3 Ways to Get Kissed by the Girl You Like

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3 Ways to Get Kissed by the Girl You Like
3 Ways to Get Kissed by the Girl You Like

You've set your sights on a girl, but the situation doesn't unfold quickly. And trying to understand a girl is like understanding Greek (unless you understand Greek). How do you know if she wants to be kissed by you? Simple. Get her to kiss you.


Method 1 of 3: Create the Basics

Get a Girl to Kiss You Step 1
Get a Girl to Kiss You Step 1

Step 1. Make her happy

Even if she's not your girlfriend yet, come up with something to get her excited. The smallest thing can conquer it.

  • Amaze her. Nobody here is talking about diamonds. It could be flowers, her favorite food, a new CD, anything. He is likely to show his gratitude to you physically.
  • Do something for her. Are you complaining about wanting new headphones? Missed your biology class and need your notes? Take the time to listen to her and do what you can to help her out.
Get a Girl to Kiss You Step 2
Get a Girl to Kiss You Step 2

Step 2. Take her when she's in a good mood

The oddity is that you will be able to tell when she feels like being kissed. Observe his appearance and behavior and assess what mood he is in.

  • If she is calm and flirtatious, she is ready. Check if he touches you and smiles. Make sure you have her attention and that she isn't distracted.
  • If she's upset and confused, she probably doesn't feel very romantic. She could be caught up in her own business or be upset about something else.
Get a Girl to Kiss You Step 3
Get a Girl to Kiss You Step 3

Step 3. Take it yourself

Most people are uncomfortable with displays of affection, particularly when it comes to their first kiss. On top of that, it should be an intimate and personal moment. Take her to a place where you won't be interrupted and can focus on you.

This is also about your cell phone. Turn off notifications

Method 2 of 3: Preparation

Get a Girl to Kiss You Step 4
Get a Girl to Kiss You Step 4

Step 1. Be ready to be kissed

Bad breath is the last thing you want to worry about. Brush your teeth and floss regularly.

If you expect the time to come, eat a mint or chew gum first

Get a Girl to Kiss You Step 5
Get a Girl to Kiss You Step 5

Step 2. Give her signals

She needs to know that you are interested in her and that her kiss will be welcome. Make it clear that you will not reject her: girls get as nervous as boys if they are rejected, if not more.

  • Depending on your relationship, lightly touch her arm, hands or leg. If you get the chance, put your arm around her and hold her close.
  • Do not rush. If it's a new relationship, take it easy. After all, good things happen to those who wait. First, she may feel the need to trust you.
Get a Girl to Kiss You Step 6
Get a Girl to Kiss You Step 6

Step 3. Touch it with emotion

He doesn't need to feel comfortable with you just physically, but emotionally as well. Let her know you want her, not her body.

  • Indirectly suggest to her how special she is to you. A compliment can take you very, very far. You may not want to say it openly and she may not know what to answer. Stick to something like “I've wanted to bring you here for so long. This moment is perfect”to communicate your message.
  • Girls can become extremely affectionate if you show that you care about them. If she's having a hard time, tell her you want to listen and do it. Grab her in a romantic embrace and take advantage of the moment.

Method 3 of 3: Before the Moment

Get a Girl to Kiss You Step 7
Get a Girl to Kiss You Step 7

Step 1. Observe their reactions

When you send her these signals, see what she does. If he blushes or smiles, you are on the right track.

  • If she looks confused, don't worry. You're probably just going too fast. Take a small step back and take it slow.
  • If he doesn't reciprocate, it's not the right time. Be patient. It might have nothing to do with you.
Get a Girl to Kiss You Step 8
Get a Girl to Kiss You Step 8

Step 2. Make sure the time is right

If you're in the middle of an action movie and she's so hooked that popcorn slips out of her mouth, this isn't the right time. Use your sensitivity to decide whether to approach her and have a more intimate contact.

If it doesn't, create it yourself.. Walk her to the front door, take her to a new place or learn to play her favorite song

Get a Girl to Kiss You Step 9
Get a Girl to Kiss You Step 9

Step 3. Focus

Look at her eyes and her lips. Being impatient or distracted (or, God forbid, focusing your attention on other parts of the body) could scare her away.

If you concentrate, it will be easier for you to study it. When you know if a girl wants to kiss you the most is done

Get a Girl to Kiss You Step 10
Get a Girl to Kiss You Step 10

Step 4. Smile

If she feels that you are even a little unhappy, she may decide not to take the risk. Remember: she is studying you too.

Laughing will improve the mood of both. It is contagious and deceives the mind

Get a Girl to Kiss You Step 11
Get a Girl to Kiss You Step 11

Step 5. Relax

Whether she kisses you or not, the time is right. Even if it doesn't now, you are investing time for later.

It is easy to tell when a person is nervous. Your heart will beat fast and you will sweat. Remember to breathe


  • Be a gentleman. Girls might like bad boys, but they never stick with them.
  • Do not disclose the details of your relationship. He may not kiss you anymore.
  • Be yourself. If you try to be another person, you will end up losing your girlfriend and yourself.
  • Respect their privacy. Don't jump on his jeans if he kisses you.
  • Take your time and make sure it's ready.
