It seems easy to tell someone "I like you …", but it can actually be one of the scariest things in the world! In this article, you will find tips for increasing your safety, as well as methods for making sure everything goes as you planned. You'll also find great ideas for knowing exactly what to say to the guy you like. Start with the first step.
Part 1 of 4: Preparing for Success

Step 1. Give him signals
You should always give him the opportunity to understand for himself that you like him, so that he can do something if he wants to. Flirt a bit and try to spend time with him. Try to touch it or to send other signals… but don't pull it too long!
Try biting your lip every time he looks at you or smiling nervously. Look him in the eye and then slowly look away

Step 2. Find the right time
It is important to find the right time to speak. You don't want him to get distracted, angry about something else or too busy! In this way you will have no chance from the start. Ask him to take the time to have a chat, or try to cross paths with him when you're sure he's free.

Step 3. Talk to him privately
Telling the guy you like him in front of others will make him feel pressured and embarrassed, and that's not what you want! People who feel cornered hardly say what they really feel. Instead, just talk to him so you can have a more intimate conversation.

Step 4. Be brave
When you confess your feelings, you just have to find the courage and say how you feel. Believe in yourself! Guys find it very sexy. You must be courageous because you will have to take the initiative and say what you feel and ask if something could be born between you.
Part 2 of 4: Opening Your Heart

Step 1. Just say it
The easiest way to tell the guy you like is to just say it. It takes courage, but usually people appreciate honesty and he will be flattered by your courage. This way you will avoid subterfuge and make him understand that he is important to you. Here are some examples:
- "Hi Andrea. I thought you deserved to know how strong what I feel for you. You don't have to match my feelings, but I thought it was right for you to know."
- "Michele, you are special. You are kind, intelligent, funny and I am much happier when we are together. I wish we were more than friends. I hope you too see that something fantastic could be born between us."

Step 2. Leverage their interests
Use his interests to confess your feelings. You can use them as a pretext to open up with him (perhaps by going climbing together) or to declare yourself in an original way (for example by inviting him to your house and letting him find the love scene between Han Solo and Princess Leia on TV break).

Step 3. Use a song
You probably don't remember what cassette tapes are, but using songs to confess your feelings is still a very good option.
- Find a song he likes. Ask him to borrow a USB stick to transfer a file from the school or office PC to yours. Leave the MP3 of the song on the stick, naming it in a particular way so that he recognizes it: "Michele: Tessa dedicates this song TO YOU", or use another reference to the song.
- You could use one of these songs: "A Te" by Jovanotti, "The Greatest Gift" by Tiziano Ferro, or "Nientaltra che Noi" by 883.

Step 4. Give him a gift
You can give him a gift to confess your feelings. Try to personalize it, and if you are already friends you could use it to remind him of the good times spent together.
- Decorate a wooden box with your initials in a heart, and fill it with your photos, movie tickets you saw at the cinema or other memories of things you did together.
- Put together a "relaxation package", with two movie tickets, two bags of candy and a message like, "I know you had a tough week with exams. I would like to have a relaxing evening with you. If you don't care., don't worry! Bring whoever you want … but I would like to have the opportunity to make you laugh until you remember what quadratic polynomials are ".

Step 5. Write him a letter
There is nothing more romantic than a dear, old handwritten letter. Write him a letter to tell him how you feel and put it in his mailbox (if you know his address) or in his backpack. You can also leave it in a place where you know he will find it, such as on his desk or in his books.
Sprinkle some of your perfume on it to make it even more exciting

Step 6. Make a video
Make a YouTube video where you confess your love to him (better not mention his name). Tell him how you feel and why, then email or text him the link with a QR code. You can also print the code and put it in his backpack or tape it in a book.
Part 3 of 4: Things NOT to Do When You Declare

Step 1. Don't pressure him
Don't come up with an "I love you" and don't start talking about the future you want for the two of you. Avoid talking to the future, because it creates a lot of expectations and pressures on him … which are stressful and could make him run away!
Instead, talk about what you would like to feel or what you hope will come true. "I wish we could try to be more than friends" and things like that

Step 2. Don't be creepy
Don't overdo it when you confess how you feel. This means not praying to him, not trying to convince him, not touching him, and not invading his personal space before you know if he has feelings for you. Also, you shouldn't hang on to him if he asks you for time to think about what you said.

Step 3. Don't use social networks or the phone
If you can, tell him how you feel in person. Using social networks or texting may not make you take it seriously or, worse, it may think it's a joke. That's not how you want to start something with him.

Step 4. Don't rush things
Don't rush him to know if he feels the same about you too, and don't throw yourself into a serious relationship. You've been through the torture of declaration, so you really want to make sure you like him first, right? It could be a very long process that goes on even once you start dating.
Just focus on really getting to know him, spending time together and talking about the things that are important to you: what you both want from the future, what you believe in and what you do for fun
Part 4 of 4: Creating Happiness

Step 1. Don't be afraid of being rejected
Sure, being rejected hurts, but in a few years you probably won't even remember. Remember: he loses us. You don't want to be with a person who isn't as interested in you as you are in him. You deserve better!

Step 2. Ask him out if he reciprocates your feelings
If he reciprocates your feelings, remember to ask him out if he doesn't! Don't feel guilty about making your intentions clear or taking such steps: sometimes you need to take what you want out of life! Once you have declared yourself, asking him out is as simple as making a proposal for your date and going from there. Just ask him!

Step 3. Look for the good guys
If it's not your thing or he acted like a boor when he turned you down, maybe you need to think about the kind of guys you care about. Stop running after guys who don't respect you or who don't like you for who you are. You may find that you are luckier if you focus on the important things: Nice Guys who have the right priorities.
- Make sure you really care about him.
- Find out if he has a profile on Facebook or another social network.
- Don't tell everyone you like this guy, just tell your most trusted friends.
- If he doesn't match you, don't expect a story anyway. That way he won't like you at all.
- He may not be interested in you in that sense.