How To Make Homemade Egg Oil: 8 Steps

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How To Make Homemade Egg Oil: 8 Steps
How To Make Homemade Egg Oil: 8 Steps

You can make egg oil at home for cosmetic use and use it for skin and hair care and beauty. Egg oil is effective in treating acne and preventing hair loss, graying and aging. It is a safer alternative to the direct use of egg yolks, which could be contaminated with salmonella bacteria and consequently cause severe inflammation.


6 Chicken Eggs


Make Egg Oil at Home Step 1
Make Egg Oil at Home Step 1

Step 1. Cook the eggs in boiling water for about 15 to 20 minutes

Let the hard-boiled eggs cool naturally, then peel them and cut them in half.

Make Egg Oil at Home Step 2
Make Egg Oil at Home Step 2

Step 2. Separate the yolks from the whites with the help of a spoon

Instead of throwing away the egg whites, use them in the preparation of your recipes.

Make Egg Oil at Home Step 3
Make Egg Oil at Home Step 3

Step 3. Crush the egg yolks in a pan

Try to make them as fine as possible.

Make Egg Oil at Home Step 4
Make Egg Oil at Home Step 4

Step 4. Heat the mixture over low heat, until it starts to smoke and release its smell

Occasionally, stir and mash the egg yolks in the pan.

Make Egg Oil at Home Step 5
Make Egg Oil at Home Step 5

Step 5. Continue heating the mixture until it turns black causing the oil to leak out

At this point the smoke will have become thick and pungent.

Make Egg Oil at Home Step 6
Make Egg Oil at Home Step 6

Step 6. Let the pan cool to room temperature

Make Egg Oil at Home Step 7
Make Egg Oil at Home Step 7

Step 7. Squeeze the oil and strain it through a very fine sieve or tissue

Store it in a clean glass or ceramic jar, not plastic or metal. If you notice solid particles in the oil, filter it again making sure it becomes completely clear and transparent. You can keep it in the refrigerator for up to three years or at room temperature for up to a year. If handled carefully, egg oil can remain sterile for up to 5 years.

Make Egg Oil at Home Step 8
Make Egg Oil at Home Step 8

Step 8. Use egg oil to massage your scalp once a week to prevent hair loss and graying as well as dandruff

Or apply it to your face to cure acne. Always use a clean, dry spoon to prevent moisture contamination.

  • Egg oil can also be used on minor burns, cuts and wounds.

    Make Egg Oil at Home Step 8Bullet1
    Make Egg Oil at Home Step 8Bullet1


  • Make sure you use a perfectly clean and dry jar with a secure lid. Keep it away from light to protect the egg oil.
  • During preparation, keep all windows wide open, the smoke and smell will be intense.
  • You can also buy egg oil in specialty stores or online.

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    • Let the pan cool completely before squeezing the oil.
    • Large quantities of smoke and odor will be released during preparation. If possible, prepare it outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.
