Is God some kind of frightening deity (lurking and ready to attack you) who claims to receive glory and honor? Of course not! He is the just and perfect judge, who already knows the truth in his heavenly Court. He deserves to be honored: what he expects are acts that reveal respect for Him, inspired by truth, faith, love, hope in life and an effort to lead souls in His direction. What you learn to practice and do for others can be a source of honor or dishonor to the Lord. By attempting to conceal the truth about God or coming from God - a gesture comparable to an outrage against a judicial body - we fail in the "honor" to be bestowed on the Great Judge in His High Court.
- Do you want to increase God's presence and knowledge on earth to go beyond what you believe in Him?
You shouldn't compete with Him or neglect to serve Him. What happens when you doubt God, don't forgive, or turn away from His search?
The demons believe in the Lord and tremble more than we do. They know their time is short and they will lose.
Honor God Step 1 Step 1. Do not lie and do not allow greed or personal exaltation to dishonor the plan God has reserved for you
"Consider always standing before God, who has unlimited knowledge, and try to honor His omniscience and His absolute power, pay Him honor and confess everything openly rather than lying before Him, because He knows everything."
- For example, during the hostilities the warrior Achan tried to enrich himself by hiding gold, silver, and fine clothing in order to regain his share in the destruction of Jericho under Joshua's leadership.
" Then Joshua said to Achan:
«My son, give glory to the Lord, the God of Israel, and give him praise. Tell me therefore what you have done, do not hide it from me "" (Joshua 7:19)
- You can serve the Lord's people as an officer (His marshal) and adjutant (His assistant) to the Grand Judge in His court. Serve others and Him in the best possible way …
Step 2.
Resist the human ambition to compete with Him or surpass Him by opposing the child of God.
When Jesus healed a man blind from birth, the Pharisees attempted to discredit him, even though they apparently honored God.
Honor God Step 2 - "Then they called again the man who had been blind and said to him," Give glory to God! We know that this man is a sinner "" (John 9:24).
To discredit the man's testimony, they exerted pressure on him. The beggar, previously blind, chose his experience: the simple truth of honoring God, and so he replied by saying:
«If he is a sinner, I don't know. One thing I know: I was blind and now I see "(John 9:25)
Repent and sincerely confess before the Lord like the prophet Jeremiah who urged God's people to repent and confess their pride. "Listen and give ear, do not rise up in pride, for the Lord speaks. Give glory to the Lord your God before darkness comes" (Jeremiah 13: 15-17).
Honor God Step 3 -
When you worship the Lord, you give Him the best part of you, not the second choice because you risk not paying the honor you owe Him. As a faithful priest, Malachi became aware of the deception of the priests and men who offered "defective animals" (Malachi 1: 13-14). Once again the prophet asked for the truth. "If you do not listen to me and do not take care to give glory to my name, says the Lord of hosts, I will send the curse upon you and turn your blessings into a curse" (Malachi 2: 2).
Honor God Step 4 Grant your tithe (one-tenth part of your income) and make your offer firstto the house of God (you offer more than 10% of the property or rents that belong to you), getting it from your best possessions, especially the first income - that is, those you expect from the initial proceeds (the first substantial fruits) - before the your chances run out or ruin: "Honor the Lord with your possessions and the first fruits of all your crops; your granaries will be filled beyond measure and your vats will overflow with must" (Proverbs 3: 9-10). (otherwise don't expect the fruits of promises or harvests).
Choose to honor God and thus you will discover more reasons to celebrate everyday against the nature of the flesh that distances us from Him, but honor him and experience "the splendor of his holiness" (1 Chronicles 16: 25-29) when it reaches you..
Honor God Step 5 - "Majesty and honor are before him, strength and splendor in his sanctuary" (Psalms 96: 4-9).
- The psalmist David worshiped God for the splendor of His holiness, for the greatness of the Lord resounds in the sound of thunder and storms (Psalm 29: 1-3). It is similar to the beauty of the angels who pay great honor to the Lord in Heaven. Think also of the beauty of the saints, personal witnesses of the divine nature of God.
- Show your love for others. Love is the greatest commandment given by God and, therefore, it is very important to Him.
- Seek peace.
- Behave according to God's will. Small gestures of kindness are important. They also make you feel better.
- Maintain an open dialogue with God through prayer. The closer you are to the Lord, the more you can understand how to set up your life for the purpose of honoring Him.
- First, believe and accept Christ as your savior if you haven't already. It is not enough to believe in the existence of God, because even the devil knows that he exists, but he does not receive Grace from the Lord. When we accept Christ's sacrifice, we ensure that our sins are rightly forgiven through the son of God, who took charge of them by suffering the wrath and punishment of the Father. In doing so, we can accept the enormous grace that God has in store for us.
- Know that God is both just and merciful at the same time. He longs for a relationship with us and He loves us, but because of His righteous nature, He must see to it that our sins are atoned for and mankind is redeemed. For this it was necessary for Jesus to die on the cross as our substitute. Consider that he paid for the sins of every single man, as if he were writing a blank check for which he had knowingly accepted the cost of redemption - both present and future: not everyone accepts that with this "blank check" human wickedness is paid.. These are people who reject God's grace, and therefore the Lord must rightly extend His wrath on them rather than pour it out on their son.
- Try to live selflessly and follow Christ's behavior to honor God.
- Realize that when you commit a sin, it is right for you to be punished. However, God allowed His child to accept the punishment for you. It is a just and merciful act.
- Realize that honoring God benefits not only Him but also benefits people. God's plan provides for our satisfaction through closer fellowship with Him. He truly desires to be loved and adored. He does not want to deprive us of the good, but to increase it in our life (he foresees a future and a hope, plans to make us prosper, not to harm us).
- Recognize God's omniscience, so that you can admit that He is righteous because He knows everything and loves you, while you honor Him in spirit and in truth.
- Read the Bible and go to church so that you can better understand how His will affects your existence and understand how to live a life in order to honor Him.
- Confess honestly and completely - without hiding anything - otherwise you will be forced to face the curse of separation from the Lord, who does not approve of the pride and hatred that leads to His denial.
- "Fear God," cried the prophet, "and give him glory" (Revelation 14: 6-7), but those who denied God's honor and power blasphemed and lied. "They blasphemed the name of God … instead of repenting to give him glory" (Revelation 16: 8-9).
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