The key to getting the guy you want is having enough confidence in yourself to be aware that you deserve only the best. All you have to do is show him what a wonderful and extraordinary girl you are without appearing too purposeful. If you can manage your expectations and invest the time to get to know the guy in question, you are well on your way to making him yours.
Part 1 of 3: Grabbing Your Attention

Step 1. Show him you're having fun
If you want to catch the boy's attention, you shouldn't wander around him trying to make eye contact all day. Instead, you should learn to take care of your chores, have fun with friends, hit the dance floor, or just have a good time without needing a boyfriend. You can smile at him and let him know that you have noticed, but focus on your enjoyment and you will see that he will want to be there with you.
- It is certainly impossible to always be in a good mood. If it's really a bad day, you shouldn't feel the need to completely fake it. Having said that, however, you should try as much as possible to develop positive energy.
- Potential friends or boyfriends are attracted to positive energy like a moth is attracted to light. The more you laugh and are joyful, even in the seemingly most insignificant things in life, such as a night with a clear sky or an adorable puppy, the more people will gravitate towards you.

Step 2. Be affable, but don't let him know right away how you feel
You shouldn't be too cold or mysterious if you want to get the guy you like, otherwise he might think you don't really like him or that you just aren't very nice. Instead, you can be affable, introduce yourself, and have a chat with him without letting him know that you really like him. Show him that it's fun to talk to you, while making him wonder what your feelings are; doing so will have even more desire to talk to you.
- Don't be afraid to say hello and ask him how he's doing. If he's wearing a funny shirt, tell him you find it beautiful. Don't put too much pressure on your first exchange of ideas and just focus on having fun.
- Being friendly to others will also make you look like an amazing person who is worth getting to know. Don't just be friendly to guys you like, but rather make an effort to get to know everyone around you.

Step 3. Be exactly who you are
While you may think that "being yourself" is outdated advice, the best thing you can really do to get the guy you like is to be exactly the way you are, instead of showing a different face or acting like the kind of girl. that you think can be with him. Do not hide your best qualities, even if they are a little particular or old-fashioned, because they are the ones that ultimately make you special. If you pretend, the guy will find out the truth faster than you can imagine. What's more, putting up a drama is clearly exhausting and you won't be able to fully enjoy yourself if you feel like you have to keep checking yourself.
Although you may want to wait to show your slightly vulgar sense of humor or your cat's famous imitations, you shouldn't behave as if you were another person, otherwise your acquaintances won't last long

Step 4. Flirt
Flirting can help you attract the attention of the guy you like and make him care more about you. If on the one hand you don't want to appear too determined, on the other hand, catching his eye for a few seconds, touching his arm in a playful way and teasing him a little good-naturedly are all elements that can help advance your relationship and can make feel the guy more intrigued by you. Give him more attention than you would give to other guys, but don't give him all your attention, otherwise you'll find out all your cards.
- Many girls are nervous about how to flirt and don't really know how to deal with it. Start to meet his gaze and then look away, then move on to some carefree and fun conversation, maybe even teasing each other a bit.
- Approach the boy and see how he reacts. If he gives you a push in a playful way or seems willing to get one from you, react the same way.
- Some girls like to lick their lips a little when flirting with guys, because this way they attract more attention to their mouth.

Step 5. Don't take yourself too seriously
Another way to get the guy you like to notice is to be fun and carefree instead of stressing over every little thing. If on the one hand it is important to be serious about your goals, dreams and so on, on the other hand it is not so important to go crazy for the chemistry exam or for spilling the ketchup on your blouse. Learn to laugh at yourself at the right time without harming yourself and putting aside all the negative things.
- If you can play the joke and laugh at yourself, you will like the guy more because he will notice that you are a person with whom it is not difficult to be together. Guys don't like dating girls which makes them feel like they're walking on eggs.
- Part of not taking yourself too seriously is acquiring some maturity and objectivity. You need to know that a fight with a friend of yours or a poor grade in math isn't the end of the world, and it's not worth freaking out about these things.

Step 6. Get him noticed
If you want to attract the attention of the guy you want, you have to get noticed in some way. This doesn't mean you should dye your hair blue and play the banjo - unless you want to - to get his attention, but rather it means that you should be confident in doing what you want, doing your best. Maybe you have a strong sense of humor, extraordinary skills in dance or an exceptional taste for fashion. Just remember that if you were like everyone else, he wouldn't notice you.
Be proud of whatever makes you different, instead of hiding it. Having something that makes you stand out will make the guy feel more attracted to you than he would if you blend in in the crowd

Step 7. Impress him with self-confidence
Guys love girls who are confident and don't need confirmation from them. To impress a guy with self-confidence, you just have to be happy with who you are and what you can offer. Do not doubt yourself, do not question your outward appearance and do not seek reassurance; instead walk with your head held high, smile and let the world see how happy you are to be yourself. If you are happy and comfortable with yourself, people will be attracted to you naturally.
- Body language is very important for conveying confidence. Turn to the boy when talking to him, and avoid looking down or fiddling with your hands. Instead, make eye contact with him, smile, and be confident in social interactions.
- Confident people talk about the people they love and the things they love to do, instead of seeking confirmation by criticizing others.
- Sometimes you can show your insecurity and you don't always have to behave like the most self-confident person on the face of the earth. However, if you commit to loving yourself as you are, others will want to absorb some of your positive energy.

