Learn to draw two people kissing by following the steps in this simple tutorial.
Method 1 of 2: Method 1

Step 1. Draw two large circles as a reference for the heads

Step 2. Overlap other circles

Step 3. Draw a curvilinear line starting from the upper edge of the left circle, going down towards the line of the nose and jaw of the characters

Step 4. Join with a straight line the tip of the chin on the left with the base of the circle on the right, thus giving shape to the jaw of the second character

Step 5. Draw a couple of oblique lines on the bottom of both jaws, thus creating their necks

Step 6. Draw the shoulders of the characters, drawing curved lines below the neck lines

Step 7. Insert an oval inside the right circle; this will be the ear

Step 8. Draw straight lines for the eyes and brows

Step 9. Draw a zigzag line at the intersection of the two circles to form the lips and mouth of the characters

Step 10. Draw guidelines for hair as well

Step 11. Enter the details

Step 12. Erase the guidelines

Step 13. Color the two lovers
Method 2 of 2: Method 2

Step 1. Draw a short oblique line with a couple of breaks for the forehead

Step 2. Add an opposite line with breaks for the nose and forehead

Step 3. Extend the line down to form the guideline for the lips

Step 4. Join the minds by drawing two lines that meet

Step 5. Draw four straight lines that join to form the character's hair line on the left

Step 6. Create the hair guidelines for the character on the right

Step 7. Add straight lines as a guide for the eyes and brows