Sometimes we couldn't forget an ex… or we get obsessed with a relationship that has ended or has never started. Are you obsessed with a person?

Step 1. If you go to school, join an association - become more active so you will meet new people and not just focus on one

Step 2. If you don't go to school, support a cause, pursue a hobby, get involved in the community (to meet other people)

Step 3. Sometimes we get obsessed because we think that that is the only person who will love us or because we convince ourselves that it will be our "only love"
Never think of anyone in these terms: not only are they ideal but they do not correspond to reality. If it didn't work, then it probably should have.

Step 4. Think about how that person treated you and others
Don't just focus on the positives.

Step 5. If you were friends with this person on a social network (MySpace or Facebook), remove them from your friends list
Sounds bad to do but how can you get through it if you see it online every time?

Step 6. Understand that a partner's need may be based on something else - perhaps low self-esteem, loneliness, or inability to bond with others in addition to a romantic relationship.

Step 7. Remember that obsession prevents you from figuring out who would be best for you, as well as making you miss out on other aspects of a life you might enjoy

Step 8. Stop making excuses for not calling you, rewriting you, making you sick and other negative ways he may have treated you
Don't think about sitting and basking in pain, because even if you are a great person, he / she will probably just keep thinking about his / her life. If he was interested in you, he would have taken the initiative by contacting you. Since he hasn't, he's not interested in you.

Step 9. Get rid of the photos of that person and avoid fantasizing about him / her
Nobody deserves incomplete love or a shadow of love.

Step 10. If you don't know this person, try to do it
There is no better cure than being a secret admirer than knowing a person. You will become friends or you may end up not liking them anymore.
- Keep busy, but if this obsession is hurting you, talk to someone and don't hide your feelings.
- Don't feel guilty - you may find yourself alone in this moment. Focus on you.
- Know that there are people who, despite your best efforts, will never give you the attention you want.
- You have to stop thinking about "what if …": it's time to be strong and move on.
- Understand that no one will ever be able to make you feel completely fulfilled - it's a big task for one person. Find a support group.
- Your mind becomes obsessed with this person because it perceives it as your own. Focus on the fact that it isn't.
- Someone will love you despite that person.
- Keep a journal - you can write down everything you feel or think or happen. Write about what you want!
- Try meeting other people.
- Friendship can be better than any romantic relationship.