If you have sensitive skin or just want to have a custom color, making your own eyeshadow might be a good idea. Choose between the traditional and intense eyeshadow recipe and the ecological and vegan one. WikiHow tells you how to make eyeshadow at home.
Method 1 of 2: Traditional Eyeshadow

Step 1. Get the ingredients
Prepare cosmetic mica powder, isopropyl alcohol, an eyeshadow jar, a coin, a plastic spoon, a tissue, and a spacious table.
- Cosmetic mica powder is a fine mineral powder that is available on the internet, in beauty supply stores, or in some specific superstores.
- Make sure you buy "only" mica for cosmetic use and safe to use near the eyes.

Step 2. Choose the color
Mica (or similar cosmetic minerals) is available in a variety of colors, with or without reflections, and in different sizes. You are preparing your eyeshadow color, so feel free to mix colors to get a perfect shade.

Step 3. Add the alcohol
Fill the jar to the top with mica. Add the alcohol slowly, mix with the back of the plastic spoon until you get a thick paste. It is always better to use a little alcohol and add it slowly to avoid putting too much and not to make a liquid eyeshadow that takes longer to dry.

Step 4. Press the eyeshadow down
Use a coin and a paper towel to press the dough. Place the handkerchief on the eyeshadow and the coin on top. Press lightly on the coin to compact the eyeshadow. Continue until the eyeshadow surface is well pressed.

Step 5. Let it dry
Leave the eyeshadow on a shelf covered with the handkerchief, until the powder is completely compact. This may take approximately 1 to 2 hours. The dough must harden before it is ready for use.

Step 6. Finished
Done! Keep mixing the leftover mica colors to make other eyeshadow shades.
Method 2 of 2: Vegan eyeshadow

Step 1. Get the ingredients
Depending on the color you want, take blackberries (for blue, red, purple), pomegranate seeds (for red), blueberries (for blue-purple), cocoa powder (for brown), shea butter, virgin coconut oil, a small bowl and cotton swabs on a spacious table.

Step 2. Create the base
Pour a very small amount of coconut oil into the palm of your hand. Stir the oil with your ring finger for about 20 seconds. With the same finger apply the oil under the eye, on the eyelid and above the eye.

Step 3. Add the color
In a small bowl, mix the berries or cocoa powder to get the color you want. Using a cotton swab apply the eyeshadow on the eyelid.
Cocoa powder must be mixed with shea butter because it lacks natural moisture

Step 4. Reapply for more intensity
Keep putting layers of color on the eye to get the intensity you are looking for. Wait 10-15 seconds before applying the next layer to make sure you don't waste color by applying too many layers.

Step 5. Done
Take a plastic bag with a zip lock and pour the remaining eyeshadow into the bag. Reapply throughout the day to keep the color intense.

Step 6. Finished
- Always check that the products you buy are safe for cosmetic use.
- Never try to add food coloring to eyeshadow, it could cause eye irritation.
- Avoid applying the eyeshadow close to the inside of the eye.
- Never add glitter to your eyeshadow, it could scratch your eyes or get stuck inside your eyes.
- Do not add perishable elements to the eyeshadow.