It's an old story - a boy and a girl become great friends, but then, out of nowhere, there's a tiny but lingering hint that one (or both) would like something more. Are you dying to know if your best friend likes you? By keeping an eye out for signs of affection, looking for changes in your relationship, and asking others, you can start to get an idea of whether your friend is harboring secret feelings or not. Start from Step 1.
Part 1 of 3: Recognizing Signs of Affection

Step 1. Watch out for signs of shyness
In romantic films, the male protagonists are often men full of passion and courteous confidence. In real life, guys are often shy, nervous, insecure, just like everyone! If you suspect your friend has a crush on you, looking for signs of shyness is a good start. Does your friend seem slightly nervous in your company? Does his laugh seem forced or unnatural? Does it seem like he's struggling to laugh and smile all the time when you're around, even when nothing particularly funny has happened? These are signs that your friend cares about what you think about him!
Here are some other things to watch out for:
- If he blushes
- A slight embarrassment during conversations
- A slight reluctance or hesitation when he greets you to leave
Tell if Your Best Guy Friend Likes You Step 2 Step 2. Look for suspicious eye contact
People in love find it hard to take their eyes off the object of their desire. Does your friend seem to look into your eyes more than a normal conversation requires? Does he always smile at you when he notices you are looking at him? It is said that the eyes are the mirror of the soul: even if your friend is too shy to admit his affection, his eyes could betray him.
People who can't take their eyes off their crush usually realize it a moment too late. If you catch your friend staring at you and he looks embarrassed or pretends to look away, you may have just caught him in a moment of sincere desire
Tell if Your Best Guy Friend Likes You Step 3 Step 3. Pay attention to adoring body language
A secret crush can often have a noticeable effect on a guy's thoughts and behavior by slightly and subconsciously changing the way he uses his body. Does your friend's body language seem to imply that he is giving you his full attention, whether the situation demands it or not? In other words, do you consider it important to turn around and face yourself when talking to you? Does it seem to straighten up when it notices you? Does he pull his shoulders back or use an arm to support himself against a nearby wall when he talks to you? This body language could betray secret feelings of affection.
Tell if Your Best Guy Friend Likes You Step 4 Step 4. Take note if he “accidentally” touches you
This is one of the oldest tricks! Many guys in love will seize any opportunity to touch their favorite girl. They'll be extra generous with hugs, they'll always be the ones who pass you something you can't get to, accidentally bump into you as they walk, and so on. If your friend suddenly seems to be touching you a little more than usual, you can be pretty sure he has feelings he isn't showing.
Sometimes, guys in love come up with situations where they "have" to touch you. If your friend, for example, seems to have gotten too clumsy when you're around and develops a habit of dropping things, pay attention to what happens when you pick them up and hand them to him: lightly touch your hand?
Tell if Your Best Guy Friend Likes You Step 5 Step 5. See if he makes an effort to be either around you or away from you
Guys who secretly adore their best friend usually want to be around her as much as possible. Most of the time, friends who harbor a secret feeling will gravitate (consciously or not) around her, being next to her on social occasions, sitting next to her at meals, etc. Sometimes, however, a boy can be "particularly" shy. In this case, even if he longs for his friend, her presence makes him so nervous that strangely he will find a way not to be near her. Pay attention to your friend's habits, if when you go out in a group he seems to always end up close to you or on the contrary always far away from you, you will know that something is happening.
Part 2 of 3: Analyzing Your Report
Tell if Your Best Guy Friend Likes You Step 6 Step 1. See if he makes dating you a priority
If your friend likes you, going out with you will become one of his favorite things to do. He'll want to hang out with you whenever he can, and sometimes he'll go so far as to cancel other plans in order to do so. If your friend suddenly seems to contact you every day to find out what you are doing and to find out if you are busy, you may be dealing with a friend who is sick with love.
Tell if Your Best Guy Friend Likes You Step 7 Step 2. Pay attention to the things you talk about
Guys in love with their best friend sometimes very subtly allude to their feelings during a conversation. They do this in several ways. Some try to divert the conversation towards romantic topics, asking questions about who she likes and asking if she's looking for someone. Others want to talk about dating, for example joking about how ridiculous some couples look. Keep track of the types of conversations you have with your friend, if most seem to be about love or relationships, and even if he doesn't give any indication that he really wants to go out with you, this could be his way of reporting his. interest.
