How to Hide Your Feelings from a Girl You Like

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How to Hide Your Feelings from a Girl You Like
How to Hide Your Feelings from a Girl You Like

Do you want to hide your feelings from the girl you are in love with? Follow the next steps to learn how to manage them effectively.


Hide Your Feelings from a Girl You Like Step 1
Hide Your Feelings from a Girl You Like Step 1

Step 1. If you are about to talk to the girl you like, wear a pair of dark glasses that hide your gaze

The eyes are the mirror of the soul!

Hide Your Feelings from a Girl You Like Step 2
Hide Your Feelings from a Girl You Like Step 2

Step 2. Distract yourself

You can't always wear dark glasses, so another way might be to think about things that irritate you, because nervous tension will keep you from sentimentalism.

Hide Your Feelings from a Girl You Like Step 3
Hide Your Feelings from a Girl You Like Step 3

Step 3. When you talk to her, bring up a topic

If you talked without having one, she would probably understand that you are interested in her and therefore want to talk to her.

Hide Your Feelings from a Girl You Like Step 4
Hide Your Feelings from a Girl You Like Step 4

Step 4. If you are only talking to her, pay attention to what you say, as your words and tone of voice could betray your feelings

Hide Your Feelings from a Girl You Like Step 5
Hide Your Feelings from a Girl You Like Step 5

Step 5. There are some unconscious ways in which our body sends signals that denote physical attraction to the opposite sex, such as frequent and seemingly unnecessary looking after one's appearance (touching one's hair, smoothing one's clothes), seeking physical contact, the fact of putting the chest out and the shoulders back and the slight dilation of the pupils

Most of these signals can be controlled, although they can manifest themselves again if we focus on something else.

Remember that these signs are not obvious, except in the eyes of those who are particularly alert. When a girl is constantly touching her hair in your presence, she might grab your attention, but you probably don't know it's a body language signal. For this reason, it is not necessary to worry about sending signals, since these are usually not perceived on a conscious level. She may start feeling like you like her, but all of these signs won't be obvious unless she knows they exist

Hide Your Feelings from a Girl You Like Step 6
Hide Your Feelings from a Girl You Like Step 6

Step 6. Do not utter unnecessary words or comments, communicate what is necessary and walk away

Hide Your Feelings from a Girl You Like Step 7
Hide Your Feelings from a Girl You Like Step 7

Step 7. Keep a moderately interested expression on your face when she is next to you, in this way you will not offend her, but at the same time you will not stimulate any interest

Hide Your Feelings from a Girl You Like Step 8
Hide Your Feelings from a Girl You Like Step 8

Step 8. Don't be afraid to talk to her, as shyness would be an obstacle

Hide Your Feelings from a Girl You Like Step 9
Hide Your Feelings from a Girl You Like Step 9

Step 9. Do not try to always be with her, avoid always meeting her

Hide Your Feelings from a Girl You Like Step 10
Hide Your Feelings from a Girl You Like Step 10

Step 10. Express yourself in a firm voice, and don't utter unclear words

Hide Your Feelings from a Girl You Like Step 11
Hide Your Feelings from a Girl You Like Step 11

Step 11. If she doesn't have a crush on you, pretend you're interested in other girls when she's around

Conversely, if she had a crush on you, you would probably offend her feelings.

Hide Your Feelings from a Girl You Like Step 12
Hide Your Feelings from a Girl You Like Step 12

Step 12. The trick to not drawing attention to your feelings is to behave in a simple and normal way

Talk to her only if necessary, don't glance at her frequently (you can look in her direction, but don't focus your attention on her), and don't show any particular interest when she's around you.

Hide Your Feelings from a Girl You Like Step 13
Hide Your Feelings from a Girl You Like Step 13

Step 13. Be yourself

Don't try to be someone else. If she doesn't like you the way you are, she will NEVER be the right girl for you.


  • She will send you signals if she likes you, so be alert.
  • Let her know that you are her friend.
  • Even if you love her and can't win her over … be nice to her and don't put her aside.
  • Sometimes hiding her feelings is too risky, because if there is a chance that she likes you, she will likely rethink your actions and conclude that you have no attraction to her.
  • Don't go overboard with text messages and emails.
  • One last thing … find out if she likes you. You don't have to hide it! Try to go out with her when you can, so that she becomes your friend and understands how sweet you are.
  • She won't care if she likes you unless she likes you, so tell her your feelings. It will certainly not be the end of the world.
  • You can give her a gift for her birthday; it might come in handy and doesn't show your feelings.
  • Don't surprise her.
  • Don't blush when she is next to you, you will freak her out.
  • Don't confide in your friends. If you have one that you can truly trust, that's fine, but if you tell everyone, they'll tell her and she'll be so embarrassed and confused, she'll never talk to you again.
  • Don't hide these feelings, state. Who knows? Maybe she likes you too! He may want to see these signs!
  • Please don't share your feelings and private stuff!
  • He has a nice chat with her, but he also talks to other girls.
  • Write down your feelings on a piece of paper and then secretly discard them.


  • Don't always go to his house!
  • Never organize a candlelit dinner with her!
