How to Bite a Person's Lips While Kissing Her

How to Bite a Person's Lips While Kissing Her
How to Bite a Person's Lips While Kissing Her

Table of contents:


A small bite on the lower lip can make a kiss even more exciting than it already is, but you have to be careful how you use this technique. If you use it the wrong way, you risk hurting the person you're kissing, ruining the mood. This is how you need to move if you intend to bite someone's lip in a sensual and passionate way.


Part 1 of 3: Creating the Right Atmosphere

Bite Someone's Lip Step 1
Bite Someone's Lip Step 1

Step 1. Assess how the person you want to kiss feels like

Wait until you are sure she is ready to receive more passionate kisses. If you feel like you are hesitant or a little bit nonchalant about your approach, it means this is not the time to try something bolder, like a bite on the lip. After all, even if delicate, it is always a bite.

The warning signs vary from person to person, but in general, look for ones that indicate openness and a desire for intimacy. If your partner snuggles towards you, looking at you with sweet eyes, or licking their lips so that they leave no doubt about their intentions, you probably have an open field

Bite Someone's Lip Step 2
Bite Someone's Lip Step 2

Step 2. Come closer

Once you get the green light, raise the temperature by reducing the physical distance between the two of you. This technique only works if you managed to warm the atmosphere first, which you can do if you don't keep your distance.

  • You don't have to be literally entwined for this to work, but you should at least be able to reach other spots other than the lips.
  • Also, remember that you can shorten the distance the more passionate the kisses become.
Bite Someone's Lip Step 3
Bite Someone's Lip Step 3

Step 3. Lean in to kiss

In the beginning, kisses with closed lips can be sweet or sensual depending on how strong the attraction is between you. In general, though, it's best to start with a little quieter kissing before you get to bite.

Bite Someone's Lip Step 4
Bite Someone's Lip Step 4

Step 4. Make the kiss more intense

The kisses between you and your partner must reach a very high level of sensuality. The most important concept is "increase the passion". The most effective kisses are those that gradually warm the atmosphere until it becomes more passionate and arousing, rather than rushing things.

If you really intend to make the pleasure last, you can start kissing with your mouth closed before opening it. You can also give a few French kisses or gently suck your partner's lower lip to let him know it might be followed by a bite

Part 2 of 3: Bite the Partner's Lip

Bite Someone's Lip Step 5
Bite Someone's Lip Step 5

Step 1. Let your teeth touch the lips of the person you are kissing

Once you're ready to take a bite, part your lips slightly and let your teeth gently brush your partner's lower lip. The teeth only have to touch this point, but not move to bite.

By brushing your teeth against your partner's lip, you communicate your intention to bite. If the other person feels uncomfortable with the idea of getting a bite, this cue from you will give them a way to tell if they need to direct your efforts somewhere else or if they need to back off

Bite Someone's Lip Step 6
Bite Someone's Lip Step 6

Step 2. Gently grasp your lip between your teeth

Grab the other person's lower lip between their upper and lower teeth. Press lightly so that you grab it and just pull it down.

Typically, you should aim for the lower lip. You can also try biting the upper one, but a bite that tugs slightly on the lower lip is usually more erotic

Bite Someone's Lip Step 7
Bite Someone's Lip Step 7

Step 3. Don't make it last too long

The basic concept that characterizes the bite to the lips during a kiss aims to increase the adrenaline in order to increase the passion and intimacy of the moment. Therefore, it absolutely must not become the main element of the kiss. Rather, you should consider it as a kind of accompaniment that makes the introductory part of the physical encounter even more tempting.

Bite Someone's Lip Step 8
Bite Someone's Lip Step 8

Step 4. Alternate between kissing and biting

This way you can tenderly bite your partner, but even if you do it gently, overdoing it, you risk his lips turning purple and bleeding. Of course, in these cases the atmosphere could be ruined and there is a possibility that later the other person will not be so inclined to kiss you - assuming that another opportunity arises.

  • When done right, your partner will feel a thrill of pleasure, not a hint of pain.
  • Consider the moment he gets the bite as a sweet and spicy experience at the same time. The kiss is the sweetest part, while the bite is the spicy part. By combining the two "flavors", you can leave him with a feeling he will never forget.
Bite Someone's Lip Step 9
Bite Someone's Lip Step 9

Step 5. Pay attention to the other person's reaction

A good kiss is a pleasant experience for both people. You may feel real pleasure, but you have to make sure your partner feels the same way too.

  • If you get a negative reaction, it probably means that your bite is harder than you think or that the other person's lips are so sensitive that they can easily feel pain as soon as you bite them. Even if this were not the case, it is possible that he does not feel comfortable when you try to bite or that he does not find this gesture very exciting. Regardless of the reason, though, remember to stop as soon as he reacts negatively to your bites (or any other initiative).
  • Negative reactions are usually quite noticeable. If the other person makes a brusque movement, tries to direct the kiss elsewhere, walks away, or mutters in annoyance, they probably don't feel any pleasure. Conversely, if he comes close, moans with satisfaction, or sighs blissfully, it's rewarding your resourcefulness.

Part 3 of 3: Making the Moment More Enjoyable

Bite Someone's Lip Step 10
Bite Someone's Lip Step 10

Step 1. Press your pelvis against his

Even if you approached before kissing, there is likely to be some space between you: you may be close with your torso, but your hips are still far apart. You can make this moment even more sensual by pressing your pelvis against his as you bite his lower lip.

The most erotic and intimate parts of the body are below the waist. Even if you're not going to push yourself past the kiss, pressing your lower body against hers can increase physical desire and make the kiss even more arousing than it already is

Bite Someone's Lip Step 11
Bite Someone's Lip Step 11

Step 2. Let your hands travel your partner's body

Instead of keeping your hands still in one place, such as behind the other person's head or neck, you should let them free to explore their body. Exactly where they go will depend on the level of intimacy you and the other party are willing to reach, so keep this in mind when trying to figure out where to put your hands.

If both of you are already at an intense enough level of intimacy, you can adopt other small gestures that suggest aggression. For example, you can run your fingers through her hair or along the side of her neck and back. Just keep in mind that your goal is to increase the connection between you, not to cause pain

Bite Someone's Lip Step 12
Bite Someone's Lip Step 12

Step 3. Consider applying some lip balm before kissing

Lip balm offers two advantages: the first is that in the long run it makes the lips softer and more pleasant to kiss; the second is that a flavored or scented lip balm can increase the sensuality of a kiss, activating the partner's senses, especially if you choose the right flavor.

  • Sweet and mint flavors are the best. The former, such as strawberry, can activate the taste buds on the front of the tongue, which react to sweet tastes. Consequently, when you alternate kissing and biting, you will greatly stimulate the sense of taste.
  • Likewise, the menthol present in the fresher mint flavors will trigger cold receptors throughout the body. When you combine this flavor with the warmth of your lips and breath, you will create a tingling sensation that can make the moment more exciting.
Bite Someone's Lip Step 13
Bite Someone's Lip Step 13

Step 4. Take care of your lips and mouth

It may not be your first thought while kissing someone, but good oral hygiene is important if you want your partner to think you know how to kiss. The mouth should be clean and the lips soft and moist.

  • To have good oral hygiene and fresh breath, you need to brush your teeth two or three times a day. You can also use a little mouthwash to increase the freshness of the mouth.
  • To soften your lips, apply a toxic-free lip or body exfoliator once a week. Apply sunscreen lip balm when you get out of the shower and whenever you feel dry. Girls should also apply a layer of it before using gloss or lipstick.
