3 Ways to Win at Craps

3 Ways to Win at Craps
3 Ways to Win at Craps

Table of contents:


It's easy enough to find craps tables on every floor of casinos and casinos - just follow the screams! Probably no other casino game offers such widespread and shared anxiety and excitement as the game of craps. Like all games of chance, it is impossible to gain an edge over the "house" by playing craps. However, it "is" possible to maximize arousal and minimize anxieties by implementing smart betting strategies. To get started read the following steps.

Note: This guide assumes that the reader knows the rules of the Craps dice game. For basic information read How to Play Craps (2 Dice Gamble).


Method 1 of 3: Choosing the Smartest Bet

Win at Craps Step 1
Win at Craps Step 1

Step 1. The safest bet is the one that must always have priority

If you have a lot of cash and accept the risk of losing a lot of money to get the thrill of a few big wins, you can probably also make high-risk, high-yield bets to your satisfaction. Otherwise, it is smarter to only make the safest bets - the ones that offer the least house edge. By doing so, the risks are minimized: while the house maintains its mathematical advantage, this will be reduced to the minimum possible.

Win at Craps Step 2
Win at Craps Step 2

Step 2. Make (relatively safe) bets on the pass

While there are many, many different possibilities for different craps bets, the safer ones are, thankfully, fairly straightforward. The simplest and most basic bet, the pass bet, is also one of the safest, with a very low house edge of 1, 41%. Pass bets are paid even money - in other words, if you bet € 10, you win € 10.

  • With a pass bet, if the result of the opening roll is a 7 or an 11, you win, while if the result is a 2, a 3 or a 12, you lose. If another result is rolled, this becomes the "point" and the shooter continues to roll the dice. If a 7 comes before the point comes up again, you lose, but if the point comes again before a 7, you win.
  • Do not make pass bets after the come out (opening roll): they are allowed, but their value is reduced.
Win at Craps Step 3
Win at Craps Step 3

Step 3. For the absolute lowest house edge, place don't pass bets

The don't pass bet is more or less the opposite of the pass bet: a 2 or a 3 on the opening roll wins, a 7 or an 11 loses (a 12 deferred to the next roll). If a point is established, you win if a 7 is rolled before the point is rolled again and you lose if the point comes first. The don't pass bet can be considered one of the safest single bets on the table, since the house edge on this bet is only 1.36%.

  • However, remember that most players usually make pass bets, so if you make don't pass bets, you win when others lose and vice versa. In this case the particular dynamic of "one counts all" would be created at the table, which is good for some but not for others.
  • Like pass bets, don't pass bets are paid even money.
Win at Craps Step 4
Win at Craps Step 4

Step 4. Maximize your winnings with odd bets

Odd bets are something unique as they are completely fair - the house has no advantage over these bets. However odd bets can only be made on top of other bets, so if you make an odd bet, the dealer still has an advantage (albeit diminished) on the overall stake. Odd bets usually have a cap consisting of a multiple of the underlying pass or don't pass bet - 2X, 3X, 5X, etc. By placing the maximum allowable odd bet each time you make a pass or don't pass bet, you maximize your potential winnings and decrease the house edge on the overall bet.

  • Making an odd bet after a pass means betting that the point will come out before a 7. Odd bets are paid 2 to 1 on scores 4 and 10, 3 to 2 on scores 5 and 9, and 6 to 5 on scores 6 and 8.
  • Making an odd bet after a don't pass is called "laying the odds" and is the opposite of a normal odd bet: a 7 will come before the point. The laying the odds bet against a 4 or 10 pays 1 to 2, 2 to 3 if made against a 5 or 9, and 5 to 6 against a 6 or 8.
Win at Craps Step 5
Win at Craps Step 5

Step 5. Also consider making come and don't come bets

These are essentially the same types of pass and don't pass bets, except they are made at any point in the game other than the opening roll. In other words, the roll after the come bet is treated as the opening roll for the same as bet. The conditions for winning with a come or don't come bet are the same as for a pass or don't pass bet respectively. The odds bets in both cases are mathematically identical.

Win at Craps Step 06
Win at Craps Step 06

Step 6. Avoid the riskiest bets when the dealer has the biggest advantage

Some types of bets involve high house advantages, and serious gamblers avoid them at all costs. These are bets that are made solely and exclusively for their spectacular and entertaining connotation - the thrill of the risk of losing money by betting on a very unlikely event. Particularly, put bets And proposition bets (prop) They are very favorable advantages for the house, so if you want to make money you should avoid this type of bets.

  • Put bets are essentially the same as pass bets but "miss" the opening roll. In other words, you don't win with a 7 or 11 on the first roll and so on. Since most of the importance of a pass bet is in the opening roll, put bets can constitute a house edge equal to 33, 3%. However, a mitigating factor is that odd bets can be placed over put bets, which decreases the house edge over the overall stake.
  • Proposition (or "prop") bets are basically bets made on the next roll of the dice. You bet on a specific score, and if you hit that specific result on the next roll, you win. These are very risky bets, and for this reason they offer very high payouts. However, the house edge is high (around 5-17%, depending on which number is chosen), so these bets are not an effective means of making money.

Method 2 of 3: Play Craps Responsibly

Win at Craps Step 7
Win at Craps Step 7

Step 1. Realize that the house always has an edge in casinos and casinos

The belief that you can "win" any game of chance is to some extent a lie. While it is entirely possible to leave the craps table with more money than you are sitting with, it is vital to understand that the game of craps, like any casino game, has a intrinsic advantage in favor of the dealer. This means that the winnings payout structure is mathematically designed to make the casino make money in the long run. Basically, if you play for a long enough period, even through highs and lows, you still lose money at the casino anyway.

