Ideas and definitions about God vary according to different cultures and people around the world. Although some points of view may resemble each other, the journey to discover who or what God is is to be done individually. This interior search does not necessarily have to be resolved in Christianity, Judaism or any other specific religion. You can find faith on your own, but believing in God means believing in a higher power. You can decide which forces of a major cause affect your life, your decisions and actions.

Step 1. Define intelligence:
the ability to put together facts and create relationships, and recognize the demonstration of this conceptual activity by science and reality in general.
Consider what's part of complex, intelligent human thinking - no one can really explain it for sure … Not it can be explained with binary logic (series of 0-1) as with rigidly programmed computers.
Even a super computer is a lot like a simple animal building a certain type of shelter, feeding a certain way, all via pre-programmed instructions called instincts. Ants, gnats, and bees, despite their poor mental faculties, can perform remarkably coordinated actions, but humans even surpass the capabilities of super-computers when it comes to autonomous learning and the multiplication of distinct complex relationships (but not as far as mere speed in repetitive actions or complex calculations, not being that the strength of humans).

Step 2. Consider the thesis that God is by definition an "intelligence", an authority that determines "reality" including how, when and why it is free or to what extent it is controlled, and is greater than humans in every respect. way
Do not be surprised if some people seem to expect / expect God to make the Earth a controlled area, without pain or consequences for individual and human activity in general:
similar limitations would have prevented God from organizing reality according to complex layers of good versus evil with all the related consequences / rewards, and it is not necessarily simple, despite the pretensions of certain simplistic thoughts.).
Everyone is obviously primarily responsible for themselves, but sometimes they get in the wrong place, and they risk finding themselves in the trajectory of psychopaths like Adolph Hitler. And a people or a nation might (recklessly) follow such a megalomaniac - beyond simplistic concepts of an explainable "god in a box" (you may have to open your mind / box) - but surely some will blame a reserved, limited god. …

Step 3. Do not worry about those who try to tempt you / convince you of the non-existence of an almighty god - because their "logic" is not based on any real defined authority:
only on their logic of negation. Rejoice in the sadness that logic arouses: rejoice in your empathy and love for them.

