Tic-tac-toe, it's a solved game. This means that there is a mathematically proven strategy that, if followed, allows you to get the best result in every game. In Tic-tac-toe, two players who follow the correct strategy will always tie. Against an opponent who does not know this strategy, however, you can win every time he makes a mistake. Once your friends understand your strategy, try a harder version of the rules.
Method 1 of 3: Win or Draw by Playing First =

Step 1. Put the first X in the corner
Experienced tic-tac-toe players put an "X" in the corner as their first move. This gives the opponent more opportunities to fail. If your opponent puts the circle in any square other than the central one, you can ensure victory.
In this example, you will be the one to start and use the X as a symbol. Your opponent plays second and will use the circle, or O.
Win at Tic Tac Toe Step 1Bullet1

Step 2. Try to win if your opponent puts the first O in the center
If your opponent puts the first O in the middle, you will have to wait for him to make a mistake before you can win. If he continues to play correctly, he can guarantee himself a tie. Below you will find the two options for the second move and instructions on how to win in each scenario:
Place the second X in the corner opposite the first, to form an "X O X" diagonal. If your opponent responds with an O in one of the other corners, you can win! Put the third X in the last corner, and your opponent won't be able to stop you from winning with the fourth X.
Win at Tic Tac Toe Step 2Bullet1 -
Or, put your second X in a side square (not a corner), not adjacent to your first X. If your first opponent puts the O in the corner that isn't next to your X, you can use the third X to block his move and automatically win with the fourth X.
Win at Tic Tac Toe Step 2Bullet2

Step 3. You automatically win if your opponent puts his first O in a square other than the center
If your opponent puts the first O in a square other than the center, you can win. Answer by putting the second X in another corner, with an empty space between the two Xs.
For example, suppose the first X is in the top left corner, and your opponent puts the O in the top middle square. You can put the second X in the lower left corner, or in the lower right corner. Do not put the X in the upper right, because between your Xs there would be an O and not an empty space.
Win at Tic Tac Toe Step 3Bullet1

Step 4. Place the third X in order to create two possible winning moves
In most cases, your opponent will see that you have two Xs in a row and block you - if he doesn't, you can win directly with the third move. When this happens, there should be an empty square lined up with the first and second Xs, with no O blocking the combination. Put the third X in that box.
As an example, take a sheet of paper and draw a tic-tac-toe court with "X O _" in the first row, "O _ _", and "X _ _" in the third row. If you put the third X in the lower right corner, it will be in line with both of the other Xs

Step 5. Win with the fourth X
After the third X, there will be two empty squares that will allow you to win the game with the last move. Since the opponent cannot block both moves, he cannot tie. Write the fourth X in the box your opponent did not block, and you have won the game!
Method 2 of 3: Never Lose When You Play Second

Step 1. Force a tie if your opponent starts in the corner
If your opponent plays first and starts with an O in the corner, always respond with an X in the center. Your second X should be placed in a side square and not in a corner, unless you are blocking an opponent's three of a kind. Using this strategy, you will be able to draw every match. Theoretically, you can win from this position, but your opponent will have to make a very serious mistake, such as not seeing two Xs in a row.
In this section, your opponent always plays with the O symbol, but remember that he will play first

Step 2. Force a tie if your opponent starts in the center
When your opponent starts with an O in the center, put the first X in the corner. Afterwards, keep blocking your opponent's tic-tac-toe attempts and the game will end in a draw. You basically have no chance of winning from this position unless your opponent stops trying to win!

Step 3. Try to win if your opponent starts from a side square
In most cases, your opponent will start with one of the moves described above. However, if your opponent starts with an O in a side square, you have a small chance of winning. Put the first X in the center. If your opponent puts the second O in the opposite side square, creating an O-X-O row, put the second X in one corner. Then, if your opponent will put the third O in the side square adjacent to your X, creating an O-X-O column, put the third X in the empty square to block his three-of-a-kind attempt. From this position, you can always win with the fourth X.
If any of your opponent's moves are not one of those described, you will have to settle for a tie. Start blocking his moves and neither can win.
Win at Tic Tac Toe Step 8Bullet1
Method 3 of 3: Three of a Kind Variations

Step 1. Try these variations if your games always end in a draw
It can be fun for a while to be unbeatable in three of a kind, but even without the help of this article your friends will understand how to stop you from winning. When that happens, every single match will end in a draw. However, you will still be able to use the basic tic-tac-toe rules in games that aren't as easy to solve. Try the examples below.

Step 2. Play mental tic-tac-toe
The rules are exactly the same as for tic-tac-toe, but there is no playing field! Instead, each player will have to say the moves aloud, and imagine the grid. You can continue to use the strategy tips in this guide, but it can be difficult to focus when trying to remember where the X's and O's are.
Agree on a system for describing the moves. The first word can represent the row (top, middle, bottom) and the second the column (left, middle, right).
Win at Tic Tac Toe Step 10Bullet1

Step 3. Play Tic-Tac-Toe in 3D
Draw three tic-tac-toe grids on three different pieces of paper. Call them "high", "middle" and "low". You will be able to play in any of these grids, which will function as if they were superimposed to form a cube. For example, placing your own symbol in the three central boxes of the grids allows you to win, because you will form a vertical line in the cube. Having three symbols in a row in any grid also allows you to win. Try to be able to win with a diagonal line that crosses the three grids.
For a real challenge, combine the mental and 3D variants. The first word will represent the grid (top, middle or bottom), the second word the row (top, middle, bottom), and the third word the column (left, middle, right).
Win at Tic Tac Toe Step 11Bullet1

Step 4. Play a tic-tac-toe version where you have to put five symbols in a row
You can play this game, also called Gomoku, on a squared sheet of paper, without having to draw a grid. Instead of marking the Xs and Os inside the squares, write them at the intersections of the lines. You can mark your symbols anywhere on the sheet. The first player to line up exactly five symbols in a row (no six or more) wins the game. This game is surprisingly complicated, despite its resemblance to tic-tac-toe, and there is even a world championship for it.
In tournaments, players use a 15x15 or 19x19 grid, but you can use any size squared paper for this game. You could also play on an infinite grid, adding more sheets as needed.
Win at Tic Tac Toe Step 12Bullet1
- Try this challenge against a beginner. Start first and put the first X in a side box. You can only get a guaranteed win if your opponent puts the first O in a corner not adjacent to your X, or in a side square that is diagonal to your X. Can you find a way to win in these situations?
- For an even greater challenge, try to win after placing the first X in the center. If the opponent puts the first O in a side square (which will rarely happen), you can guarantee victory. Can you understand how?
- There are other solved games that a player can always win, even if all participants play fair. In Forza Quattro, for example, the first player can always win if he follows the right strategy.