We all know that learning a new language is not one of the simplest things. If you really want to learn Spanish and communicate with Spaniards, you need to know how to speak well. If you are unable to pronounce the words correctly, you can get to confuse or annoy many Spaniards. This article should help you pronounce some common words and avoid mistakes.

Step 1. Say all the Spanish letters out loud and practice
The letters are: A (A), B (Be), C (Se), Ch (Che), D (De), E (E), F (Efe), G (He), H (Ache) (always muta!), I (I), J (Hota), K (Ka), L (Ele), LL (Eie), M (Eme), N (Ene), Ñ (Egne), O (O), P (Pe), Q (Cu), R (Ere), RR (Erre) (make your tongue vibrate), S (Ese), T (Te), U (U), V (Ve), W (Doble Ve), X (Ekeis), Y (Y egriega), Z (Zeta)

Step 2. Pronouncing the vowels is very simple:
it is identical to Italian. Y- At the beginning of a word, it is pronounced like the first I of "yesterday". At the end of the word, it is pronounced like a normal I. Here is a little song to memorize the vowels. A-e-i-o-u El burro sabe más que tú (The donkey knows more than you).

Step 3. Consonants are pronounced as in Italian, but with some exceptions, represented by the sounds LL, Ñ, V, G, and Q
LL is pronounced as a Y at the beginning of the sentence or as a J. Ñ corresponds to the sound GN in Italian. V is pronounced like a B. The pronunciation of the Q is the same as that of the K (but the U, which follows the Q, is silent). GE and GI are pronounced like the English H of the words "head" and "hill".

Step 4. When two vowels are together, you must pronounce them both
Ai and Ay are pronounced like the vowels in "never". When U and E are found together after a consonant such as S, the sound is "swe". Oi and Oy are the same as Italian. Allá me voy is very very similar to the English "I am a boy".

Step 5. Some words to practice the various pronunciations:
Suerte- Swer te… vergüenza- ber gwen sa… diccionario- dik sion ario… belleza- be ye sa… cuidadamente- cui da do sa mente… mejor- meh hor… cumpleaños- cum ple agnos… audicionar- au di si onar… hacer - to ser

Step 6. After practicing these words, start reading complete sentences
Phrases like these will help you: "Si quieres convencer a un enemigo, preséntale los mejores rasgos de su carácter; nunca sus defectos." - Mahatma Gandhi (The G, in this case, are pronounced like the Italian G for "cat" or " government ") and" La vida es lo que te pasa mientras estás ocupado haciendo otras cosas. "- John Lennon

Step 7. Hear about the Spaniards
Turn on the TV on a Spanish channel or listen to songs in Spanish once a day. You will understand more and more and in this way you will also be able to learn the correct pronunciation.