How to Make a Hanging Basket with a Coconut Shell

How to Make a Hanging Basket with a Coconut Shell
How to Make a Hanging Basket with a Coconut Shell

Table of contents:


Do you want to give a little "exotic" touch to your home? There is an easy way to make a hanging basket from a coconut shell.


Coco shell Step 1
Coco shell Step 1

Step 1. Get the supplies (at the bottom)

Coco shell Step 2
Coco shell Step 2

Step 2. Divide the coconut shell into two equal parts (the middle, hard part of the coconut, not the outermost part)

Choose whether to cut it with a saw or mash it.

Coco shell Step 3
Coco shell Step 3

Step 3. Put the two halves in the oven at 175 ° for 20 minutes, to dehydrate the "pulp" and separate it from the shell

Coco shell Step 4
Coco shell Step 4

Step 4. Remove the partially dried coconut pulp from the shell

If you like it, maybe eat it …

Coco shell Step 5
Coco shell Step 5

Step 5. Measure the circumference of the shell

Coco shell Step 6
Coco shell Step 6

Step 6. Divide the circumference by three

Coco shell Step 7
Coco shell Step 7

Step 7. Mark three points, which will then be used to drill holes, more or less one centimeter away from the top edge, and equidistant from each other, along the entire circumference

Coco shell Step 8
Coco shell Step 8

Step 8. Using a drill, apply holes of about 0.6 cm on the marked points

Coco shell Step 9
Coco shell Step 9

Step 9. Pull a burlap thread through each hole and knot it

You can make a fancier hanging basket, using more threads, but the base model only requires three to be functional.

Coco shell Step 10
Coco shell Step 10

Step 10. Decorate the burlap threads with beads or shells

Coco shell Step 11
Coco shell Step 11

Step 11. Join the long ends of the jute threads and knot approximately 60 cm from the "basket"

Make sure the shell stays perpendicular to the wires so it stays balanced when hanging.


  • Alternatively, you could drill four equally spaced holes… fold the burlap in half, tie a lark knot around a ring, and tie the resulting four ends through the four holes. However, it is a method that takes a little longer to measure and fine-tune the basket balance.
  • If you cut the jute 1, 8 to 2, 4 m in length and fold it in half, you can make the "skylark knot" to tie it to the shell. This method will reinforce the tie rods (double thread) and allow you to make a rudimentary macramé on them.
