You are walking quietly around the house and suddenly your cat jumps out, runs towards you, grabs your leg with its paws, scratches you and starts biting you. It's a problem: it hurts !!!!!

Step 1. Educate the cat
You have to teach him not to.
One of the most effective ways to educate your cat is to use a vaporizer with water. A spray on the face or body dissuades most cats - they don't like it at all! From time to time there are some cats who find it funny and think it's a game. In this case, use the vaporizer to distract him

Step 2. Give him enough food so he doesn't have the urge to chew or bite you
This is a must in any case. Clean the litter tray thoroughly. Neglected or annoyed cats may try to get attention in this way for their needs.

Step 3. Play with the cat
Make him feel that you love him - he will appreciate it. This is the best response when it attacks you. If your cat gives you cuddly clamps or ambushes you and attacks you, it's often just because they want to play with you as if you were another cat. The thing to do is train him not to pull out his claws, avoiding playing with him if he scratches or bites. This requires patience, but if you play when he behaves well and immediately stop scratching, telling him "No" or "Don't scratch", the cat should learn not to.
- Accept that the cat plays aggressively and wears a padded oven mitt. Tap it with your glove. See if there are any reactions such as a peculiar meow, rolled or flattened ears, nervous tail and squirming rear to see if the cat is ready for a fight. By offering him the glove or a wand with feathers before he starts attacking you, you can react with a game that both of you enjoy.
- Always stop playing immediately if it scratches you. The concept of distraction is to make the aggression go away before it gets to hurt you. The cat must learn that "Ouch!" it means the game is over. Some cats learn to play without using their fingernails and to tap with their mouths open without biting, as if to say "I would bite you if we weren't just playing." It takes a long time to teach a cat to play this way rather than attack, but it is possible!

Step 4. Buy him some toys
You can easily find them in pet shops or supermarkets (e.g. scratching posts, toys with lasers, wands with feathers, balls with rattles, etc.). Wand-type toys with feathers and fishing rod, which keep the cat at the distance of the stick, are great for letting the particularly unruly ones play. Keep them close at hand. Always distract the cat with something he can let off steam on.
If you don't have a good budget for toys, a simple towel can be a great tool to play with. Move by pulling on the towel, so that the cat jumps on it. When the cat has a good grip on it with teeth and nails, drag it around a little longer. Then swing it, so that the cat jumps on it again. Cats really like this game and the towel will hold up better than your arm. Your cat may learn to give you time to take the towel

Step 5. Buy some good treats for the cat
There are many types and brands available. Do not give your cat dog treats or food for humans. Try different tastes and types until you find the one your cat prefers. At this point, use treats to reward correct behaviors, such as a gentle paw pat, taking in the mouth without biting, playing with toys, giving you time and a way to understand that it's time to take the glove or towel.. Always reward the cat when she plays with her toys rather than chasing you and latching onto your leg. Very often this behavior indicates that the cat is bored and wants to play.
- A good way to stop an aggressive cat is to "take it like a kitten." Grab the cat by grabbing the skin on the back of the neck, like a mother cat does when carrying her kittens, then lift it. Be careful not to pinch it. Never lift it by grabbing it on the nape of the neck: you could cause serious internal damage. Lift the cat by always placing the other arm under his body, so that the weight is not all on the scruff. Don't yell or raise your voice as you do this - talk to him in a low, affectionate voice.
- Wrapping your cat in a towel is a good way to manage if they are aggressive and to calm them down. Use a large, soft towel. Don't yell or raise your voice as you do this - talk to him in a low, affectionate voice, even if he meows or hisses.
- Never shout and never hit the cat. Never throw anything at him, other than toys he can catch. Throwing him a little cat stuffed with catnip is a good distraction - he'll hunt down something other than your legs.