Arrogant people are convinced they know everything and can really make you lose your temper. Here's how to deal with them.

Step 1. Assess the situation
Why do you think a person is being arrogant? Did he say or do something in particular to you or did he never speak to you? If you don't witness a concrete fact that would make you think a person is arrogant, don't rush to conclusions; you may be wrong.

Step 2. Listen to her conversation
Is he always talking about himself? Does he get angry if the focus of attention is shifted to another person?

Step 3. Remember that an arrogant person is also often very insecure
She tries to control and dominate the situation because she is afraid of being controlled or dominated herself.

Step 4. Start any conversation with an arrogant person by assuming an attitude of full confidence in yourself
Think that there is nothing that person can say or do that affects you. Your self-esteem will not make you vulnerable and will keep you safe from the arrogant's inability to relate correctly to others or the nastiness that, at times, can come out of his mouth.

Step 5. Try to ignore the arrogance of the person in front of you
Instead, try to enjoy the positive things this meeting is bringing to you. You may focus on what the person can bring to you on an intellectual level or, perhaps, you may also focus on the "comical side" of being arrogant.

Step 6. Make fun of her being arrogant subtly
Very often an arrogant person is so focused on himself that he does not realize that others are making fun of him. Pretend you don't understand the simple concepts he is enunciating and enjoy seeing how he will go out of his way to explain them to you and demonstrate his superiority.

Step 7. Use the meeting to test your listening skills

Step 8. Ignore anything he says or how he behaves and he will most likely stop boring you

Step 9. Be honest
If these techniques don't work and the person continues to bore you, tell them clearly that you think they are being arrogant and how that makes you feel. Don't argue or scream unless absolutely necessary; you'd be in the wrong.

Step 10. If possible, ignore the person completely (and not just their behavior)
If you are dealing with an arrogant person in a group, try to speak to the group in general and never go directly to them; for example, instead of saying: "Hello Alessandra" try saying "Hello everyone!"

Step 11. If you work with an arrogant person, try to be very busy when you see them coming
Pick up the phone and pretend you're in the middle of a conversation. If she demands your attention, make her wait as long as possible. When you finally give him attention, do it in a distracted and superficial way, while starting another activity that you have pending. For example, you might say, "Okay, what can I do for you?" at the same time you are picking up the phone. This technique works very well normally, because you are giving the arrogant exactly the opposite of what he would like; that is, you are not really paying attention to it.
- In general, an arrogant person will never listen to what you have to say; face conversations with full confidence in yourself and a smile on your face.
- If someone is really making you lose your temper due to their arrogance, ask them very politely, "May I know how did you become such an expert on this subject? Did you study? Did you have a bad experience? Is there something you don't know? in which could I help you?"
- Spend no expense when you have to point out to an arrogant person where the limit of tolerance lies and when it is time to stop. Make them understand clearly what is right and what is not.
- Gently point out to the arrogant person how they are behaving.
- Ignoring an arrogant person can be effective in getting them to stop harassing you directly; however, the presence of an arrogant person always gets noticed, even if they aren't specifically targeting you. Be aware of this fact.
- Try never to argue with an arrogant person, because they won't question and listen to your side of the story. Very often it will try to make you feel wrong, increasing your insecurity. His intention is always to control the situation. In this case, don't get angry, because you would play his game; try to resist his contemptuous attitude and look at things from his point of view. Act wisely and never respond to provocations in a hostile way.