How to Stop Loving Someone (with Pictures)

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How to Stop Loving Someone (with Pictures)
How to Stop Loving Someone (with Pictures)

While love is wonderful, it can sometimes hurt you more than it makes you happy. Maybe you've just ended a relationship or are in love with someone who doesn't love your feelings back. In these situations you can feel bad and wonder how it is possible to overcome them and find a smile again. You can stop loving someone by walking away, facing sadness, and moving on with your life.


Part 1 of 3: Taking the Distances

Stop Loving Someone Step 1
Stop Loving Someone Step 1

Step 1. End your relationship

If you don't intend to continue loving the person you are with, you need to leave them. If she doesn't love your feelings back or your story is falling apart, invite her to sit down and tell her your decision tactfully and firmly.

  • Tell her, "Even though I love you, I have to move on. You told me you don't like how I feel about you, but I would like to have a relationship with someone who cares about me as much as I care about them."
  • You could also put it this way: "Even though I love you, we're no longer happy. Now I cry more than smile and I don't think it's good for me. We can talk about it, but I've made my decision."
Stop Loving Someone Step 2
Stop Loving Someone Step 2

Step 2. Limit attendance

If you're trying to forget someone, spend less time with them. Choose another route to go to work or school. If you have mutual friends, hang out with them as little as possible when you know your loved one will be there too.

If you work together or attend the same school, talk to her only the bare minimum

Stop Loving Someone Step 3
Stop Loving Someone Step 3

Step 3. Don't follow her, ignore her or block her on social networks

Remember: out of sight, out of mind. Avoid seeing her in both real and virtual life. Block it on all accounts open on social networks so that you cannot interact. If you don't want to use this trick, you can delete her from your friendships or stop following her so you don't have to read what she posts.

Stop Loving Someone Step 4
Stop Loving Someone Step 4

Step 4. Forgo any unnecessary communication

Avoid talking to her even if she takes the initiative. The less you communicate with her, the faster you will forget her. However, in some cases you won't be able to help but speak to her. If you have a child, are working on a business project or are asking you to give something back, you will be forced to listen to her.

  • If you need to interact with her, choose a place that doesn't bring back old memories, like any bar. Behave politely, but don't take too much confidence. It's okay if you're polite and ask her how she is, but get right to the point.
  • Try saying: "I'm glad you're okay! Let's talk about Stefano now. Tomorrow is his first day of swimming, so we have to organize ourselves to go and get him from the pool."
Stop Loving Someone Step 5
Stop Loving Someone Step 5

Step 5. Avoid the most important places in your history

If the place where you first kissed or spent your first date brings back old memories, stay away. While you can never forget these moments, there is no need to recall them and make the situation worse.

Stop Loving Someone Step 6
Stop Loving Someone Step 6

Step 6. Take a vacation if you can

If you have the chance, go away for a while. You will get rid of the person you are in love with for a few days. Go on vacation alone or plan a trip with friends or family.

If you're short on cash, take a day trip. Go to the beach or visit a big city near yours

Part 2 of 3: Coping with the Separation

Stop Loving Someone Step 7
Stop Loving Someone Step 7

Step 1. Eliminate all memories in the environment you live in

Do you have any pictures in the bedroom? Throw them away or set them aside. Do you keep one of his old sweaters in your closet? Donate it to charity. These little memories can keep you from forgetting her, so get them out of the way or get rid of them.

Stop Loving Someone Step 8
Stop Loving Someone Step 8

Step 2. Focus on his flaws instead of the best moments

Certainly sometimes you will think of the laughs and fun things you have shared with the one you love. In these cases, remember even the less pleasant moments. There is a reason why you decided to close your story. So, focus on what led you to this decision.

Think of the times he was rude to your mother, made you cry on your birthday, or acted selfish

Stop Loving Someone Step 9
Stop Loving Someone Step 9

Step 3. Meditate every day

It is likely that the thought of the person you are in love with will not leave you so easily. Meditation can help you clear your mind and bring peace to your life. So, find a quiet space and sit down every day focusing at least ten minutes on your breathing.

If you don't know how to meditate, try downloading some applications, such as "Meditate Now"

Stop Loving Someone Step 10
Stop Loving Someone Step 10

Step 4. Seek support from friends

It's hard to repress the love you feel for a person, but with a little help from friends and family you can do it. Instead of isolating yourself, call someone to talk to. You can confide your feelings towards the person you are trying to forget or just have a chat.

However, avoid calling him too often by nagging him with the end of your relationship. Even if you are close friends, it is best not to bore him with sad talk whenever you are in touch

Stop Loving Someone Step 11
Stop Loving Someone Step 11

Step 5. See a therapist if you think you are depressed

If you've been trying to forget this person for months but can't get over it, see a therapist. If you don't have the strength to get out of bed or lack the enthusiasm of the past, you may be suffering from depression. Address the situation immediately in order to overcome your discomfort.

Part 3 of 3: Moving On With Your Life

Stop Loving Someone Step 12
Stop Loving Someone Step 12

Step 1. Make a series of changes

When you want to stop loving someone, you have to reinvent yourself. Observe the person you were and imagine a new period in which you no longer have any connection with the one you loved. Remodel your wardrobe, rearrange your home and set yourself new goals. Consider the following changes:

  • Get rid of the clothes you haven't worn in years and replace them with new and trendy ones.
  • Move, rearrange or refurbish furniture.
  • Update your resume and apply for more satisfying job positions.
Stop Loving Someone Step 13
Stop Loving Someone Step 13

Step 2. Train to improve your mood

Physical activity is not only good for the body, it is also beneficial for mental health. It allows you to put endorphins, or the hormones of good mood, into circulation. Even if it's painful to repress love for someone, going to the gym will make you feel better.

Sign up for a fitness class or go for a run with a friend

Stop Loving Someone Step 14
Stop Loving Someone Step 14

Step 3. Go out with friends

Forgetting a person doesn't mean you can't express affection for friends and family. Spend some time with them each week by taking a walk, watching a movie or having a drink. A breath of fresh air will help you feel better and move on faster.

Stop Loving Someone Step 15
Stop Loving Someone Step 15

Step 4. Have a new hobby

During this time, keep engaging in fun activities. Try something you've always wanted to do or pick up an old hobby. Invest all the free time you spent on the other person in your interests.

For example, you could dance, read, ride a horse, cook, or paint

Stop Loving Someone Step 16
Stop Loving Someone Step 16

Step 5. Make new meetings

Once you are, you will no longer be in love and you will no longer think about the other person every day, get back into the game. Ask your friends to introduce you to someone or consider using an online dating site. Remember that no matter how hard it is, you will succeed!

As exciting as the idea of a new relationship is, avoid backsliding. Don't start dating if you haven't completely moved on from the previous story. You will find that you have forgotten the other person if you cry less, you no longer think about them when you wake up or go to bed and you don't get excited by listening to your old songs

Stop Loving Someone Step 17
Stop Loving Someone Step 17

Step 6. Be patient

Forgetting someone you loved takes time and a good deal of effort. You shouldn't think too much about the relationship you've been in, but if her thought occurs to you from time to time, don't panic. You are a human being.
