3 Ways to Get Your Girlfriend Hugging and Kissing You More

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3 Ways to Get Your Girlfriend Hugging and Kissing You More
3 Ways to Get Your Girlfriend Hugging and Kissing You More

Many men in a relationship feel that their other half isn't making enough romantic gestures. It can be a huge blow to their self-esteem and happiness. The good news is that this problem has a very simple solution that can be learned by everyone. Read on for tips and tricks.


Method 1 of 3: Part One: Show Her Your Affection

Get Your Girlfriend to Kiss or Hug You More Often Step 1
Get Your Girlfriend to Kiss or Hug You More Often Step 1

Step 1. Show her your love

If you are affectionate first, she will do the same to you. Do it regularly, but don't be too pressing. Try these ideas:

  • When you are walking through the mall or at the cinema, hold her hand.
  • When you say hello, give her a kiss. If she doesn't know you're close, hug her gently from behind and kiss her neck.
  • Cuddle her on the sofa, with your arms around her and running your fingers through her hair.
  • Offer a massage. Girls love to be spoiled.
Get Your Girlfriend to Kiss or Hug You More Often Step 2
Get Your Girlfriend to Kiss or Hug You More Often Step 2

Step 2. Don't overdo it

If your girlfriend tells you you're too clingy, or isn't a very affectionate type, learn to balance the affection you want to show and the level she thinks is reasonable.

  • If she thinks you're too clingy, showing you her affection will be the last thing on her mind. She will be annoyed by your displays of affection, and will think some of them are inappropriate.
  • Learn to give her her space. If you can, respect her feelings and let her breathe. Don't stop showing your affection altogether; but slow down the frequency of kisses and hugs and try to put more passion into the ones you give her.
Get Your Girlfriend to Kiss or Hug You More Often Step 3
Get Your Girlfriend to Kiss or Hug You More Often Step 3

Step 3. Compliment her when she does something nice

Don't be dishonest and don't prepare a script; just say what makes you happy, why you feel lucky to be with her, the aspects of her that you want her by your side.

  • If she's wearing a nice dress, say something like, "What a nice dress. It looks great on you. You're ready for Summer!"
  • If you notice that she has recently cut her hair, say: "Did you cut your hair? Now you notice even more how beautiful you are. Even if it is impossible not to notice it …"
  • If she accomplishes something difficult, challenging or that requires a lot of intelligence, tell her that you respect her: "I'm proud of you. I knew you are smart / strong / hardworking, but you keep trying it every day."
  • The best compliments are the simple ones. "You have beautiful eyes", or "When you smile you brighten my day" are phrases with a sure impact. When complimenting a girl, remember these tips:
    • Don't compliment her on her breasts and butt. Limit yourself to compliments on eyes, hair, smile or clothing.
    • Avoid cheesy phrases. "You're the sweetest dessert there is, sugary" is a cheesy phrase, while "I'm lucky to have you" is a better compliment.
    • Compliment with a smile and a sweet tone. Act by showing that you truly believe what you say. Often how you say something will be more important than what you say.

    Method 2 of 3: Part Two: Being the Guy He Wants to Show His Affection To

    Get Your Girlfriend to Kiss or Hug You More Often Step 4
    Get Your Girlfriend to Kiss or Hug You More Often Step 4

    Step 1. Be adorable

    Make him want to be close to you. Always be in a good mood, don't complain about all the little things that bother you, and be interested in life around you. If you're a lovely guy, he'll think he can show you enough affection.

    Be a companion person. Surround yourself with happy people, do fun things, and don't worry too much about everything! Girls love guys who don't take everything seriously

    Get Your Girlfriend to Kiss or Hug You More Often Step 5
    Get Your Girlfriend to Kiss or Hug You More Often Step 5

    Step 2. Be playful

    Girls are attracted to guys who know how to have fun. This means that you should really have fun when you are with her.

    • Do silly things together. Make imitations of famous people, act out scenes you experienced during the day or challenge the authorities in an intelligent way. Do whatever makes her playful when she is with you.
    • Play harmless jokes. If she doesn't like jokes, don't torment her and propose to play a joke with another person.
    • Tell jokes. Search for jokes on the net, or create your own list. Even better, make jokes that only you can understand. You will have to try to make her laugh, and she will reciprocate by showing you her affection.
    Get Your Girlfriend to Kiss or Hug You More Often Step 6
    Get Your Girlfriend to Kiss or Hug You More Often Step 6

    Step 3. Take care of your hygiene

    This includes washing your clothes, brushing your teeth, flossing, and mouthwash (no one will want to kiss you if you have bad breath). Wear a pleasant aftershave or perfume. He will appreciate when your cheeks are close. Many women find some scents unpleasant, so stop using them if she complains.

