How To Make Your Ex Fall In Love With You Again

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How To Make Your Ex Fall In Love With You Again
How To Make Your Ex Fall In Love With You Again

Do you long for the good old days? Do you want to give him another chance? If you're sure you want to rekindle the flame of an old relationship, read below for tips on making your ex fall in love with you again.


Get Your Ex to Fall for You Again Step 1
Get Your Ex to Fall for You Again Step 1

Step 1. Patience is a virtue

Don't rush things. Start with a smile when you walk past your ex or maybe say hello every now and then. Maintain visual contact, so he will be sure that you are communicating with him and not with someone else.

Get Your Ex to Fall for You Again Step 2
Get Your Ex to Fall for You Again Step 2

Step 2. Try to start talking to him again

Remember to keep conversations short and not too revealing. A little bit of mystery is captivating. Also if you're at a party and talking to him (keep it short!) And your friends walk into the room, stop mid-talk and go talk to them. Say: Francesco! I am here! You turn to him and say: See you later.

Get Your Ex to Fall for You Again Step 3
Get Your Ex to Fall for You Again Step 3

Step 3. Look good

Make sure you look pretty, scented, and change your look every now and then. Plus if you have your period, make sure you're even cleaner.

Get Your Ex to Fall for You Again Step 4
Get Your Ex to Fall for You Again Step 4

Step 4. Give him a few sincere compliments every now and then

Make your ex feel good when he's with you. Talk about the good times you spent together. Make him remember the best moments of your relationship.


  • Try to talk to him more to make him remember what he once had so he'll want you even more.
  • Feel free to flirt with other people. Make him feel a little jealous and show him that you are someone worth fighting for.
  • Try to be friends with him, maybe he wants to go back with you too!
  • Strive to improve your appearance. Looking after her looks shows self-confidence and self-respect, which is sexy.
  • Remember to show him that you are still yourself but a little more understanding.
  • Work slowly. Give time to time. Your ex may still be hurt and may need some alone time. Precipitating things could push him away.
  • Or sometimes not being friends with him will cause him to try hard to be your friend!


  • One thing to keep in mind when trying to get back with an ex is that if it doesn't work out or if your ex doesn't want to get back with you, don't force it, remember that you deserve to be with someone who wants to be with you, and you don't have to. go after someone who doesn't want to!
  • If you feel like you are trying too hard, this is probably the case. Relax a little.
  • Don't have too high expectations, you will end up feeling bad.
  • Don't rush!

  • Don't try to change for him. Be yourself and you will be appreciated.