Step 8. Be realistic
Being realistic is important when it comes to getting the guy you like. While on the one hand you should be confident enough to have the feeling of being able to conquer any guy, on the other hand it sometimes happens that two people are simply not compatible or the spark does not go off. If the guy you like is simply not interested in you, it's best to move on to someone else who can be a little more involved. Some girls believe that if they can't get a certain guy, there is no one else for them, they just need to open their hearts to new possibilities.
If you've been trying to make things work with a guy who seems busy, distant, or just not very receptive, it may be time to continue your life by looking towards better and bigger goals
Part 2 of 3: Deepening the Knowledge

Step 1. Show real interest in her life
If you want to keep a guy's interest alive, you have to show him that you really care about him and that you want to get to know him. While on the one hand you shouldn't follow him everywhere or ask him 20 questions an hour about his life, on the other you should try hard to learn about his interests, his friends, his family and his life in general. Ask him a few questions about him from time to time and make eye contact when he says something important to show him that you really care what he has to say.
- If you get into the habit of always talking about yourself and your problems, the boy will get bored quickly. Make sure he talks for at least about half of the conversation.
- If he truly cares for you, get in touch from time to time to find out how it goes when you are not together. If he took a very important exam, send him a message to find out how it went. Show him that you think about him when he is not around.
- If he is knowledgeable about a topic, be it football or politics, ask him to tell you about it in order to show him that you care about the things that matter to him. Obviously, if you don't want to hear the story of Milan told in great detail for the next three hours, you can kindly direct the conversation in another direction.

Step 2. Don't look too strong
While it is important to show the guy that you care about him, you should still avoid making him believe that he is the guy you have been expecting all your life. Even if you think this is the case, you should get to know each other a little and take your relationship very seriously before you start making love declarations, asking how many children they have, or telling them you can't stop thinking about. he. After spending more time together and making it clear that your affection is mutual, you can open up a little more with each other.
- Keep up with the boy as much as possible. If he goes downhill and still doesn't reveal much about his feelings, you can help but open your heart and take it easy for the moment.
- If you start dating, don't overdo it with seeing each other too often. You don't have to give the impression that you are always available. This way the guy will appreciate the time you spend together more.

Step 3. Compliment him
Another way to show the guy that you care about him and keep him interested is to give him sincere compliments when you are together. Don't tell him you find him attractive, full stop; let him know that he has an incredible sense of humor, that you talk to him very easily or that he is the most creative person you know. Make an effort to get to know him and to give him a compliment that seems truly sincere, and not something calculated to please him more.
Keep it simple. Say something like: "You have such a spontaneous way of talking to people you don't know. I wish I could too ", or:" I've never met anyone who knows history as well as you do"

Step 4. Establish a bond from the things you have in common
After probing the initial attraction, you and the guy you like will want to find something in common. Although it is not necessary to have everything or even many things in common to make your relationship work, it can help to have some topic to talk about or something to do together to keep the relationship solid. You can bond if you like the same old songs or Motown hits, if you love to hike, go to football games together or try every new restaurant in town. No matter what binds you, the important thing is that you find some interest to discover together.
You may also find that you have a new interest that you would like to explore with him, such as a new famous band, a new bowling alley in town, or hiking together when neither of you has done it before

Step 5. Keep in touch with him
If you want him to notice that you really care about him, you should come over from time to time to show him that you think about him when you are not together. While you shouldn't call or text him more than once a day (or every other day if you don't see each other), call him every now and then or text him, especially if you want to know how the game or job interview went or if you want to wish him good luck for something important, it will make him understand that it means a lot to you.
- Make sure you hear each other more or less the same number of times. It should be a mutual exchange.
- Not all guys like to be on the phone. If you just call him to chat while he wants to schedule your next date, don't get him wrong.

Step 6. Confide in him
As your relationship progresses, your conversations will deepen. You should open up to the guy slowly, letting him know what you have in mind and what makes you nervous or what you are wondering. As you become familiar and each of you shares something about yourself, tell them about your childhood, your friendships and your relationship with your family. If he also confides in you, he will be attracted to you because he will have the feeling of getting to know you more and more.
- Take your time. Get him to get to know you before you reveal more to him, otherwise he may feel overwhelmed and won't know how to react.
- When he confides in you, take the time to really listen to him instead of revealing more and more about you.