    • When putting on perfume, make sure you don't overdo it; women hate it when guys use too much perfume.
    • Wash your hair regularly and let her touch it. Girls love to play with their boys' hair. Give her an excuse to touch your soft, clean hair.
    • Try your best to look neat and tidy. Even if you have a scruffy style, you can still look neat. Girls will understand if you don't care about your appearance.

    Method 3 of 3: Part Three: Make the Last Effort

    Get Your Girlfriend to Kiss or Hug You More Often Step 7
    Get Your Girlfriend to Kiss or Hug You More Often Step 7

    Step 1. Give her an unexpected gift

    When you meet her, bring something for once. It doesn't have to be a great gift, it can be a chocolate or a fun card. It's a nice gesture that will show your interest in her, and that you care about her happiness.

    • Try to take her out for lunch or dinner when she doesn't expect it. Find out what she likes to eat and order it for both of you.
    • Write her a nice letter from time to time. Better if written by hand. It doesn't have to be long or romantic. Tell her that you always think of her; tell her why she is special to you.
    • Get something he wants. Girls often give clues about things they love, such as music artists, clothing, or accessories. Be a man, remember what she likes and buy her a reasonable gift. She will be delighted.
    Get Your Girlfriend to Kiss or Hug You More Often Step 8
    Get Your Girlfriend to Kiss or Hug You More Often Step 8

    Step 2. Arrange special appointments

    Special dates are great because they are exciting. She won't know what's going to happen, and you'll come and surprise her. If she doesn't feel like kissing and hugging you on this occasion, there's not much more you can do!

    • Plan a movie outing, dinner out, or an activity like bowling, skating, cooking classes, or a game. If she is truly passionate about something, try to put it in the exit.
    • Get help from his friends. Try to throw her a surprise birthday party with her friends or family if you know her well.
    Get Your Girlfriend to Kiss or Hug You More Often Step 9
    Get Your Girlfriend to Kiss or Hug You More Often Step 9

    Step 3. Don't turn this problem into a competition

    Don't wait for her to show you affection first, and don't wait on principle. Be a person worthy of respect. Remember, if you don't want something done to you, don't do it to others.

    Get Your Girlfriend to Kiss or Hug You More Often Step 10
    Get Your Girlfriend to Kiss or Hug You More Often Step 10

    Step 4. Indulge her

    Make her feel like she's the only girl in the world that matters to you. You will make her feel comfortable, relaxed and happy. When she's feeling spoiled, she'll probably show you when you make her feel good.

    • Don't neglect the little things, like asking her opinion or keeping the door open for her. Be a gentleman.
    • If you know she's having trouble with something, like homework, a long shopping list, or can't find a CD, give her a hand. Show her that you think of her even when you are far away.
    • Stay with her when she's sick. Bring her some hot soup, and some movies to watch together.
    • Never forget the flowers. Every moment is an opportunity to give her flowers. Don't overdo it, but give her the flowers she likes best from time to time. You may be able to pick flowers yourself if you live close to nature. Flowers are a great way to get her to kiss or hug you.


    • If she hugs her shoulders or walks away, she doesn't want to be hugged. A kiss on the neck is a very intimate gesture, and many girls prefer to receive one in the privacy of the home.
    • If you're nervous and don't want to kiss her first, be prepared for her to start; if she leans towards you to kiss you and you walk away, you will look stupid, and she will feel humiliated.
    • For a first date, take her to a place where you can talk. If you take her to the cinema, you won't have a chance to talk much. You will just sit together in silence. Instead, take her to a place like a pub, beach, or mall, or get her to watch a movie at home. In these places you can talk freely and fully enjoy your time together.
    • Always think about her when you are alone, because she will help you when you are together.
    • If your girlfriend is sad and cried, try to cheer her up.


    • Don't talk about your exes or your first kiss if it wasn't with her!
    • Never touch it in a public place. Reserve these gestures for private situations and only if you have shown that you appreciate them.
    • Be prepared for rejection, but don't be so paranoid that you stop trying!