Step 4. Think about the events that led to your unique, almost inexplicable "pre-programming" of:
Attributes of "individual human uniqueness" (unlike a rather one-dimensional snowflake which is clearly Not pre-programmed), which means that among 10 billion people lived, several trillions of possible combinations, although actually they were / are planned / programmed in advance, among all those who have lived:
There are no 2 identical people: neither monozygotic twins, although they come from the same cell, as they still have distinct fingerprints etcetera;
Yet the family may share precise pre-programmed family traits / attributes - talents / abilities, sensory acuity, genetic predispositions for example towards disease - weaknesses or strengths, longevity, and things like:
Your / your family's identity - appearance, musculature, mouth, ears, color (eyes / hair / skin), size and shape of bones, build and sound of voice, moods, personality, smells all shared, as well as allergies o intolerances to food, contact or intake of particles, etc. - that is, planned personal / individual uniqueness
Believe in God Step 5 Step 5. Observe the perfect world that surrounds you and sustains life, considering that it was designed and created by an intelligent being, according to logic:
for example, life shows thousands of systems balanced and carefully regulated biochemical and electrical, including consciousness, sight, hearing, as well as a "brain capable of living, growing, processing according to logic, wisdom and emotion".
- These fantastic systems also include sex, species, family and racial characteristics - and instincts, immune systems, disease treatment, digestion, even consciousness, personal development and character - and all suggest highly organized traits. and with a clear purpose: not caused by chance and chaos.
- Think of it this way: saying that the entire universe was created by chance (without intelligence) is like saying that a sculpture is created by simple erosion.
- All cells derive from other cells. A cell reproduces by breaking down into 2 new cells (mitosis). So where did the first cell come from? God.
- Even seemingly simple inanimate objects and more complex things would not exist if they had not been planned and created. Intelligence and logic reside in everything visible and invisible (microscopic) in life.
Believe in God Step 6 Step 6. Feel the pains and joys of life, not necessarily in your body, but in your heart (in your essence)
The pain can have many sources, the death of a loved one, the loss of a job, financial disruption or a divorce. Joy can be caused by love, the achievement of a goal or the development of a new talent and the cultivation of one's passions.
Believe in God Step 7 Step 7. Find it difficult to look forward to each day without thinking about what you have had or lost, and that has left you searching for the deep answers
Lost not by your will, but because it escaped you. Keep your hopes steady.
Believe in God Step 8 Step 8. Find it impossible not to look forward to living every day because of the incredible opportunities you have been given, the beauty around you, the magic visible in every aspect of nature and life
Believe in God Step 9 Step 9. Look around, your home, your car, your health, your talents are pleasant:
yes, but they don't give meaning to life. Your tears may lessen, your joys may increase, but you will always need someone to listen - not just feel your pain or share your successes. You walk alone in your soul, but not by chance. You are healing, but you need someone who is more than a friend or family member to help you heal the loneliness you feel and with whom you can share the magic you see all around.
Believe in God Step 10 Step 10. Enter a place of worship
You're just looking for a life-giving, satisfying hope. It can be compared to sitting in a hospital chapel. You are alone with your thoughts, and you pray. Your prayers aren't truly religious, but they are releasing your feelings as if you are with your best friend. You are praying to God, a god you may be convinced you invented, but always has been and always will be - not exactly as described by any religion or sacred text. It aims at a more total appreciation of faith and the meaning it gives to existence.
Believe in God Step 11 Step 11. Listen to what is being said
If it makes you feel like you have found what you are looking for, you will feel an excitement within you. Something warm and fulfilling is happening. Suddenly you feel less alone, and less helpless.
Believe in God Step 12 Step 12. Think, as you walk away and look at the sky or the earth
See that the Creator has truly created everything, even you! Say "I'm finding faith, and life can have a new meaning for me." Continuing to repeat it to yourself can help the idea to dodge the process of doubt and rationalization and elevate it to a self-revealing truth. Now turn to the Creator and live life as it should be lived. Feel the gratitude - for all that the Creator has done, and say "Thank you for saving me from loneliness." Now you feel that when you need help and when you get depressed, you have someone to talk to, and able to guide you.
Believe in God Step 13 Step 13. Choose to be positive and enjoy the amazing gift of life; now you will be aware of the Power that has given you the greatest gift
Believe in God Step 14 Step 14. Read the Bible. Many find there direction and truths for life. Try to study - he who seeks finds. Develop a communicative pattern with the Creator by praying and studying every day.
- If your loved ones die and you ask yourself “Why?”… “Why are they dead?”… “Why did they leave me alone?”: Don't stop asking. You will find a reason sooner or later. Until then, remember to "… follow the faith and not the eyes" - until God deems you ready to know the answer - trust God.
- This article is valid only for a conventional, private God, and presupposes the existence of God as necessary and useful. Although different faiths profess different divine images, they transcend our ideas of any living being, be it male, female, both or neither: God is greater …
- Don't give up on your faith, just because something happens that knocks you down. God has a reason for that too. Looking for it soon, you will find it. A door will be open. When God closes a door, he opens a door …
- Have faith. Do not give up. Believe, and you will never be alone. You don't have to believe or join any particular religion to have faith.
- Learn personal testimonies of people whose lives have been saved or transformed by their faith in God. Read these examples of people looking for evidence of divine existence: Aru And Rita
- If the situation seems desperate, hang in there. You have a purpose and God knows!
- The convictions matured with faith, towards a Superior Entity, do not emerge from one moment to the next. You don't wake up one morning saying "Today I will believe in God. Tomorrow I will have faith." Something has to snap into you to seek that faith.
- When you find faith, hold it tight, don't let it get away, don't stop believing. One day you will finally understand what it feels like to have a purpose in life, and if you are still looking, maybe you will find an even greater purpose, when you least expect it.
- Everything in life, every path taken, has a reason. Write it down, and go the way. Then one day, reread that book, and retrace your path. Identify the intersections, the old roads that have merged into beaten roads, harmoniously.
Many say it takes “seeing is believing”, but does it also apply to God? If you say “I am a Christian”, but you don't believe in a true God… analyze the meaning of Christianity, and you will discover that your relationship with God is found through open-hearted research and its acceptance through faith. Jesus said, "Seeing me, you have seen the Father"
God influences, intervenes / interferes (does not force), and intelligence decides reality, because life is free, logical (not robotic), alert (not insensitive). Careful drawing has provided us with intelligence, physical control, senses and emotions - indicating organized, purposeful (not random) traits with consequences and rewards now and in the future.