Step 7. Show him some affection
A little affection can help keep any relationship solid and keep it going. You can hold the guy's hand, kiss him, rest your hand on his knee and hug him tightly when you see him. As you become more confident, more physical contact will come naturally and you should show him how important he is to you by giving him some physical attention. Just remember not to go too fast so you don't feel uncomfortable, and to be loving just because that's what you really want.
Each boy has a different approach to showing affection in public. Some just don't like holding hands or being very affectionate in public. This does not mean that the boy does not want to be seen around with you, but only that he is a bit shy about showing his feelings in public. If holding hands in public is truly important to you, surely you can find a compromise

Step 8. Let me guess
While you don't have to be too precious and you don't have to be so mysterious that you don't know what's on your mind in any way, if you want to hold on to the guy, you don't even have to act like you're always at his disposal. You don't have to answer the phone every time he calls you, or tell him exactly what your plans are if you're busy one night. You can tell him you like him without revealing everything that is on your mind and let him take the initiative. If you let him make assumptions, he will be even more attracted to you.
- Guys love it when a girl can keep them on their toes. If the guy knows exactly what to expect from you every time you talk, he will be less thrilled to see you.
- You certainly don't want to go so far as to act so aloof that it makes him think you don't like him at all. Make sure he is convinced of your feelings for him.
Part 3 of 3: Making it Last

Step 1. Try new things together
If you want the relationship to be interesting over time, you need to come up with something new. Falling into the same old, monotonous routine can make the flame go out between the two of you very quickly; as a result you should always keep him on his toes and find new activities to do together to keep your love exciting and dynamic. It doesn't matter what you do as long as you make an effort to keep your relationship thrilling and fun.
It could mean taking a car trip once a month, starting ballroom dancing together, or learning French cuisine

Step 2. Be friendly to his friends
The longer your relationship lasts, the more important it will be for you to bond with his friends. While you don't have to become best friends, you should also spend some time with them, build a healthy relationship and make sure they don't think you're preventing your boyfriend from really being who he is. You will need to have his friends on your side if you want the relationship to last, and you shouldn't make him have to choose between you and them.
You don't have to go out with his friends every moment, but when you see them say hello, ask how it goes and joke a bit with them. If your intentions with the guy you're with are serious, you should be prepared to interact a lot with his friends in the future

Step 3. Create some habits just for the two of you
If you want your relationship to stay alive and exciting, you and your man should find something just for the two of you. If inventing something new every time is important, creating some habits is also essential for the success of your relationship. It can be something as simple as jogging together every Sunday, going for a walk out of town once a month, wrapping up and watching Game of Thrones together or finding "your" bar, where you can play pool and share a mug. of beer once a week. It is important to find something that can help you define your relationship.
Creating some habits together can help make your relationship special and unique, and can offer you more things to look forward to together

Step 4. Let things go at their own pace
To make your relationship last, you can't pressure your boyfriend to speed things up any more than he's ready to. Whether you want to move in, get married, have children or just introduce him to your parents, you need to remember to take it easy and wait for the right time to come. If you continue to pressure your boyfriend to take the next step, he may feel suffocated and less excited at the idea of moving forward with you.
- Every relationship moves at its own pace, and you shouldn't pressure your boyfriend to do what your best friends, neighbors, or cousins are doing.
- You should decide to move forward together. It shouldn't just be about putting pressure on him or waiting for him to take the initiative.

Step 5. Get closer to each other while maintaining your independence
It is normal that the more you go out together, the more time you spend together and the more you mix up your interests and favorite activities. However, it is important not to lose sight of who you are regardless of your boyfriend, and to continue spending time on your hobbies, friends and family without him being by your side. If you both spend time alone to go about your business, you will continue to grow as an individual while helping to strengthen your relationship.
- It's important to always make time for your girlfriends, no matter how serious your relationship with your boyfriend is. They can give you tips and remind you who you are regardless of your boyfriend, and they can help you see things from a certain perspective.
- Also, if you and your boyfriend spend time each on their own, the time you will spend together will be more enjoyable because you will be more thrilled to see each other.

Step 6. Let him know how much it matters to you
If your intentions are serious, you should never forget to say "I love you" or to let your boyfriend know how much he matters to you. Don't take your love for granted and don't assume he knows what your feelings are for him. To make your relationship last, you don't have to get lazy about love and you can't make assumptions. It is important to be open and honest about your feelings every day of your story.
Girls can be as romantic as boys. Schedule an appointment to make him lose his mind, take a romantic weekend getaway to the mountains or spend your anniversary in the same ice cream shop you went to on your first date. Never stop showing your boyfriend how much you love him, and he will do the same to you too
- The most important thing is that a guy who treats you well should be the guy you want to date. While you are at the first step, you acquire a little love and respect for yourself.
- Always be the person you want to be on step 2. It's no fun learning to play an instrument or getting fit just for a guy. It is not worth the effort for anyone, including men.
- You shouldn't completely change. If this guy deserves your time, you should like him just the way you are, NOT the way you change.
- The guy doesn't have to be exactly how you want him to be, and you don't have to be exactly how he wants you to be. However, the core characteristics should match yours. They represent the key element for compatibility.
- Always look great, regardless of who will be there, and find someone who looks as good as you do. Be honest with yourself, there is no problem if you don't go out with the most attractive guy. Sometimes the less attractive guys are the best boyfriends.
- Know what kind of guy you want to date. You should think about it from the start.
- Never allow a guy or anyone else to treat you the way they would never want to be treated.
- Never be insistent, obsessive or angry, as these are the main disincentives for a boy and the chosen one may get scared and run away.
- All your activities don't have to revolve around him. Don't do something just because there will be guys. It is more important to follow your own interests, even if they are only suitable for girls.