Under these conditions, you will never, ever be able to play craps by betting money that you cannot afford to lose. Always consider the worst possible scenario before sitting down at the craps table

Win at Craps Step 8
Win at Craps Step 8

Step 2. Look for the tables in the "city center"

In the gambling Mecca of Las Vegas, the casinos along the famous strip are renowned for their glamor and glitz, while those in the lesser-rated downtown areas are renowned for offering slightly better odds underneath to attract customers. more favorable form of payout systems. Nowadays, however, when playing craps, the terms "center table" and "strip table" do not necessarily actually refer to the actual location of the table, but rather to the payout system that is adopted. If possible, therefore, you should choose a table that uses the "downtown" system in order to benefit from a small but not insignificant advantage.

There are many small differences between the "downtown" and "on the strip" tables. For example, on a table in the center, while a bet of € 3.00 on a 6 or an 8 is paid out with € 3.50, on a table on the strip the dealer rounds this figure down and pays only € 3.00.. In addition to this, proposition bets on 2, 3, 11 and 12 always have slightly higher payouts on the tables in the center (30 to 1 for a 2 and a 12 and 15 to 1 for a 3 and an 11) compared to the tables on the strip (respectively 29 to 1 And 14 a).

Win at Craps Step 9
Win at Craps Step 9

Step 3. Look for tables with an experienced dice thrower in the dice setting

It is a technique of throwing the dice which (at least in theory) allows the thrower to control the result of the throw to a certain extent. The real usefulness of the "dice setting" is a topic widely discussed by the most experienced players. Generally, it is thought that if the dice setting can give the pitcher some kind of advantage, the same advantage is very minimal and can only become evident after thousands of pitches. Yet, if you were able to find a table with a pitcher who practices dice setting, certainly your chances of winning would not be negatively affected if you replicated the bets he made.

If you intend to try this technique, you have to bet with the shooter practicing dice setting on low risk bets. So if he makes pass bets, then pass bets have to be replicated, if he makes don't pass bets, don't pass bets must be made, and so also for bets like. Generally, this technique should be strictly applied with these low-risk bets. The shooter should not be followed on high-risk bets: there is no type of skill in throwing the dice that can minimize the risk of the low odds of winning with such bets

Win at Craps Step 10
Win at Craps Step 10

Step 4. Look for tables that you can play craps that are outside the casinos, as long as they are legal tables

"Street Craps" or "Street Craps" is an informal and improvised version of the game of craps that can be played virtually anywhere, all you need is a few dice and a few willing players. The overriding advantage of Street Craps over that offered in casinos is that there is no dealer who has an edge on bets. Rather, it is up to the players to "cover" each other's bets by betting against each other.

  • Also, since Street Craps is usually played without an actual craps table, the betting system is usually simplified and to some extent improvised. Depending on the game, you may be able to make your prop bets on the fly and decide how to pay out your winnings. This means that if you are a shrewd gambler, Street Craps can conceivably be much more profitable than playing in casinos.
  • However, it should be noted that often gambling outside a licensed casino or gambling house it can constitute a crime. Before looking for a Street Craps table, find out about local rules and regulations to make sure you are not breaking the law.

Method 3 of 3: Applying Common Gambling Strategies

Win at Craps Step 11
Win at Craps Step 11

Step 1. Spending cap

Many gamblers end up spending more money than they anticipated. Try in every way to avoid these situations by establishing a rigid and inflexible maximum spending cap for each game session. Aside from it, also set a certain amount of money that you can accept to lose throughout the day. Use cash - and cash only - to finance yourself in the game of craps. Use your money responsibly by making prudent bets rather than risking it all in one roll of the dice. By applying these strategies, you are more likely to get to the end of the day with more money, avoiding having to withdraw more in order to continue playing.

It is easier to set a cap on spending intelligently if you have a healthy propensity for gambling in a general sense. You should think of your gambling session as a form of entertainment rather than a way to make money. So you will be satisfied even if you lose some money, while any amount you can win will be a "pleasant surprise"

Win at Craps Step 12
Win at Craps Step 12

Step 2. Set Win and Loss Limits

Knowing when it is time to stop gambling is of paramount importance. No matter how much you might win by playing endlessly, you might also lose all your money to the dealer. To avoid this attitude of going too far, set strict and inflexible limits on the use of your money, beyond which you will end your game for that day. For example, you may decide to stop as soon as you win or lose 50% of the cash you started with. This way, if you hit your upper limit, you prevent yourself from losing by playing too long any winnings you have collected. Conversely, if you hit the lower limit, you still have money to use in the next phase of the game.

Win at Craps Step 13
Win at Craps Step 13

Step 3. Exit the game while still active

As stated above, if you play long enough the casino will win your money. Because of this, it is a smart idea to cash out and exit while still profitable. One must resist the constant temptation of every gambler to further increase their winnings by playing "just one more roll", as countless winnings have been squandered this way.

Win at Craps Step 14
Win at Craps Step 14

Step 4. Don't get caught up in the thrill of the game as well

First of all, the best tool a craps player can have is a cool, rational mind. It's easy to get carried away by the excess of excitement that follows a winning throw, but try to control yourself. If you're playing at a rowdy table, it only takes a few good rolls to make you feel like a celebrity, but your odds of winning will always be the same no matter how lucky you just had. Always stick to your betting plan and spending cap carefully.

After all this, have fun. Casino craps can be one of the funniest and most exciting games - particularly when you win


  • Log out when active.
  • Order your drink offered by the casino later, for a snack or a gift.
