Of course, every man in the computer generation has searched this thing on Google at least once. Even just to read those two reassuring lines before jumping in and asking someone special out. Well, unfortunately, most of the things written are aimed at a younger audience, which let's face it, they don't help as you grow and progress in your career and life.
So take a look at these tips. It is a list of precise indications.

Step 1. Watch for the signs:
- Physical contact doesn't bother her. Try accidentally touching her, perhaps with your arm; any kind of contact will be noticed (trust me, it's a woman). Once he has noticed the touch, he has 2 choices, move or stay. If he stays, at least he's comfortable with you. "5 points".
- He wants eye contact. Assuming the girl isn't incredibly shy, if you can make eye contact while talking, and she matches your gaze, just averting it to smile from time to time, then you're definitely making a good impression. "2 points".
- It always seems to have lip gloss. I know, this is subtle, but "every" girl does it anyway. When a girl dreams of a scene with a guy, a lot of kissing is usually involved. While men tend to skip kisses and get to the point. If a girl tries to always keep her lips trimmed and shiny when she is with you, she is hoping that, in case there are kisses, her lips are ready. "2 points".
- It always keeps you in its field of vision. The vision of an average person covers about 150 °. It means that at any one time, a person sees about 40% of what is happening around him. If you somehow fall into that 40%, well… she probably likes you. "1 point".
- Remember things you talked about together. Yeah, you forgot that you talked about how much you enjoyed fishing together the previous week. Now she is trying to invite you to go fishing with half the people she knows. "1 point".
- Try to get yourself out with her and a couple of her friends. That is, she wants a double date but is too shy to ask for a "date". Even if they're just friends, you're doing fine. Think about it, would you introduce a horrible girl to your best friends? Bonus points if it happens shortly after the first date. "4 Points".
- She is spontaneously competing with other women around you. Try to compliment often, in general, not exclusively. You will notice that girls who like you will pay much more attention to any compliments you give and will subconsciously act accordingly. If you tell someone you love when a woman wears blue and the next week she starts looking like a smurf, that's it. "5 points".
- He always seems to have fun with you. When it comes to knowing if she likes you, this is the best sign. Many girls in their 20s are now starting to realize that their lives are not the fairy tales they were hoping for. No daddy is there to love and care for them. No man leaves romantic notes in their lockers. No sudden trips or trips. But wait, every time he's with you, all these childhood wonders seem to re-emerge. He is back in that state of grace and you have done your job as a man. He framed you as a possible life partner. "10 points".
- He never seems to have anything to do after seeing you. Do you know why? It's because he made sure it was like that. He doesn't need an escape plan because he doesn't intend to escape. She broke free to spend the whole day with you. If you didn't have to go home to save the world from a horde of zombie Nazis, he'd still be with you. "3 points".
- After saying he has no commitments, he suddenly has. If for some reason you meet her later or come back because you forgot your phone, and find that she actually "has" other commitments… it means she had other things to do, but kept putting off to spend more time alone with you. "3 points".

Step 2. Be sure about how to react to his presence

Step 3. When you ask her out, be confident and almost insistent on wanting her to join you for dinner or for a walk in the park
However, be reasonable, there is a difference between being persuasive and needy: if, for example, he keeps saying No but smiling and continuing to talk to you, then asking him again in another way could be a good thing. On the other hand, if she keeps saying 'No' seriously, it's better to step aside and leave her alone.
- Nobody's perfect. If you are reading this article it is because you know you have defects (size, build, talent, money, illness, family issues, trauma …). You don't feel safe asking a girl out with you because you think she can see all those flaws too. Let me tell you something, of course he will see them. But think about it, she has some too. He hopes the same thing, that his imperfections won't be noticed by you. Do you know how I know? We are all equal. Those who seem the most popular and outgoing are the ones who have become familiar with their shortcomings and show their strengths, and trust me, you have them too.
- No matter what people say, relationships are not about sex (pay attention). Relationships are all about feeling good (of course sex helps, usually). If you want the perfect girl for you, then live every day to the fullest. Take your responsibilities, then do what you want, when you want. Eventually the energy you emanate will attract compatible human beings. In the end, you will both have fun.
- Sometimes you think that your possibilities are so limited that you are forced to settle for the first positive reaction you get. As soon as a fairly pretty girl seems interested, she goes for a fish. Remember though, physical attraction alone will lead to a very boring and expensive relationship.
- Don't chase. Be gallant and spontaneous but don't hunt her down. When you are 20, your possibilities are still limitless and now is not the time to focus on one particular person. Follow your passions and occasions, and women will always follow.