Almost all girls like cuddles. It's a way to feel close to the person you're with, show affection, and sometimes take things to a more intimate level. The trick to making wonderful cuddles is to make your body as cuddly as possible and to know how to touch a girl to bring her closer to you. If you want to cuddle a girl but you don't know how, read this article.
Method 1 of 2: Cuddle on the Couch

Step 1. Be available
If you want to start pampering your girlfriend, you need to make her want it too. There are several ways to make your body say It's time for pampering without being too obvious. Once you prove to her that you are ready and that your body is a cuddle machine, she will approach you. Sit on the sofa first, and then let her know what you want. That's how:
- Keep your body open. Arms and legs should be slightly apart. Try to look bigger than you are. Expand the cuddle zone.
- Extra points if you wrap yourself in a blanket or put it on your lap. Women love blankets, and that will bring her closer. If you want, you can also lower the temperature a little so that it wants the warmth of your body and that of the blanket.
- Dim the lights. Whether you're watching a movie or just talking, no one wants to pamper themselves with the lights on.
- Make sure you've showered and looking your best. If you've just come from the gym, she won't be too happy to be pampered.

Step 2. Wait for it to reach you
Smile and maintain eye contact until he sits next to you. Without saying anything, let her know that she is beautiful and you want to get closer. Don't be trivial. Even if the heart is racing, it remains calm.
Once it has reached you, approach it without being too predictable

Step 3. Easily rest one arm on the back of the sofa
You can do this before she reaches you, or even when she's already sitting next to you. Avoid the classic (and stupid) "I pretend to yawn but I'm clumsily trying to put my arm around your shoulders".
Remember, the arm goes to the back, not the girl. If you put your arm around her shoulders, she may feel trapped and goodbye cuddling

Step 4. Start stroking it with the other hand
First, place your hand on his knee or touch him. If she is receptive, you can take her hand and play with her fingers. As you do this, continue to approach discreetly.
It should come naturally to you because both of you are getting closer. If she doesn't like it, you'll understand because she won't let you touch your knee or hand. But if all goes to plan, you should be close to the point where your knees touch

Step 5. Slowly put your arm around her shoulders
Now is the time to put the old "sofa arm" to work. When you stroke the girl with one hand and have an arm around her shoulders, you will be in full cuddle mode. But you have to be discreet when you put your arm around her shoulders or she might feel uncomfortable. Here's what to do:
- Keep stroking her. It will keep her busy, and it will be easy to put an arm around her shoulders without her even realizing it.
- Stroke her hair with your arm on the backrest. Do this a couple of times.
- Finally, put your arm around her shoulders. You did!

Step 6. Wait for her to rest her head on your chest
If all goes to plan, your girlfriend will enjoy cuddling and will want to move on. Now that you have both arms around his body, your knees should touch.
- Wait for her to put her head on your chest or the crease of your arm.
- Caress her shoulder with the arm that was around her shoulder.
- Give her a light kiss on the forehead. Girls "love" this gesture when done right.
- Remember to stay active. You don't have to caress her all the time and it's okay to stay still for a while, but every now and then you should touch her arm or hair so that she doesn't feel trapped.

Step 7. If you want to change a little, lie down
If you like the moment of cuddling, you can lie down so as to rest your head on the armrest of the sofa, with your feet still on the ground but facing the other end of the sofa. It will still have its head on your chest, but if you moved right, it will now be on top of you.
Your bodies will not be facing exactly the same direction. Do not lie down on the sofa completely with her on top of you, it could make you uncomfortable. Move your body so that you are slightly lying down so that he can rest his body on yours as you cuddle or use you as a pillow

Step 8. Try a few more couch positions
If your pampering session is going great, change things up a bit so that one position doesn't bore you. Whether you are sitting or lightly lying with his head on your chest, you can expand your cuddle repertoire with these simple moves:
- The seated spoon. It's a classic position, both of you sitting and hugging, but your girlfriend's legs are bent towards you, around your lap, and yours are underneath.
- The "Spoon of Mamma Bear". In this variant of the spoon, she is bent behind you and hugs you.
- The "Spoon of Papa Bear". In this version, it's you behind her and you hug her.

Step 9. Remember which positions to avoid
While cuddling on the couch is a great way to get close to your girlfriend, there are some weird positions that could make you "too close" or uncomfortable. When expanding your snuggle positions avoid these at all costs:
- The dead arm. This is the classic misstep. When cuddling, don't lean on your girlfriend's arm and block her behind you, or you'll block her circulation.
- Cuddles face to face. Unless you're kissing or you don't want her to smell what you ate for dinner, don't pamper her by putting your face in front of hers.
- The lethal grip. It's okay that you like to cuddle her, but don't squeeze her to the point of not letting her breathe. That's not what you mean when they tell you that "you should take her breath away" with your gestures.
- The human knot. If you and your girlfriend are so entangled that it takes you an hour to figure out where the hell you put your arm, then you are committing a crime against cuddling.
Method 2 of 2: Pamper yourself in bed
Step 1. Come closer
The first step to cuddling in bed is to get close to her. If you are already in bed together, things are already quite intimate between you, whether you wake up together in the morning, are taking a nap or have just made love. Whatever the reason you're in bed together, it's time to get as close as possible. That's how:
- First, move slowly until your bodies touch.
- Then, hug her. This works best if she is facing you, or even with her back to you.
Step 2. Caress her
Now that you are closer, it's time to pet her so that she wants more and more cuddles from you. There are many ways to enter cuddle mode. Here are some of them:
- Try a few light kisses. If you're already in bed together, you've already kissed each other, so it won't blow her off. But don't kiss her on the lips, or things will take a different turn. Kiss her on the forehead or cheek. If you're bold, you can also take her hand and kiss her, or kiss her back.
- Stroke her shoulders and hair.
- Stroke her back.
Step 3. Once in cuddle mode, try one of the classic positions
When your bodies are close and you have put her at ease with caresses, you can try some positions to see which style suits you. Here are some of them:
- The spoon. It's a classic. Take turns who is to be the spoon and who is to be the teaspoon.
- Try the stargazing stance. Have her put her head on the soft part of your chest, and have her curl up next to you. Hug her while she looks up.
- One in front of the other. Have her put her head on your chest and hug her. Rest your chin on his forehead.
Step 4. Always remember to avoid the "dead arm"
The "dead arm" is the worst thing that can ruin the cuddling moment in bed. But don't worry, you can avoid it with a few tricks. Here's what you can do:
- Do Superman. Put yourself in the spoon position, but instead of putting your arm under her, stretch it over her head or outwards. You will have to go down a little towards the foot of the bed so that there is room for your arm.
- Slide your arm. As you pamper yourself, turn your chest towards the bed so that you can easily move the arm that should be under her.
- Don't be afraid to make the first move if she doesn't understand the signs.
- Don't move too much. It might be annoying or she might think you're uncomfortable. If you are, change what needs to be changed right away, instead of continuing to do what is causing the problem.
- Cuddling is something very intimate. While you can try cuddling a girl you've never kissed to get close, it works best when you're already with her and you're comfortable.
- Practice good hygiene because when you pamper yourself you are very close.
- If you are cuddling while sitting, don't shake your leg, you will make your girlfriend nervous.
- We only cuddle when both want it. It makes no sense if one of the two has absolutely no desire.