as well sometimes.
- There are always items that guys love to have, so look at what he prefers and give him a gift, you will prove that you are the perfect girlfriend and you will show him how important he is to you.
- For example, you can give him the latest iPhone model, a Playstation, the Xbox, a remote-controlled helicopter, a plasma TV or a model of a train (if that's one of his interests).
- If your budget is pretty tight, then think about a smaller gift, like a new computer game, a nice pair of headphones for listening to music, or a wireless mouse for your laptop. If that's something he's already told you about then play it safe.

Step 2. Prepare him a gift certificate
If you really don't have money available, or if you want to give him something non-commercial, you can have fun thinking about things to offer him with personalized gift certificates. Obviously we are not talking about supermarket coupons but about personalized cards in which you could suggest romantic moments or offer to do something for him.
- Think of a phrase like “The owner of this coupon has a romantic massage available” or “By presenting this coupon you won't have to wash the dishes for one evening”. You can include anything you want in it, from housework to erotic games. The choice is yours!
- Get some decorated cards and colored pens. If you are in the mood for DIY you can think of enriching them with magazine clippings.
- If you want to give a more professional touch to coupons, you can search the internet for models that are already available and print them directly.

Step 3. Make yourself beautiful
It is a well-known fact that men are attracted to beauty, so put yourself in gear and look cute in her eyes. You will make him happy.
- Observe what he prefers. Men's tastes are not all the same, some love sexy, short and low-cut dresses, others appreciate more a simpler and more casual look.
- Don't always walk around the house with dirty hair and sweatpants (at least try not to look like this every day). Show him that you take care of yourself and that you like being nice to him.
- Wash your hair regularly and look tidy, put a veil of cream to soften your skin, a few drops of perfume and wear clothes that highlight your figure.
- Do not overdo the makeup, a little mascara is enough to enhance your eyes and a touch of cocoa butter, not sticky if possible, to always be kiss-proof.

Step 4. Give him an unforgettable experience
If you don't like buying a material gift, you can think of offering him an experience that he will remember all his life and who will make you look like the best girlfriend in the world in his eyes. [Image: Show Your Boyfriend You Care Step 1-j.webp
- If your boyfriend loves adrenaline and is particularly adventurous, you can think about skydive or bungee jumping. If you are brave you could try it with him.
- If, on the other hand, he has a passion for cars, you can find out about renting the car of his dreams for a day, like a Ferrari. It could be a very expensive gift, but if that's what you want most, it's definitely worth it.
- Or book a trip for two. Think of a romantic weekend in Paris, or a wild weekend in Amsterdam, or a beach holiday on a tropical beach in Mexico or the Caribbean. To increase the surprise effect, make sure he has no commitments and pack his suitcase yourself. Don't tell him where you are going until you are at the airport.

Step 5. Make a scrapbook
If you are a sentimental type, you might have fun making a personalized scrapbook or a photo album that collects all the most beautiful moments of your love story.
- Collect photos, from the beginning of your story to the present. Look for more photos on your friends' Facebook profiles, there may be shots he hasn't seen yet.
- Do not choose only photos in which you are posing and smiling at the camera, also choose those in these you are laughing, in which you are immortalized in crazy or exuberant attitudes and all the photos that make you remember some funny moments. They will be the most pleasant memories to recall.
- You could also include other things that are part of your story, such as the ticket from the first movie you watched together, the napkin from the restaurant you ate badly at, or a souvenir from the concert you went to.
- Use a colored pen to label the photos and souvenirs, add references to the day and place they were taken. Who knows that one day this scrapbook will fall into the hands of your grandchildren!
Method 3 of 3: Through Words

Step 1. Send him simple messages that he can appreciate
Even when you're not together, you can show your love to him through sweet, romantic, flirty or even spicy messages.
- When he is at work, or out with his friends, you will let him know through a message that you are thinking about him.
- Even a simple "I love you" or "I miss you" will be welcome, especially if at that moment the only message you expect is "come and buy some milk before going home".
- You could send him a passionate and playful message, such as "I can't wait for you to come home to take off all your clothes". He will only get excited at the idea and will look forward to seeing you.
- If you really want to drive him crazy, you can send him a sexy photo of you. But first make sure he's alone while reading the message!

Step 2. Give him lots of compliments
If every time he tells you that you are beautiful, or that he appreciates something you do, you feel a feeling of deep happiness, then surely you know the value of compliments. The same goes for him, so don't forget to tell him something nice often.
- Men love to be complimented on their looks, so boost his self-esteem by telling him "you look really good today", "this shirt brings out the color of your eyes" or "these jeans look great, look what a nice butt".
- Never take anything for granted, compliment him when he does something good. For example, if he tries to cook a dinner for you, tell him it's delicious, even if it wasn't anything special.

Step 3. Love letters today seem a lost form of art
Yet their emotional impact is always very strong.
- Writing your emotions on paper has something extremely romantic in it, as well as a charm of the past. A letter will certainly be more meaningful than any electronic message that can easily be deleted or spammed.
- Choose a nice writing paper or even a simple sheet, in the end it's the feelings that count. If you don't know how to express your emotions, take inspiration from quotes from poets and composers.
- For an even more nostalgic touch, close the envelope and send it to his address. Don't tell him he's about to receive a letter, let it be a surprise.

Step 4. Listen to it
Sometimes it is not necessary to tell him anything in particular, pay attention to his words and stay close to him when he needs you. Knowing how to listen to each other is an indispensable condition for building a lasting relationship.
- Sometimes guys need a little nudge to start talking, so ask him how his day was and if anything interesting happened at work. Ask him questions and listen carefully to his answers, do not let his words enter one ear and exit the other!
- Try to share some interests with him, whether it is his favorite team, the project he is working on or an activity that also includes members of his family. Don't let him respect your interests alone, it has to be mutual.

Step 5. Tell them
If you want your boyfriend to know how important he is to you, then tell him! Sit next to him, look him in the eye and tell him you love him.
- Let him know that you appreciate everything he does for you and you feel lucky to have him next to you. He will probably say the same about you too!
- If you feel like it, you can continue by telling him that you are perfect together, that you cannot imagine your life without him and that you hope that one day you will get married and have beautiful children. But be careful, these words might scare him.
- Ask him about his life and his friends and listen carefully.
- Always look him in the eye when he talks to you.
- Help him if he needs you, listen to his needs and don't start looking at other guys.
- If it's a long-distance relationship, call it frequently.