There is an obvious exception to this rule. If your friend involves you in his love life by asking you for advice about other girls, it's usually a sign that he sees you as a friend and nothing more
Tell if Your Best Guy Friend Likes You Step 8 Step 3. Find out if he's flirting with you
Some guys are less shy than others. Especially confident guys can also enjoy flirting openly with you. If your friend has developed a habit of playfully teasing you, making silly hints, or seems to enjoy scandalizing you, this shows at the very least that he has thought of you as more than just a friend.
Realize that a guy's intentions can be a little vague when he's flirting. Many guys have a habit of flirting and then joking her when their advances aren't instantly matched. However, others use flirting and innuendo as a form of clowning. However, persistent and repeated flirting is almost always a sign of something more
Tell if Your Best Guy Friend Likes You Step 9 Step 4. Acknowledge a “fake date” when it happens
Guys who would like to go out with their best friend sometimes recreate the vibe of a date when they go out with her. Be on your guard, when you meet your friend for a lunch or dinner with friends, does it seem a little more formal than usual? For example, if your friend is normally vulgar and loud, has he become quieter and more reserved? Did he develop good manners out of thin air? Does he insist on paying for you? If so, your friend may have taken you on a "fake date" in an attempt to make it a real possibility.
Also, pay attention to where she takes you and how she dresses. If he takes you somewhere more elegant and nice than the places you usually go and "cleans up" your appearance, you will know that you are on a fake date
Tell if Your Best Guy Friend Likes You Step 10 Step 5. Notice how he treats other girls
This is one of the most important things to look at when trying to figure out if your friend likes you, but it is something that is sometimes underestimated. If you think your friend is particularly affectionate with you, pay attention to how he interacts with other girls before jumping to conclusions. If he acts the same way around other girls, you may be dealing with a guy who is naturally flirtatious or outgoing, rather than a secret admirer.
Listen when your friend tells you about other girls. As mentioned before, if she openly asks you for advice on how to attract and conquer other girls, she probably doesn't see you as anything more than a friend. However, if he seems dissatisfied with other girls, if he complains about how he can't find the right person, this could be his way of implying that he's interested in you
Part 3 of 3: Ask Others
Tell if Your Best Guy Friend Likes You Step 11 Step 1. Ask his friends
Finding out if your friend likes you or not shouldn't be a guess. A great way to get right to the heart of the problem is to simply ask someone close to him! Most groups of friends talk about crushes between them. If your friend has a crush on you, there is a good chance that one or more of his friends know about it.
If you can, you might find a mutual friend - someone who is close enough to both of you. Not only can this person advise you and help you plan the next step, but, since he / she is loyal to you (hopefully), they are less likely to spill your secret.
On the other hand, asking someone who is friends with your best friend, but not yours, could be more risky. Chances are good that with this option the person in question will tell your friend that you asked for him. This can work in your favor if you want your friend to know that you are interested in him too, but, if you don't want to, it can backfire
Tell if Your Best Guy Friend Likes You Step 12 Step 2. Ask your best friend directly
If you really are in confidence, the easiest and most direct way to find out if he likes you is to ask him in the face. This can be really nerve-wracking, but usually, the temporary stress of talking openly about your feelings is worth knowing if your friend likes you. When asking your friend if he likes you, make sure you are in a private place, as many guys are too shy to talk about their feelings in front of other people.
Some guys, unfortunately, are even too shy to talk about their feelings in front of you. If you ask your friend directly if he likes you or not and he says no, but continues to flirt with you and be affectionate, you may have met a guy who is too shy to admit his true feelings to anyone. There isn't much you can do in this case. You just live your life and do what you want to do, and eventually this guy will either gain some confidence or he won't
Tell if Your Best Guy Friend Likes You Step 13 Step 3. If it turns out that you both like each other, ask them out
If you find that your friend likes one of his friends or himself and you know that you like him too, you have no reason not to ask him out. This will probably happen naturally anyway once you both know you like each other. Enjoy your first date - since you are already friends, you can skip the awkward part of the pleasantries and enjoy your time together as a new couple!
In our society, there is an unspoken stereotype that assumes that boys ask girls out and not the other way around. If your friend likes you but is too shy to ask you out, don't be afraid to ignore this outdated tradition! There is no reason why you should wait to be happy until you are asked to go out in the "proper" way, especially when the "proper" way is a relic of a bygone and too formal time
- Good luck! Incidentally, don't pressure him if he wants you to just be friends!
- If he drops a pen or something and then gives it to you, does he try to touch your fingers? (To be specific).